冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 7 Always Have Breakfast!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:30f62).zip

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LessonLesson 7 7 AlwaysAlways HaveHave Breakfast!Breakfast! TeachingTeaching AimAim KnowledgeKnowledge AimAim: 1. Healthy strong 等形容词以及 sometimes, always, usually, never 等表示频度的词汇。 2. 掌握四会词汇和句型: a.healthy, strong, b.How often do you _? _ times a _./once/twice c.When did/do.? D:be good for AbilityAbility AimAim 学生能用所学词汇句型说出有关健康的句子。 AmbitionAmbition AimAim 帮助学生明白早餐的重要性,培养学生关注健康、关心他人的品质。 TeachingTeaching importanceimportance a:healthy, strong, b:How often do you _? _ times a _. When did/do.? TeachingTeaching DifficultyDifficulty :1;关于频率的副词提问及其回答 2:有关介词 on 的应用 Teaching resource Ppt ,the cards from students,objects TeachingTeaching periodperiod : One period TeachingTeaching processprocess: Step 1:warming up Sing a song :what did you do ?(缓和课堂气氛,吸引学生的注意力) Step 2: lead in T;Did you have breakfast this morning ?What did you eat? S:. T:Do you always have breakfast ? S:. (设计意图:通过和学生的谈话,引处本节课的课题) Step3:presentationpresentation Key step1: T T:why do we need to eat breakfast? S:Because we want to be healthy and strong.(设计意图:引出本课两 个关键的单词 healthy and strong) Key step2:活动一: Teacher show different ppt and ask T:“which is healthy ?Which strong?” “which is weak and sick?” S:. (设计意图:教师在此处展示不同的图画例如花,老人,球星等引导学生 去反复练习 healthy and strong 这两个单词。同时并拓展学习 weak and sick?这 两个单词。) 活动二: T:lets look for”who is healthy and strong in our class? S: .is healthy and strong .(设计意图:此处活动的设计目的是 通过让学生找出身边的例子,同时练习这两个单词。进而激发学生的学习兴趣) Key step3 活动一 T:Let s watch the recorded document and try to find the new words and phrases. Be good for:reading book is good for you . Once=one time Twice=two times Three times. On Tuesday morning,on Monday,on Wednesday morning Last week/last Sunday. 活动二: T:Let s watch the recorded document again and try to answer these questions How often did danny eat breakfast? Danny ate breakfast once. When did danny eat breakfast? Danny ate breakfast at about 7:30 on Tuesday morning. How often did kim eat breakfast? Kim ate breakfast six times last week. When did kim eat breakfast? She ate breakfast at 7:15. T:how often ? Once=one time Twice=two times Three times. (设计意图,通过这个环节的设计,目的是练习学生的阅读能力。通过此 环节的设计,也是让学生进一步明白 how often Once=one time Twice=two times Three times.的回答) 活动三;T:read after the tape. (设计意图:练读本课重点内容) StepStep 4:production4:production Key step1;活动一 Sunda y MondayTuesda y WednesdayThursda y Frid ay Saturd ay Li Mi ng Peter Tom Jing T :Lets talk with your deskmate A:how often did li Ming/. eat breakfast? B:six times.never/once. :活动二 talk and write with your deskmate A:Do you always have breakfast ?B:- A:You should have breakfast every day. A:how often do you eat fruit? B:- A:Fruit is good for you .how often do you eat vegetables? B:- A:Vegetables are good for you.how often do you play sports. B:- A:Play sports every day.be healthy and strong. 设计意图:通过活动一和活动二的展示,目的是让学生再次了解与应用本课关 于How often do you _?_ times a _./once/等的提 问和回答) Step3:活动三 T:can you tell me how to be healthy and strong?S:We should have breakfast/we should walk everyday ./we should eat fruits. (设计意图:此处活动的设计,教师可以给学生适当的图片提示,引导学生去 说) Step4 活动四 Show me your postcard and tell me : : : (设计意图:此处活动的设计,目的是为了让学生进一步学习与应用本课的重 点。是本课的知识得到升华) : 1:look for “healthy and strong” around of you 2:Talk with your friends:How can we be healthy and strong and try to use “How often ./once,twice/-times. Blackboard : Healthy strong b.How often do you _? _ times a _./once/twice c.When did/do.? D:be good for 教学反思: 对于本课的教学,优点表现为: 1:课件制作精美,能很好的吸引学生的注意力。