冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer -Unit 3 Review-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:9009c).zip

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Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer? 冀教版(三年级起点)六年级下册 Again, Please! Part 2 视频 Part 1 视频 Sum-upSum-up Warm-up/RevisionWarm-up/Revision PresentationPresentation TestTest HomeworkHomework 1. Listen and draw or . . 2. Listen and number. 4. Read and write. 3. Think and write 5. Read and match. Then talk. 6. Read and write. 7. Read and talk. 8. Ask and answer. 9. How am I doing? 本ppt来自:千教网 () PracticePracticeWarm-up/Revision 在Unit3里你 学到了什么? 我学会了怎样用 英语描述将来要 做的事。 本ppt来自:千教网 () PresentationPresentation 1. Listen and draw or . 1. Listen and draw or . 点击击播放 本ppt来自:千教网 () 2. Listen and number.2. Listen and number. 43 21点击击播放 本ppt来自:千教网 () 3. Think and write.3. Think and write. (1)Summer is hot. I like the . Its cool. (2)You will learn fast. You are so . (3) the door, please. (4)I will watch the on the sea. (5)Why did Helen often get ? (6)I will my aunt and uncle. (7)I will in the sea. (8)I went to a last year. fan clever Close ships angry visit swim lake 本ppt来自:千教网 () 4. Read and write.4. Read and write. (1)Yesterday I (go) to school by bus. Tomorrow I (go) to school on foot. (2)Last summer, I (swim) in the lake. This summer, I (swim) in the sea. (3)Last Sunday, I (visit) my aunt and uncle. This Sunday, I (visit) my grandfather and grandmother. (4)Last week, I (play) ping-pong with my friend in PE class. This week, we (play) football on the playground. went will go swam will swim will visit played will play visited 本ppt来自:千教网 () 5. Read and match. Then talk.5. Read and match. Then talk. I will go to the beach. I will eat some ice cream. I will plant flowers. I will play on the computer. I will fly a kite. I will swim. I will do my homework. I will play basketball. I will help my parents. I will visit my grandparents. What will you do this summer holiday? I will go to the beach. 1 10 9 8 6 7 5 3 4 2 本ppt来自:千教网 () 6. Read and write.6. Read and write. Marys Holiday Plan On July 7, I will visit Grandma. On July 24, I will go to the beach with my parents. On August 8, I will have my birthday party. On August 25, I will finish my homework. On August 30, I will get ready for school. What will you do this summer holiday ? Write your holiday plan. _ _ _ 本ppt来自:千教网 () 7. Read and talk.7. Read and talk. Hi! Im Peter. I love winter. I like to play in the snow. I like to make snowmen with my friends. Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my family. I saw ice houses and ice animals there. I went skating on the ice. It was so fun. This winter, I will see something different. I will go to Hainan and see the beach. It is warm in Hainan in February. There are many beautiful flowers. I will lie on the beach and look at the birds in the sky. I cant wait! 本ppt来自:千教网 () Where did Peter go last winter? Who did he go with? What did he do there? Where will Peter go this winter? What will Peter do on the beach? He went to Harbin. His family. He saw ice houses and ice animals. He will go to Hainan. He will see the beach. He will lie on the beach and look at the birds in the sky. 本ppt来自:千教网 () 8. Ask and answer.8. Ask and answer. What will you do this summer?When will you travel? Where will you go this summer? Who will you travel with? How will you go there?What will you do this summer? 