人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:40d30).doc

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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:40d30).doc_第1页
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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:40d30).doc_第2页
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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:40d30).doc_第3页
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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:40d30).doc_第4页
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人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section B 2a—3b Self check-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:40d30).doc_第5页
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1、读写课:How to solve the problems in our life (1 课时) 3 3、优课教学设计、优课教学设计 (1)学情分析(和注意问题) 学生共有 48 人,男生 29 人。该班在八年级上的全市期末教学质 量自查考试中班级平均分为 77.05 分(100 分制) 。英语成绩在全年 级名列前茅,但词汇和句型积累及口头表达能力稍弱。学生精神面貌 良好,参与课堂的积极性较强。 本节读写课采用任务型教学, 班级采取小组积分赛和小组合作学 习相结合的模式, 每个学习小组中好中差三类学生按 1:2:1 的比例混 合,两两同位。在教学中,教师要注意兼顾不同水平的学生,营造融 洽、舒

2、适的语言环境,引导他们大胆开口使用英语。此外,教师还要 为学生提供机会进行小组合作学习, 让各种层次的学生在小组活动中 都得到不同层度的锻炼。 学生在学习该单元时,接触了大量的与话题相关的词汇与句型。 本节读写课将本单元的词汇与句型进行汇总,并通过大量的操练,让 学生充分掌握写作的素材,构建好写作的脚手架。 (2)教材分析(和整合) 这是一节以 “problems and solutions” 为话题, 以 “How to solve the problems ”为线索而展开的读写课。它以flash引出话题,通过 视频和mind-map的辅助,激活了学生已有的目标词汇与句型 (problems

3、 and advice) ,并进行大量地口头操练(素材库) ,为接 下来的篇章阅读和小组活动预热词汇和句型,也为写作任务积累素 材。写作前的各项活动环环相扣,一步步构建好写作的支架,让学生 在写作环节得心应手。完成写作后,输入评分标准,教学如何批改作 文并进行组内互评,帮助学生掌握写作技巧。 通过这节读写课的学习,引导学生建立积极面对困难、找寻合理 解决困难的途径的人生态度,加强核心素养的培养。 (3)教学安排(第几节、课型和相关性分析) 本节读写课围绕 problems and solutions 的相关内容展开。该 节课激活了学生对单元词汇与句型的理解与使用, 并总结了 4 个表达 建议的

4、基本句型。本节课可在学完该单元后开展,也可以在中考话题 复习时使用。 (4)教学目标 a. 利用flash导入话题,通过视频和mind-map的辅助,复习有关 problems and advice的单词、短语与句型,并借助素材库进行拓展, 使得学生积累写作素材。 b. 利用微信创设情境,让学生在情境中进行阅读和阅读后完成 小组任务(discuss and report) 。通过小组合作学习,培养学生的 学习能力和交际能力。 c. 遵循从词汇句子文段,从口头(输入写作素材)笔头 (强化与巩固)的练习模式,逐步搭建写作的脚手架。 d. 通过写作五步曲和输入作文评分标准,教学如何进行写作和 如何批

5、改作文,并进行组内互评,帮助学生掌握写作小技巧,更有目 的和针对性的进行写作。 4、教学资源: 教科本、小视频( problems) 、课件、学生用稿、音频、 5、教学要求: 1.教师有充分的课前准备。包括对学生的研究和分析,对话题内 容的筛选和整合,对课件的准备和修改。 2.使用多媒体教学,需要播放视频。 3.学生分小组竞赛和小组合作学习。 6、教学过程 步骤目的教师活动/方法学生活动/学法条件/手段 Step1: (preparation) Introduce class rules Step 2: (preparation) Know learning goal Step 3: (war

6、m up and lead in) Review problems and feeling 1.Watch a video 2. Talk about problems and feelings 3.ReadtheMaterial Bank(素材库) together 4.Conclude the sentence patternsaboutgiving 建立课堂规 则和了解小 组比赛 了解本课的 学习目标 导入话题 复习有关问 题与感受的 单词/短语/ 句型 拓展素材 观察并总结 给建议的句 型 练习给建议 拓展素材 TellSsabout class rules TellSsabout l

7、earning goal Play the video LeadSsto reviewthe vocabularyof problemsand feelings Get Ss to read together Get Ss to review the patterns Learn class rules Knowlearning goal Watch the video Speakoutthe wordsand sentences ReadMaterial Bank together Review how to give advice Free talk 小组积分赛 Free talk Fla

8、sh Mind-mp sentence patterns 素材库 advice 5.Watch videos and give advice 6.ReadtheMaterial Bank(素材库) together Step 4:(Reading Time) Read and finish tasks 1.Lead in Wechat 2.Reading task: 完成信 息卡 3.Group work: discuss and report 4.Read an example Step 5: (Writing Time) Learnhowtosolve problems Pre-writi

