人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:204c8).zip

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Learning aims Review verb phrases and infinitives. Make a volunteer plan with them. Be happy to help others. Who else need help? What can we do for them? What other volunteer work can we do ? How can we call on more people? Who: What : Call on more: old people sick children disabled people homeless people poor village children help disabled people to cross the street give out food and clothes to homeless people give away our books and clothes to poor kids cheer up sick children clean up the parks protect endangered animals put up signs give/hand out notices raise money call up friends My volunteer plan Share your volunteer plan with your group and choose the best one. ShowShow timetime Summary What have you learnt today? volunteer ho do you want to help? hy? hat do you plan to do? w w all n ore co m w My.plan. volunteer com.www 国际志愿者网站国际志愿者网站 Volunteering will make your life colorful. No matter how little the power is, everyone can make a difference! I I wantwant toto dodo volunteervolunteer workwork onon thethe weekendweekend onon thethe weekendweekend toto cleanclean thethe parkpark andand plantplant moremore treestrees I I amam happyhappy I I amam happyhappy I I wantwant toto dodo volunteervolunteer workwork whenwhen ImIm freefree whenwhen ImIm freefree toto helphelp thethe oldold andand homelesshomeless peoplepeople I I amam happyhappy I I amam happyhappy I I amam happyhappy 课题:Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. (Section A Period 3) 学习目标:学习目标: 知识与能力: 1. 复习 Section A 部分所学语言知识。 2. 运用所学知识,学会如何制定一份志愿者工作计划。 过程与方法: 3. 小组合作学习,梳理、归纳、总结语言现象及知识。 情感、态度、 4. 学会帮助他人,体验助人为乐的愉悦,培养无私奉献的精神。 价值观: 教学重点:教学重点:总结、归纳出志愿者工作的相关表达。 教学难点:教学难点:运用相关语言知识,制定一份志愿者工作计划。 教材分析:教材分析:本课以援助和关爱为话题,培养学生通过归纳、总结等方法积累动词短语,掌 握动词不定式的基本用法。由于本单元的重点语法结构较为复杂,教学压力较 大,我结合学生实际,已将重点的语言知识和语法结构分散到不同的部分进行 教学。(包括 4a 和 4b 的练习题目都已经完成。)因此,本节课旨在复习重点 语言知识,通过梳理、归纳、总结,训练学生表达和写作的能力。 学情分析:学情分析:学生通过之前的学习,已经积累了部分动词短语,了解了动词不定式的基本结 构和用法;另外,大部分学生很热心,也乐于助人,但不清楚哪些人需要帮助, 自己究竟能做哪些志愿者工作,如何去帮助别人,因此,教师要正确引导。 教学活动设计:教学活动设计: Step 1. Lead in. Share a short video with the students. Its a piece of news about students and teachers from our school doing some volunteer work in the old peoples home. Ask the students who they helped out with? 设计意图: Through this way, I can lead in the class quickly and efficiently. At the same time, seeing other students and teachers from our school doing some volunteer work, the students will feel excited and proud and be willing to do some volunteer work themselves. Step 2. Review language points. 1. Who else need help? 2. What can we do for them? 3. What other volunteer work can we do? 4. How can we call on more people? 设计意图: By thinking about and answering these questions, I can lead the students to review the language points in a relaxing and comfortable situation. At the same time, it will be helpful for them to open their mind and get more ideas. Step 3. Have a summary of what we have reviewed. Lead the students to summarize the key points about volunteer work. 设计意图:The students can draw a conclusion of the language 学生活动:学生活动: The students watch the video carefully, and one of them tell me the answer: “the old” The students think and share their ideas about volunteer work. They can say the key points together. points which we have reviewed and put them in the order they should be used. They also get ready for the next part-writing. Step 4. Make a volunteer plan. Lead the students to get the key points of a volunteer plan, and let them make a volunteer plan themselves. 设计意图:Its a good way to summarize the language points and put them to good use to write a volunteer plan with the phrases and sentences we discussed above. Step 5. Share your volunteer plan with your group and choose the best one. 设计意图:In this part, the students can learn from each other and help each other through teamwork and sharing their plans with others, they can not only learn more ideas about volunteer work but also understand the idea of team work and the feeling of sharing. Step 6. Show time. Encourage the chosen students to come to the front of the classroom to make a speech and show their volunteer plan to the class. Then, I ask the rest of the students which plan they like better and let them stand behind the one they choose to support. I interview one student from each team, and ask them why they choose to be there. I think its a way to let the students learn to express their ideas and give comments to others. 