本ppt来自:千教网 () 9. How am I doing?9. How am I doing? ListeningSpeakingReadingWritingTotal stars At school At home I am 本ppt来自:千教网 () TestTest 读一读,选一选。 ( )1. What do you wear to swim? ( )2. What does this cloud look like? ( )3. What is Jenny doing? ( ) 4. Hows the weather in winter? ( ) 5. What will I do? A. She is swimming. B. I will lie on the beach. C. I wear a swimsuit. D. In winter, its cold and snowy. E. This cloud looks like an airplane. C E A D B 本ppt来自:千教网 () Sum-upSum-up 单元重点词汇单元重点词汇单元重点词汇 fan风扇;扇 close关 angry生气的 lake湖 swim游泳 ship船 visit拜访;参观 clever聪明的 tail尾巴 second第二 third第三 fast快地 hear听见 be afraid of怕 本ppt来自:千教网 () 单元重点句型单元重点句型单元重点句型 1. What will you do tomorrow?明天你要做什么? We will go to the park. 我们会去公园。 2. Summer is coming. 夏天要来了。 3. Last summer, we went to a lake with my grandmother and grandfather. This summer, we will go on a trip to the sea. 去年夏天,我们和爷爷奶奶去了一个 湖。今年夏天,我们会去海边旅行。 4. . but I will feel happy to see China again. 但我 会为又见到中国而感到高兴。 5. Will you visit your family?你会去看望你的家人吗? Yes, I will. 是的,我会的。 6. How beautiful I am! 我多漂亮啊! 本ppt来自:千教网 () Make a survey:Make a survey: What will your classmates do in What will your classmates do in the summer vacation?the summer vacation? HomeworkHomework 本ppt来自:千教网 () Thank you! 课 题 Again, Please! 学 习 目 标 1. 复习并能正确运用本单元所学词汇。 2. 学生要完成八项练习来证明他们的听、说、读、写技能。 3. 学生要完成一个表明在本单元他们进步程度的自我评价表。 重 点 难 点 重点:要求学生听懂、会说、认读和书写本单元词汇以及相关的问答句。 难点:能灵活运用所学知识进行真实的语言表达。 教 法 选 择 引导法、练习法 课 型Review 课 前 准 备 PPT 是 否 采 用 多 媒 体 Yes 教 学 时 数 2课时 教 学 课 时 第 1课时 备 课 总 数 第23课时 课课 堂堂 教教 学学 过过 程程 设设 计计 Step1 Class opening 1. Greeting. 2. Sing a song in Lesson 15. Step2 Review and Practice 1. Free talk T: Do you like summer? What season do you like?Why? What happens to trees in different season? Lets listen and do the exercise of exercise 1 and exercise 2 on page 50 2. 完成练习 3 Think and write, 4 Read and write . (1)由 summer 话题转换到 summer holiday plan 的话题中,教师引导学生进一步思考 并导入课本 51 页第三部分练习。 T:I like summer. Because we have summer holiday .This summer holiday, I will go on a trip to Xiamen. What will you do for the summer holiday? (2)完成第 3 题练习,教师进一步深入话题讨论,进入到第 4 题。 T:What did you do for the last summer holiday? 教师之为教,不在全盘授予,而在相机诱导。叶圣陶 古人云:供人以鱼,只解一餐;授人以渔,终身受用。 3. 通过图片闪现,比拼记忆,鼓励学生表达计划,完成书中 52 页第 5 题。 (1)将书中第 52 页第 5 题 Jenny 的图片通过幻灯片进行闪现,之后同学们作为 Jenny 回答暑假将要做什么。 T:Now boys and girls ,do you remember all the things that Jenny will do this summer holiday? You are Jenny now. Can you tell me what will you do this summer holiday? (2)将同学们未记住的图片进行展示,完成书中练习 Read and match. Then talk. 4. 由上一题导入到 Jenny 这个夏天的计划,学生通过讨论选出组内 Jenny,看图,进 行问答完成第 54 页第 8 题。展示书中 Mary 的假期计划,鼓励学生在小组讨论自己的假 期计划,并写下来。 5自然过渡到课本 53 页,Peter 介绍自己经历和计划的短文阅读中。 T:Does Peter like summer? What does Peter like? What did he do last winter and what will he do this winter? Lets read and talk. Step3 Class closing (1)Summary,完成课本第 9 题 How am I doing? (2)作业 1. According to Part Eight to make a new dialogue with your partners. 2. After class, think about what you will do this summer holiday, and then finish exercise 6 on page 53. : 板书设计 Again, Please! In summer, I like to. I will. What will you do for the summer holiday? 作业设置 make a new dialogue with your partners. 教 学 反 思 检 查 签 阅 第 周, 应备 课时, 实备 课时,共 课时。 评价: 时间: 签查(盖章):
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