人教版八下-Unit 10 I 've had this bike for three years.-Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:f1a18).zip

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Unit 10 Hometown Feelings Pre-reading In the first part of the video, we can only see and , and they look and . So, where are the parents? How often do you think the parents come back home? Pre-reading Hometowns have left many soft and sweet memories in the hearts of off-home workers (背井离乡的人背井离乡的人). Zhong Wei has been away from his hometown for a long time because he has to work in the city. The countryside has changed a lot and people like Zhong Wei are happy to see these developments. Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 While-reading While-reading Para. 1 Zhong Wei ? A worker in a crayon factory ? Hometown 46 years old ? years 3 years 13 years Wenzhou A husband and father Are people like Zhong Wei interested in how their hometowns have changed? How long has Zhong Weis old primary school been there? What has government done for the developments of the countryside? While-reading Para. 2 & 3 Yes, they are. Since the mid-20th century. They have built large hospitals, new roads, new schools and sent teachers from the cities to help. While-reading Para. 4 While-reading Para. 4 Many Chinese people these days leave their to work in the . They usually to their hometowns one or two times a . Zhong Wei hasnt been back in close to three years. He has been working in a factory in Wenzhou for the past 13 years. hometownscities return year crayon Post-reading People like him are in how their hometowns are changing. New buildings are often built by the . Zhong Wei thinks these changes are because things need to change in order to become better. But he also thinks some things change, and his hometown is still the place that hold all his childhood . interested government good will never memories Post-reading 寻找工寻找工作作 一一年至少回家一次年至少回家一次 我我很惭愧很惭愧 以极大以极大的兴趣关注着的兴趣关注着 安排老师支教安排老师支教 search for work return home at least once a year Its a shame. regard with great interest send teachers from the cities to help Post-reading 不能一成不变不能一成不变 在在Zhong Wei看来看来 在学校对面在学校对面 一个快乐的童年一个快乐的童年 美好而甜蜜的回忆美好而甜蜜的回忆 cannot always stay the same according to Zhong Wei opposite the school a happy childhood soft and sweet memories Post-reading Homework Find the sentences you cannot understand and discuss about them with your partners. . Language Content 1, Expressions: search for work, return home at least once a year, its a shame, regard with great interest, send teachers from the cities to help, cannot always stay the same, according to Zhong Wei, opposite the school, a happy childhood, soft and sweet memories. 2, Emotion: understand the loneness of empty-nesters and left-behind children and the hard life of off-home workers. . Teaching Objectives 1, Instructional Objectives At the end of the class, the students should be able to: 1) know more about the hard life and thoughts of off-home workers 2) know how to do skim and scan in reading 2, Educational Objectives At the end of the class, the students should be able to: 1) be confident to talk about their own feelings towards family and parents 2) know how to use some expressions from the passage to talk about off-home workers and the developments of the countryside 3, Personal Objectives At the end of the class, the teacher should be able to: 1) be better at designing activities to help be more interested in English learning . Focal and Difficult Point 1, Focal point: 1) understand the feelings among the words 2) know how to use the expressions to talk about off-home workers life 2, Difficult point: 1) how to do skimming (read fast and grasp the main idea) and scanning (read carefully and find the detailed information) . Teaching Procedure Stage 1: Pre-reading (7 min) Step 1: Getting in (2 min) Purpose: to draw students attention and arouse students interest Instructions: T: Good morning class! How are you today? How about your parents? Step 2: Playing the video (5 min) Purpose: to lead students to think about empty-nesters and left-behind children, and some students may have the same experience as that in the video. Instructions: T: Lets watch a short video about a family. Try your best to remember it and then well have a few questions. T: In the first part of the video, do you think that is a happy family? Why? Because we can only see the grandmother and the little girl. And they look unhappy and lonely. So where are the parents? How often do you think they come back home? Stage 2 while-reading (20 min) Step 1 Skimming (5 min) Purpose: to help students to get the main idea of the passage Instructions: T: There are many people like the parents in the video, for example, Zhong Wei, and we are going to learn the story of him in our book. Open you book and turn to P. 89, look at the passage, how many paragraphs are there? I will give you 3 minutes to read the whole passage and divide the passages into 3 parts, and match the main idea with each part. You can discuss with your group members. Step 2 Scanning 1 (4 min) Purpose: use a chart to let students understand more clearly about Zhong Weis life. Instructions: T: Now, I want you to focus on Part 1. And here is a chart for you, please read para. 1 very carefully and figure out what the question marks are. T: Could you please read the first paragraph for us? Step 3 Scanning 2 (6 min ) Purpose: to help students understand the feelings of Zhong Wei towards the developments of their hometowns Instructions: T: Now please read Part 2, and here are three questions for you. Read carefully. T: Could you please read the second paragraph for us? T: Could you please read the third paragraph for us? Step 3 Scanning 3 (5min ) Purpose: to help students understand Zhong Weis love to his hometown Instructions: T: Now please read para. 4, and try your best to remember something about Zhong Weis hometown. T: OK, close your books, can you remember anything about Zhong Weis hometown? Maybe these pictures can help you. Whos like to try? Stage 3 Post-reading (9 min) Step 1 Fill in the blanks of the passage summary. (4 min) Purpose: to lead students review the whole passage. Instructions: T: You have done a great job in the detail understanding. Now you can open your book and read the passage for the last time. Then I need you to finish the summary without looking at your books. OK? Step 2 Say out the right phrases (3 min) Purpose: to remind students of the important phrases in the passage Instructions: T: Now you have a more difficult task. Lets see who can say the right phrases out correctly and fast. Step 3 Homework (2 min) Purpose: to help students understand the long difficult sentences Instructions: T: Here comes our homework. Find the sentences you cannot understand and discuss about them with your partners. Now class is over, thank you for your listening. Bye! . Blackboard Design Hometown Feelings grandmother parents little girl work in the cities Zhong Wei Para. 1 Work Para. 2 Developments Para. 3 Para.4 Memories
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