冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 21 A Party for Li Ming-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:01014).zip

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Lesson 21 A Party for LiMing 一、教材分析: 本课是小学英语六年级冀教版第四单元第四课,LiMing 的加拿大之旅即将结束,于是 Jenny 和 Danny 给 LiMing 精心策划了一场意外的告别晚会。主要通过打电话邀请 Steven 来参加聚会来让学生学会电话用语,练习口语交际能力。 二、教学目标 1、知识目标: (1)准确熟练拼读以下单词:early、late、party (2)理解并熟练朗读课文。 (3)掌握短语:call sb.(给某人打电话);answer the phone(接电话)。 (4)掌握相关电话用语:接电话的人第一句话说“hello”,相当于汉语中的“喂”;打 电话的人要自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is.calling.”或 This is.speaking. 2、能力目标: (1)掌握相关电话用语:接电话的人第一句话说“hello”,相当于汉语中的“喂”;打 电话的人要自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is.calling.”或 This is.speaking. (2)学会用英语打电话,培养学生用英语表达的能力。 3、情感目标: (1)培养学生对英语的兴趣。 (2)通过和伙伴之间的交流,让学生珍惜友谊、关心朋友、关爱他人。 (3)敢于用英语表达自己的真实感受。 三、教学重难点 1重点: 1)词汇:early、late、party 2)短语:call sb.(给某人打电话);answer the phone(接电话) 2难点: 1)学会电话用语“hello”和“It is.calling.”、“This is.speaking.” 2)学会用英语打电话。 四、教学方法:讲授式教学方法和训练与实践式教学方法相结合。 五、教学准备:黑板、录音机、图片,多媒体 六、教学过程: Step1、Class opening and review 1. Greeting T: Good afternoon, class. Ss: Good afternoon, teacher. T: Today we are going to learn a new lesson:Lesson21 A Party for Li Ming. Let us have a party for Li Ming with Danny andJenny. 2、Review T: Last time, we learnt two words “before” and ”after”, do you remember? Ss: Yes, we do. (在黑板上写上“before” 和”after”) T: What is the meaning of “before”? Ss:在之前 T: What is the meaning of“after”? Ss:在之后 T: Very good, you have a good memory. Step2、New concepts Learn New Words 1、在黑板中央画一个数轴代指时间,轴上一点代表英语课开始的时间(八点钟)在 8:00 左侧写上 before,右侧写上 after,如图所示: before 8:00 after 引导学生 对话如下: T: Class, please answer my question, when does our English class begin? Ss: It begins at 8:00 T: Right.请一位同学站在 before 下面。Look! Here is Wang Binglin. He came before 8: 00, so he is early for our English class. (在黑板上 before 下面写上单词 early,如图所示:) before 8:00 after early Follow me, early. Ss: Early. T: Can you guess the meaning of “early”? Ss: Yes, 早的 T: Yes, you are so clever. (指着讲台上的同学)Is he early? Ss: Yes, he is earlyT: Right.(拍 着这位同学的肩膀)Good work! You are early for English class. 2、请另一位同学站 在 after 下面。 T: Look!Here is Wang Xiaonan. She came after 8:00, so she is late for our English class. (黑板上 after 下面写 上 late,如图所示:) before 8:00 after early-late Follow me please, late. Ss: Late. T: Can you guess the meaning of “late”? Ss: Yes. 迟到的 T: Yes, very good! Is she late? Ss: Yes, she is late. T:(对学生说:Please do not be late for our English class again. 2、出示一张同学们办聚会时的照片。 T: Look at the picture, class. This is a party. (黑板上书写 party,如图所示:) before 8:00 after early late party Follow me please,party. Ss:Party! T: What does a party have, class? Student A: A party has many people. Student B: A party has many delicious food。 Student C: A party has many drinks. T: Yes. A party has many people, many delicious food, many drinks and so on.That is a party, do you like the party? Ss: Yes, we do. 3、教师领读 early、late、party 三个新单词,请个别学生示范,然后让全体学生齐读, 并拼读一遍。 Test 1). Listen to the tape. Answer the question: How many people are coming to the party? (听录音,回答问 题。) 2)Ask the students to read the test together.(齐读) 3)、Test explaining 教师讲解课文,要求学生掌握以下英语知识: 短语:call sb.(给某人打电话);answer the phone(接电话) 相关电话用语:接电话的人第一句话说“hello”,相当于汉语中的“喂”;打电话的人要 自我介绍,电话用语“我是某某”应该说:“It is .calling.”或 This is.speaking. 4)分角色朗读课文,在情境中学习生活中的英语。 2 人一组,以“一对一”的形式练习打电话(教师深入学生,查看学生练习情况)。 请 2-3 组同学到讲台上展示练习成果,教师给予适当评价。 Closing 5)总结本课重点: 学会 3 个英语单词:early、late、party 熟悉电话用语,学会打电话。 七、Homework: 课下 2 人一组练习打电话,内容为“邀请某个朋友参加聚会”。 做同步练习册相关练习题。 八、板书设计: Lesson 21 Party for LiMing before 8:00 after early late party
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