并更好地为教学服务。 2:教学设计独特,且环环相扣。在设计的过程中,能够以学生为主体。进 行师生互动,生生互动。 3 本课的最大亮点体现在拓展环节。本节课我共设计了五个拓展环节。第 一个拓展环节体现在教授两个单词的时候。教师能过通过不同的角度,进行拓 展。并能及时运用生活中和身边的实例进行拓展。 4:另外,其他拓展表现在教授本课 b.How often do you _? _ times a _./once/twice c.When did/do.?D:be good for 这些重点知识之后。教师设计了四个拓 展环节。由易到难。环环相扣。层层递进。 5:能够恰当的运用激励机制 6:不足之处表现在在课堂气氛的调动方面仍需下功夫。 U01_L04_3.swf what did you do tll Lesson7 Always Have Breakfast! DidDid youyou havehave breakfastbreakfast thisthis morning?Domorning?Do youyou alwaysalways havehave breakfast?breakfast? healthy 健康的 strong强壮的 Whats strong and healthy? strong and healthyweak and sick strong and healthy weak and sick healthy and strong strong and healthy strong and healthy weak and sick LISTEN AND ANSWER Questions: 1.How often did Danny eat breakfast ? 2.When did Danny eat breakfast? 3.How often did Kim eat breakfast? 4.When did Kim eat breakfast ? Question: 1.How often did Danny eat breakfast ? Danny ate breakfast once. 2.When did Danny eat breakfast? At about 7:30 On Tuesday morning . 3.How often did Kim eat breakfast? Kim ate breakfast six times last week. 4.When did Kim eat breakfast ? She ate breakfast at 7:15. S unday M onday Tu esday W ednesday Thu rsday F riday Satu rday L i Ming P eter T om J ing a week LetsLets talktalk about:about: CanCan youyou telltell meme howhow toto bebe healthyhealthy andand strong?strong? We should (应该应该)sleep and get up on time(按时按时) We should. CanCan youyou telltell meme howhow toto bebe healthyhealthy andand strong?strong? Lesson16_Part3课文 动画.swf Homework 1:look for “healthy and strong” around of you 2:TalkTalk withwith youryour friends:Howfriends:How cancan wewe bebe healthyhealthy andand strongstrong andand trytry toto useuse “How“How oftenoften ./once,twice/-./once,twice/- times.times. U01_L04_3.swf what did you do tll Lesson7 Always Have Breakfast! DidDid youyou havehave breakfastbreakfast thisthis morning?Domorning?Do youyou alwaysalways havehave breakfast?breakfast? healthy 健康的 strong强壮的 Whats strong and healthy? strong and healthyweak and sick strong and healthy weak and sick healthy and strong strong and healthy strong and healthy weak and sick LISTEN AND ANSWER Questions: 1.How often did Danny eat breakfast ? 2.When did Danny eat breakfast? 3.How often did Kim eat breakfast? 4.When did Kim eat breakfast ? Question: 1.How often did Danny eat breakfast ? Danny ate breakfast once. 2.When did Danny eat breakfast? At about 7:30 On Tuesday morning . 3.How often did Kim eat breakfast? Kim ate breakfast six times last week. 4.When did Kim eat breakfast ? She ate breakfast at 7:15. S unday M onday Tu esday W ednesday Thu rsday F riday Satu rday L i Ming P eter T om J ing a week LetsLets talktalk about:about: CanCan youyou telltell meme howhow toto bebe healthyhealthy andand strong?strong? We should (应该应该)sleep and get up on time(按时按时) We should. CanCan youyou telltell meme howhow toto bebe healthyhealthy andand strong?strong? Homework 1:look for “healthy and strong” around of you 2:TalkTalk withwith youryour friends:Howfriends:How cancan wewe bebe healthyhealthy andand strongstrong andand trytry toto useuse “How“How oftenoften ./once,twice/-./once,twice/- times.times. LessonLesson 7 7 AlwaysAlways HaveHave Breakfast!Breakfast! TeachingTeaching AimAim KnowledgeKnowledge AimAim: 1. Healthy strong 等形容词以及 sometimes, always, usually, never 等表示频度的词汇。 2. 掌握四会词汇和句型: a.healthy, strong, b.How often do you _? _ times a _./once/twice c.When did/do.? D:be good for AbilityAbility AimAim 学生能用所学词汇句型说出有关健康的句子。 