设计意图:Its a good chance for the students to show their ideas and have an experience of speaking in public and in fact, its also a good way to call on more people. Step 7. Summary. Ask the students to share what they have learned today. And then, I draw a more completed conclusion and make the finishing point: Volunteering will make your life colorful. No matter how little the power is, everyone can make a difference! If more people can join us, the world will surely be a better place. 设计意图:This part is set to give the students an opportunity to learn to generalize knowledge on their own and develop a good habit of making conclusions on study. Step 8. Sing a song. Advise the students to sing the song “I am happy”. 设计意图: Its a song that can be sung along with the music of “Two Tigers”, I wrote the lyrics with the key points of this unit myself in order not only to make the students remember the key They get the key points by answering my question and try to make their own volunteer plan. The students work in groups to share their plans and choose the one. Two of the chosen students come to the front of the classroom and show their plans. The rest of the class listen carefully and get the key points of the two students plans. Some of them answer the leading questions. They can answer me freely and easily. The students say the key points together. The kids keep standing and sing the song “I am happy” with me. They wave their hands and points in this unit in a relaxing way but also feel the happiness when offering help. enjoy the moment. 小结: Volunteering will make your life colorful. No matter how little the power is, everyone can make a difference! If more people can join us, the world will surely be a better place. 板书设计: Unit 2 Section A 3 作业布置:Make your volunteer work plan come true this weekend. 教学反思: 本节课同学生一起对本单元 Section A 部分的重点语言知识进行了复习, 引导学生通过小组合作学习,学会了如何制定一份志愿者工作计划,并指导学 生进行写作练习。课堂上学生相互学习,相互探讨,互相帮助,分享学习成果。 总体来说,作为一节复习小结课,本节课打破传统语法教学模式,通过创设情 境,启发引导学生进行合作学习,并进行探究、归纳和总结。学生积累了语言 知识,体验了情境学习与合作学习轻松愉悦的过程,并感受到了自我成就的快 乐,培养了学生助人为乐的高尚情怀。 因为教室的空间有限,只有少数学生代表在全班展示他们的志愿者计 划,如果有更多的学生能展示分享,效果会更佳。 volunteer plan why who what call on more UnitUnit 2 2 SectionSection A A 3 3 课堂学案课堂学案 1 1动词短语整理动词短语整理 1. 动词动词+ +介词介词 volunteer in/at 在某地做志愿者 work in 在某地工作 talk to 和某人说话 listen to 倾听 care for 照顾 learn about 学习了解 think about 考虑 move to 搬到 We should listenlisten toto the old and carecare forfor them. 2. 动词动词+ +副词副词 clean up 打扫干净 cheer up 使振作 give/hand out 分发 give away 捐赠 put off 推迟 call on 呼吁,号召 call up 给某人打电话 give up 放弃 put up 张贴 Ill help to cleanclean upup the city parks. 3.3. 动词动词+ +副词副词+ +介词介词 try out for 参加选拔 help out with 帮助 come up with 想出,想到 We need to comecome upup withwith a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up. 二动词不定式的用法二动词不定式的用法 1. 作宾语作宾语 I plan toto dodo somesome volunteervolunteer workwork on the weekend. I dont know how toto dodo itit. I find it easy toto understandunderstand thethe InfinitiveInfinitive(动词不定式). 2. 作宾语补足语作宾语补足语 He asked me toto helphelp thethe oldold withwith himhim. Helping others makesmakes me feelfeel happyhappy. 以下动词后常跟省略省略 toto 的不定式的不定式作宾语补足语 一感二听三让四看半帮助一感二听三让四看半帮助 一感 feel 二听 hear , listen to 三让 make, let, have. 四看 see, watch, notice, look at. 半帮助 help 3. 作目的状语作目的状语 She volunteers in the mountains toto plantplant moremore treestrees. 4. 作主语作主语 ToTo seesee is to believe. It is meaningful toto cheercheer upup thethe sicksick childrenchildren. 5. 作表语作表语 To see is toto believebelieve. 6. 作后置定语作后置定语 I have a good idea toto helphelp homelesshomeless peoplepeople. 结论:不定式在句中除了不能作谓语动词,其他成分都可以作,同 时还保留了动词的部分属性,也可以有自己的宾语,状语等。 三写作训练三写作训练 My volunteer plan. Hello, everyone! I want to share my volunteer plan with you.Id like to . Because,I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I . I have come up with a good idea to help them.To start with, I plan to After that, I want to Maybe,thats not enough, so I decide to . I could . I believe if everyone can offer to help, we will make a big difference,and the world will be a better place. Thats all, thank you!
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