人教版八下-Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.-Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:02c98).zip

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UnitUnit 6 6 AnAn oldold manman triedtried toto movemove thethe mountainsmountains SectionSection B B 1a-1d1a-1d The Emperors New Clothes -by Hans Christian Andersen Listen to some actors lines! Can you guess which story it is? Main Characters Character 1- Character 2- Character 1- emperor two brothers a child 1 23 4 5 1bNumber the pictures(1-5) in 1c. Look at the sentences and guess the words you can fill in the blank. Its called The Emperors New Clothes. This story is about an emperor who loved _. He loved buying and _ at his beautiful clothes. 1c So what happened? Two _ came to the city to _ special clothes for the emperor. But the emperor had to _ them silk and gold, the brothers _ everything for themselves and told the emperor that people couldnt see the clothes _ they were clever. They were really trying to cheat the emperor. When the emperor _ at himself, he only _ his underwear. But he didnt want people to think he was _, so he said his new clothes were very beautiful. He walked through the city _ his new clothes. Nobody wanted to sound stupid. So everyone said his new clothes were wonderful. But suddenly, a young boy _, “Look! The emperor isnt _ any clothes. ” Listen and fill in the blank. Its called The Emperors New Clothes. This story is about an emperor who loved _. He loved buying and _ at his beautiful clothes. 1c clothes looking So what happened? Two _ came to the city to _ special clothes for the emperor. brothers make But the emperor had to _ them silk and gold, the brothers _ everything for themselves and told the emperor that people couldnt see the clothes _ they were clever. They were really trying to cheat the emperor. give kept unless When the emperor _ at himself, he only _ his underwear. But he didnt want people to think he was _, so he said his new clothes were very beautiful. looked saw stupid He walked through the city _ his new clothes. Nobody wanted to sound stupid. So everyone said his new clothes were wonderful. But suddenly, a young boy _, “Look! The emperor isnt _ any clothes. ” wearing shouted wearing Once upon _ time, there was an emperor. He _ buying and looking at clothes. One day, two brothers _ to the city. They told the emperor that they could _ beautiful clothes for him, but he must give them silk and gold. The brothers _ bad people. They _ all the silk and gold for themselves. They told the emperor the clothes they made were special because only _ people could see them. When the emperor _ on the clothes, all he could see was his underwear. But he didnt want people to think he was _, so he said the clothes were beautiful. Then he walked around the city in his new clothes until one boy shouted, “The emperor isnt _ any clothes!” Review the story. Once upon a time, there was an emperor. He loved buying and looking at clothes. One day, two brothers came to the city. They told the emperor that they could make beautiful clothes for him, but he must give them silk and gold. The brothers were bad people. They kept all the silk and gold for themselves. They told the emperor the clothes they made were special because only clever people could see them. When the emperor put on the clothes, all he could see was his underwear. But he didnt want people to think he was stupid, so he said the clothes were beautiful. Then he walked around the city in his new clothes until one boy shouted, “The emperor isnt wearing any clothes!” Show time WhichWhich groupgroup couldcould playplay best?best? 