AmbitionAmbition AimAim 帮助学生明白早餐的重要性,培养学生关注健康、关心他人的品质。 TeachingTeaching importanceimportance a:healthy, strong, b:How often do you _? _ times a _. When did/do.? TeachingTeaching DifficultyDifficulty :1;关于频率的副词提问及其回答 2:有关介词 on 的应用 Teaching resource Ppt ,the cards from students,objects TeachingTeaching periodperiod : One period TeachingTeaching processprocess: Step 1:warming up Sing a song :what did you do ?(缓和课堂气氛,吸引学生的注意力) Step 2: lead in T;Did you have breakfast this morning ?What did you eat? S:. T:Do you always have breakfast ? S:. (设计意图:通过和学生的谈话,引处本节课的课题) Step3:presentationpresentation Key step1: T T:why do we need to eat breakfast? S:Because we want to be healthy and strong.(设计意图:引出本课两 个关键的单词 healthy and strong) Key step2:活动一: Teacher show different ppt and ask T:“which is healthy ?Which strong?” “which is weak and sick?” S:. (设计意图:教师在此处展示不同的图画例如花,老人,球星等引导学生 去反复练习 healthy and strong 这两个单词。同时并拓展学习 weak and sick?这 两个单词。) 活动二: T:lets look for”who is healthy and strong in our class? S: .is healthy and strong .(设计意图:此处活动的设计目的是 通过让学生找出身边的例子,同时练习这两个单词。进而激发学生的学习兴趣) Key step3 活动一 T:Let s watch the recorded document and try to find the new words and phrases. Be good for:reading book is good for you . Once=one time Twice=two times Three times. On Tuesday morning,on Monday,on Wednesday morning Last week/last Sunday. 活动二: T:Let s watch the recorded document again and try to answer these questions How often did danny eat breakfast? Danny ate breakfast once. When did danny eat breakfast? Danny ate breakfast at about 7:30 on Tuesday morning. How often did kim eat breakfast? Kim ate breakfast six times last week. When did kim eat breakfast? She ate breakfast at 7:15. T:how often ? Once=one time Twice=two times Three times. (设计意图,通过这个环节的设计,目的是练习学生的阅读能力。通过此 环节的设计,也是让学生进一步明白 how often Once=one time Twice=two times Three times.的回答) 活动三;T:read after the tape. (设计意图:练读本课重点内容) StepStep 4:production4:production Key step1;活动一 Sunda y MondayTuesda y WednesdayThursda y Frid ay Saturd ay Li Mi ng Peter Tom Jing T :Lets talk with your deskmate A:how often did li Ming/. eat breakfast? B:six times.never/once. :活动二 talk and write with your deskmate A:Do you always have breakfast ?B:- A:You should have breakfast every day. A:how often do you eat fruit? B:- A:Fruit is good for you .how often do you eat vegetables? B:- A:Vegetables are good for you.how often do you play sports. B:- A:Play sports every day.be healthy and strong. 设计意图:通过活动一和活动二的展示,目的是让学生再次了解与应用本课关 于How often do you _?_ times a _./once/等的提 问和回答) Step3:活动三 T:can you tell me how to be healthy and strong?S:We should have breakfast/we should walk everyday ./we should eat fruits. (设计意图:此处活动的设计,教师可以给学生适当的图片提示,引导学生去 说) Step4 活动四 Show me your postcard and tell me : : : (设计意图:此处活动的设计,目的是为了让学生进一步学习与应用本课的重 点。是本课的知识得到升华) : 1:look for “healthy and strong” around of you 2:Talk with your friends:How can we be healthy and strong and try to use “How often ./once,twice/-times. Blackboard : Healthy strong b.How often do you _? _ times a _./once/twice c.When did/do.? D:be good for 教学反思: 对于本课的教学,优点表现为: 1:课件制作精美,能很好的吸引学生的注意力。并更好地为教学服务。 2:教学设计独特,且环环相扣。在设计的过程中,能够以学生为主体。进 行师生互动,生生互动。 3 本课的最大亮点体现在拓展环节。本节课我共设计了五个拓展环节。第 一个拓展环节体现在教授两个单词的时候。教师能过通过不同的角度,进行拓 展。并能及时运用生活中和身边的实例进行拓展。 4:另外,其他拓展表现在教授本课 b.How often do you _? _ times a _./once/twice c.When did/do.?D:be good for 这些重点知识之后。教师设计了四个拓 展环节。由易到难。环环相扣。层层递进。 5:能够恰当的运用激励机制 6:不足之处表现在在课堂气氛的调动方面仍需下功夫。
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