9、ng: 1.Learn “写作五步曲” 2.审题、圈要点 创设真实的 情境,展开 阅读任务 运用前面所 学,进行阅 读训练 小组合作学 习 丰富写作素 材 创设真实写 作情境 搭建写作脚 手架 学习写作要 求 学习评分标 准 通过实物投 影,展示批 改作文的过 程 互评作文 实物投影, 学生讲述自 己批改作文 的过程 GetSsto exercise Get Ss to read together Show Ss Wechat Get Ss to finish reading LeadSsto discussand report in groups Get Ss to read togethe

10、r Lead Ss to study 5 steps of writing Lead Ss to circle main points and make the outline Watch videos and give advice ReadMaterial Bank together Know Wechat Read and finish theinformation card Discussand report in groups Readthe example together Study 5 steps of writing Learnhowto find main points a

11、ndmakethe outline Video 素材库 图标 信息卡 调查表 小组合作 素材库 Writing paper While-writing: 3.Writing time (give writing tips) Post-writing: 4.Learnthegrading standard 5.Showonestudents composition and teach how to grade it 6.Exchange and grade the compositions 7.Ss show how to grade the compositions 8.Read a samp

12、le Step6:Emotional education:Face problemsandsolve them Step 7: Summary 1.Summarize what we have learnt in class 2.Self- evaluation 3.Giveadvicefor 展示范文 渗透情感, 深化主题 内容总结 自我评价 运用所学解 决实际问题 布置课后任 务 Walk around and give help to some students. Show the grading standard Teachhowto gradeone composition AskS

13、sto exchangeand gradetheir compositions Get Ss to show how to grade Show the sample Lead Ss to tell the theme Do the summary Get Ss to do the self- evaluation Get S1 to show a Finish writing Learn the grading standard Learnhowto gradethe compositions Exchangethe compositions and grade them Listen an

14、d study Read the sample Know about the theme Summarize what to learn Evaluate themselves Listen and give Gentle music Grading standard Onestudents compositions Students compositions Twostudents compositions Sample Summary Evaluation classmates Step 8: Homework problem Givethe homework advice Take no

15、tes of the homework. Homework 7、 教学环节过渡时的实录(教师语言) Step1: Introduce class rules Good morning, Boys and girls! In this class, we will go on our competition. I hope all of you know our class rules. Step 2: Know learning goal Today, well have a reading and writing class. The topic is “How to solve the p

16、roblems in our life”. First, lets look at the learning goal and know what to do in this class. Now, lets start our class! Step 3: Review problems and feeling (warm up and lead in) 1. First of all, watch a video and find out: What problems do you have? 2. So please tell me “What problems do you have?

17、 And how do you feel? ” 3. Well done! Lets read more samples. 4. Read these sentences and tell me how to give advice to others. 5. Some of our classmates have problems. They dont know what to do. Lets watch the videos and give them advice. 6. You are smart! Lets read more samples. Step 4: Read and f

18、inish tasks (Reading Time) 1. What is it? What do you use it for? Wow, you know so much! 2. Jimmy and Sandy are my friends. Yesterday, I saw these in the circle of my friends. Now, I want you to read and finish the information card. Before reading, lets find out the key words of each question. You h

19、ave 3 minutes to read. 3. Lets check answers one by one.You did a good job! 4. Now, its time for group work. In your group, discuss “Whose story are you interested in?” Choose one and give him/her some advice. And then, all of your group members give a report to us together. You have 3 minutes to pr

20、epare. Lets go! Excellent!very good! Step 5: Learn how to solve problems (Writing Time) Pre-writing: 1. Its time for writing. We have 5 steps for writing. Lets read them. 2. Then, lets read the title and circle main points. While-writing: 3. Its writing time. You have 8 minutes for writing. Lets beg

21、in! If you need some help, you can look at the blackboard. Or put up your hands. Post-writing: 4. Now, lets learn the grading standard. 5. Look at this composition. Lets grade together. 6. Now, exchange your paper with your partner, and grade it. 7. Who can show us how to grade the composition? 8. G

22、ood job! You are so clever! Lets read a sample. Step 6: Emotional education: Face problems and solve them In life, we may have many problems. Whatever problems we have in life, just face them, and solve them! I hope all of you can try your best. Step 7: Summary 1. Lets summarize what we have learnt

23、today?yeah, we reviewed words about problems and feelings And we learnt how to give advice. Finally, we learnt how to write a good composition about how to solve problems in our life. 2. Self- evaluation: How about your study today? 3. Can you tell me your problem?Can we give some advice for her? Step 8: Homework Here is the homework.


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