语音语调 5 5分 表现力 5 5分 道具效果 5 5分 成员配合 5 5分 总分 2020分 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Scene 1. Scene 2. Scene 3. Scene 4. Scene 5. What do you think of the story? What can you learn from it? HomeworkHomework 1.1.抄写抄写 selfself checkcheck 2 2 2.2.熟练复述熟练复述 皇帝的新装皇帝的新装 Thanks for listening! 人教版人教版 Go for it! 八年级(下册)八年级(下册) 一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析 本节课是该单元 B 部分的第一课时,学好本课将对整个单元的学习起着巩固的作用, 并能增强学习的自信心,激发学生继续参与学习的热情。本节课主要任务是继续学习如何讲 故事,掌握讲故事时所用的时态(一般过去时)及故事的条理性,同时提高学生的听,说的 能力。 二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度、价值观)二、教学目标(知识,能力,情感态度、价值观) 1.Knowledge Object 1) Vocabulary: emperor, underwear, silk, stupid, cheat 2)Target language: This story is about People could see the clothes unless they were clever. Once upon a time, there was an emperor 2.Ability Object 1)To improve students oral English ability. 2)To generate ideas while listening. 3)To write an English story. 3.Aims of emotion and evaluation To be interested in communicating in English. Learn to write and play a story. 三、重点难点三、重点难点 1. To educate student to tell a story. 2.To practice students listening. 3.To grasp the usage of Adverbial Clauses. 四、教法选择、学法指导四、教法选择、学法指导 本节课,以运用远程教育资源和计算机网络资源中的图片、flash 动画、声音媒体等手 段进行教学,设置练习和实践所需的真实情景,营造良好的语言学习环境。采用情景视听法, 小组合作学习,课本剧编写、演绎,设计表演道具、场景,为学生设置真实的情景、语境, 使学生在思考、交流、合作探究中学习和使用语言, 重视听力技巧的培养。 五、教学准备五、教学准备 :multimedia , tape-recorder 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step1 Lead-in (2 minutes) 教师活动: 1. Greet the students. 2. Play some actors lines of a story on the computer, and ask a question: Which story do you know? 学生活动:Talk about the story the Emperors New Clothes. 设计意图:通过学生回答问题导入新课,引出他们熟悉的故事,激发学习兴趣,出示新的语 言目标。 Step2: Make the students put some pictures in orders on the blackboard. (8 minutes) 教师活动: 1. Put some pictures on the blackboard. 2. Ask some students come to put the pictures in orders. 2.Check the answers: number the pictures in 1c. 学生活动: 1. Students say out the main characters: the Emperor, the two brothers, the young boy 2. Some students come to put the pictures in orders. 3. Check the pictures orders together. 设计意图:通过图片顺序的摆放,让学生对课本的故事有个大概的了解,给接下来的教学做 出铺垫。 Step3 Listening Practice (15 minutes) 教师活动: 1. Give the students five listening paragraphs, make them read them carefully. 2. Play five listening material, and ask students fill in the blanks. 3.Check the answers. 4. Ask students read the listening paragraphs. 5. Give students a passage and ask them to fill in the blank according to the listening material. 学生活动: 1.Read the paragraphs quietly. 2.Students listen and fill in the blanks. 3. This time let students read the five paragraphs all together. 4. Fill in the blank and read the passage. 设计意图:通过听力再现语言目标,加深对语言目标的理解。在听力训练过程中设计了以下 活动:将对话分为五个部分,目的让学生先感知听力内容,了解故事的五个部分;再听完成 故事的填空,之后跟读磁带,目的让学生接触最原汁原味的英语;最后整个故事的填空,加 深学生对故事的细节描述。 Step4 practice (16minutes) 教师活动: Divide the whole class into five group, and give them the pictures in 1c to let the students practice the role play the story. 学生活动: Work in group to play the story in role. 设计意图:为学生提供了一个用目标语言去交际的机会,把课本剧搬到舞台上,通过台词的 编演、展示,来提高英语学习的兴趣。 Step5 Summary (3minutes) 教师活动: Summarize:What we have learned today? What can you learn from the story? 学生活动: Talk about their thought about the story. 设计意图:培养学生归纳总结的能力:从中学到了什么?有什么启发? Step6 homework (1minute) Write down the story the Emperors New Clothes. 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课的设计紧凑了些,学生的准备不够充分,但以课本剧排演的方式还是很受学生欢 迎,兴致较高。故事的复述时间也较匆忙了些,学生能大概掌握过去式的用法,但在运用方 面还是不够到位,有待加强。 板书设计板书设计 Character 1the emperor Descriptionstupid Main Characters Character 2the two brothers Descriptionsmart, tricky Character 3the young boy Descriptionhonest
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