冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 2 Good Health to You!-Lesson 11 Work Hard!-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:510bc).zip

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西关小学 六年级(3)班 刘会玲 教学目标 1.知识与技能 (1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写 下列单词:high (2) 学生能够认读、理解并运用下列短 语和表达法: dry the dishes, clean my bedroom, make my lunch Do you help your family? 2.情感与态度 通过创设情境,增强合作互助精神 ,通过 了解本课主题增强健康的生活观 念。 3. 学习策略目标 通过课堂学习,培养学生参与课堂 的主动性和热情;激发并保持对英语的学 习兴趣,进而形成有效的学习方法;最终 提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 Lesson11 work hard! Learn the new words high low 高,高的 Work hard clean the bedroom make lunch go to school water flowers have fun dry the dishes phrases 打扫卧室 做午饭 去上学 浇花 擦盘子 玩得开心 努力(学习,工作) New sentence structers Do you work hard at(home,school,sports.)? Yes, I always . I do Do you think its important to work hard? What do you do? I work hard at school I always go to school on time. I always do my homework. Work hard at sports I do exercise every day. I have fun with my friends. Work hard at home I help my parents I clean my bedroom Does Kim work hard at home? Yes. She does. What does Kim do at home ? She often dries the dishes and waters the flowers. Read and answer. What else does Kim do at home? She cleans her bedroom on Saturdays, and makes her lunch before she goes to school. Role in pairs A: Do you work hard at( school,home,sports.)? B:Yes,I do A:What do you often do? B:I always. summary Work hard at (school,home,sports),you will be healthy and happiness! HomeworkHomework Write a plan for your day. (at school at home at sports) 冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 11 Work Hard! 一、教学分析教学分析 1、 学情分析 六年级的学生已经有了一定的英语知识储备,英语基础知识体系初步形成,具备了简 单的英语思维能力,而且有一定的生活积累。只要能适当引导,学生可以以自己的生活为 内容创作对话和片断。有自身生活经验和课上教师创设的生活情境,学生就能够深化对课 文的理解,巩固并拓展自己学习的知识面。 2、 教材分析 本单元为我们介绍了健康的生活方式,包括卫生习惯、营养饮食、加强体育锻炼以及努 力学习,给我们展示了健康的生活方式以及向上的精神状态。本课以 Jenny 和 Kim 为主要 人物,介绍他们的努力,向上的生活方式。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1、 知识与技能 (1) 学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列单词:high (2) 学生能够认读、理解并运用下列短语和表达法: dry the dished, clean my bedroom, make my lunch Do you help your family? 2、 情感与态度 通过创设情境,增强合作互助精神,通过了解本课主题增强健康的生活观念。 3. 学习策略目标 通过课堂学习,培养学生参与课堂的主动性和热情;激发并保持对英语的学习兴趣, 进而形成有效的学习方法;最终提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 三、教学重点和难点三、教学重点和难点 1、 教学重点: (1) 学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写下列单词:high (2) 学生能够认读、理解并运用下列短语和表达法: dry the dished, clean my bedroom, make my lunch Do you help your family? 2、 教学难点: 学生能够认读、理解并运用下列短语和表达法: dry the dished, clean my bedroom, make my lunch Do you help your family? 四、教学准备四、教学准备 教学光盘、多媒体 5、教学过程教学过程 . Warming-up and Revision (4mins) 1) Greetings. 2) Lets do sports! 学生伴随节奏跟着教师的指令做相应的运动动作。 (设计意图:课前热身运动,营造良好的英语学习氛围。使学生轻松、自信地投入英语 学习中来,并为下一步的学习铺垫。 ) . Presentation and Practice (24mins) 1. You can do it! 1) Work hard at sports T: Do you feel tired after we do sports? Ss: No, we dont. T: You are strong. I want to be strong to. What should I do? Ss: Eat good food, take baths, do sports.(复习本单元前几课的知识,为下面的教学做铺垫) T: What sports do you do? Ss: Play basketball. T: What sports does Jenny do?(图 3 图 4) 教授 reach high bend low, 以图片直观感受,重点讲解 high low.及如何与其他动词搭配使 用如,jump high, fly low 2) Work hard at home T: Do you play sports at school? Ss: Yes. T: Today, Jenny is at school. Lets listen what she does at school. (I always go to school on time. I always do my homework.) What do you do at school? Ss: I do my homework read a book. (播放学生平时活动的照片稍作讨论.) 3) Work hard at home T: You are so great! Now I know you work hard at sports. You work hard at school. What about at home? What do you do at home? Ss: I help my mother make the bedclean my bedroom. 播放视频处理图 5,图 6。 4) Tell a story 请不同的学生,从图 1 到图 6,逐一阅读每幅图的内容。提醒学生将为他们提供线索,以 便记住每幅图是什么动作。 2. Does Kim work hard? T: Today we have one more friend. Who is she? Ss: She is Kim. T: Where is she? Ss: She is in the classroom. T:What is she doing? Ss: She is talking with Mr. Wood. 1) Listen and judge. 1. Kim always washes the dishes. 2. She makes her lunch. 3. She never cleans her bedroom. 2) Read by yourself. Talk about details about the text. What does Kim do at home? (设计意图:练习新的句型,达到初步的语言输出。适当加入对努力学习,帮父母分担 家务的情感渗透。自由提问一方面借助学生的自主性强化了语言输出,丰富了课堂内容, 同时也加强了师生之间的沟通为之后教学环节的进行做了铺垫。 ) . Production (10mins) 1). Group work 用 Living picture 的变化形式做此游戏。将全班分成若干个小组。要求每组学生构思一副在 学校努力学习、在运动场上奋力拼搏、在家里多做家务活儿的生活画面。每组学生先给自 己的画面设定一个恰当的背景,然后展示适当的动作。 (设计意图:化课堂所学为己用,能够用所学知识完成一定的任务,让语言真正成为交 流的工具。 ) 2) Lets chant! . Homework (2mins) Make a plan for your day. (设计意图:让本节课所学的句型回到真实的交际情境中去,巩固本课所学。 ) 板书设计: Lesson 11 Work Hard! Do you help your family? I always dry the dishes after dinner. I clean my bedrooms on Saturdays. I always make my lunch.
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