人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:f47ea).zip

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Unit 3 Can you come to my party? Period 1 (Section A 1a-2c) 导学案导学案 班级:班级: 学号:学号: 姓名:姓名: 家长签字:家长签字: 【学习目标学习目标】: 1.词汇:词汇:throw, sweep, chores, until 2.词组:词组:take out the rubbish, fold your clothes, sweep the floor, make the bed 3.句型:句型:(1)A: Could you please sweep the floor? B: Yes, sure. / Sorry , I cant. I have to . (2)A: Could I use your computer? B: Yes, you can. / Sorry , you cant. 4.学会初步使用情态动词学会初步使用情态动词 could 礼貌地提出要求和征询许可礼貌地提出要求和征询许可 【预学任务预学任务】 I 尝试列举出一些你力所能及的家务劳动尝试列举出一些你力所能及的家务劳动 II 忆一忆,如果你下周六将举行一个生日忆一忆,如果你下周六将举行一个生日 party,你将如何邀请你的同学,你将如何邀请你的同学 Peter 来参加?来参加? Peter 愿意去的话,该如何表达?愿意去的话,该如何表达? 若若 Peter 不能去,又不能去,又 该如何拒绝呢?该如何拒绝呢? III 你能猜出下面短语的汉语意思吗?借助手中的词典或课本的词汇表,试着译一译:你能猜出下面短语的汉语意思吗?借助手中的词典或课本的词汇表,试着译一译: fold your clothes_ take out the rubbish _ sweep the floor_ stay out late_ give me a ride _ living room_ no problem_ 【课中随堂课中随堂】 1. 观察与思考:观察与思考: 对话中表示请求对方做某事的问句是对话中表示请求对方做某事的问句是 ? 对话中表示征询对方允许做某事的问句是对话中表示征询对方允许做某事的问句是 ? 2. 根据情境完成下列三个小对话根据情境完成下列三个小对话 (1)A: ? B: Yes,sure. Heres the bike key for you. (2)A: Could you please take out the rubbish? ( sorry, do my homework) B: . (3)A: Could you please get a ride with me? (soory, study for the science test) B: . 【课后巩固课后巩固】 (一)跟着录音机大声朗读 2d 对话材料 3 遍,明天课堂上对 2d 现场模拟情景对话。 (二)完成作业本上 U3 第 1 篇的练习, 全程练习与评价完成有关 Exercise 1 的相关练 习。 Section A Period 1 ( 1a-2d) Book 8B do chores to make our home clean mess m es tidy I oftenusuallyalways, but I hardly ever. make the bed water the plant fold the clothes do the dishes sweep the floor clean the living room take out the rubbish fld swip rb Im going to. Could you please ? - Well, Id like to, but I need to first. / Sorry, Im really busy. I have to. -Sure./ All right./ No problem. Listen. Who will do these chores? Check() Peters mother or Peter. Chores Peters Mom Peter do the dishes sweep the floor take out the rubbish make your bed fold your clothes clean the living room Mom/ Peter needs to. 1b “mother clean” , Could I _ first? Sure, lets .together. No, you cant. Its bad for . I guess so. But you can only . Listen. Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check () “yes” or “no”. Peter wants toPeters father says go out for dinner. Yes No go to the movies. Yes No stay out late. Yes No get a ride. Yes No 2a Listen again. Why does Peters father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons. Peter wants to Peters father says His fathers reasons go out for dinner. Yes NoI have to do some work. go to the movies. Yes NoYou have to clean your room stay out late. Yes NoI need to eat breakfast. get a ride. Yes NoYou have a basketball game. 2b A: Dad, could I .? B: Sorry, have to . A: Well, could I .? B: I guess so. / Yes, you can. But first. Sister: Tony, could you please help out with a few things? Brother: Could I at least finish watching this show? Sister: No. I think two hours of TV is enough for you! Brother: Fine. What do you want me to do? Sister: Could you take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes? Brother: So much? Sister: Yes, because Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. And she wont be happy if she sees this mess. Brother: But the house is already pretty clean and tidy! Sister: Yes, well, its clean, but its not “mother clean”! 2d1.What does the sister ask Tony to do? 2. Is Tony glad to do these things? Why? Could you please help out with ? Could I at least finish? No. I think is enough for you! Fine. What do you want ? Could you, and ? So much? Yes. Mom will be back from any minute. She wont be happy if Yes, well. ItsBut its not . But the house is already pretty clean and tidy. Brothers excuses Sisters reasons Parents requests Kids requests Reason s Be polite Make a good conversation. clean the house finish homework go back early ask friends to come buy food and drinks go to a movie 1.Recite the new words and phrases. 2.Role-play 2d after class. 3.Finish your exercise on your workbook. Remember, always be polite! Explain things clearly! Homework Parents kids Could you please ? Could I at least finish? I think is for you! Fine. What do you want ? But . 8B Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? (Section A 1a2d)(听说课)(听说课) 【教学目标教学目标】 一、语言技能目标一、语言技能目标 1. 学会用情态动词 could 礼貌地提问要求。 2. 学会使用 could 向他人征询许可。 二、语言知识目标二、语言知识目标 1. 能掌握以下词汇:rubbish, fold, sweep, floor, mess, chore 2. 能正确使用以下表达 take out the rubbish, fold the clothes, sweep the floor, get a ride,any minute 并能在对话中熟练运用。 3. 掌握以下新句型,并在具体情境中灵活运用: Could you please take out the rubbish? Could I go out for dinner with my friends? 三、情感态度目标三、情感态度目标 对独立承担或帮助父母做适当的家务持有积极的态度。 【教学重难点教学重难点】 一、教学重点一、教学重点 能够运用情态动词 could 征询许可及礼貌地提出要求,并将两种功能进行综合操 练。 二、教学难点二、教学难点 掌握以下新句型,并在具体情境中,根据实际情况灵活作答: - Could you please take out the rubbish? Sure. /No problem./ Sorry, I have to. - Could I go out for dinner with my friends? That should be OK./ No, you cant. 【教学准备教学准备】 多媒体课件 【处理手段及意图处理手段及意图】 增:增:1. 2a 听力前增加 son 与 mother,father,grandpa 之间各种 ask for permission 的对话情景,帮助学生更好感知运用 Could I?问句使用场景。 2. 2d 结束后,增加一个 make a request 环节,引导综合运用本课所学重点知 识。 【设计思路设计思路】 以以“request”为主线贯穿整堂课为主线贯穿整堂课 【教学步骤教学步骤】 Make a request Ask for permission -Could you please? -Sure. /No problem. / Sorry, I have to. could questions -Could I? -Sure. /No problem. / No,you cant. Reason Be polite Chores do the dishes, fold the clothes, sweep the floor, Step 1 lead in (1 minutes) T: Hello. Boys and girls. Lets look at these two pictures, which room do you like to live in? And why? Ss: Because this room is dirty. And this room is tidy. T: Yes, this room is dirty. Its in a big mess. (Teach: mess.) T: But actually they are the same room. So we need to do chores to make our room clean. 【设计意图:利用设计意图:利用 2 幅对比鲜明的图片,创设问题,激发学生兴趣,导入话题做家幅对比鲜明的图片,创设问题,激发学生兴趣,导入话题做家 务务】 Step 2 Lets learn (10 minutes) T: Look, who is she? Yes, she is Lu Yan. She likes doing chores at home. Lets find what she can do. T&S: She can make the bed, water the plant, fold the clothes , do the dishes, sweep the floor, clean the living room and take out the rubbish. (Teach: fold, sweep, and rubbish.) T: For me I usually sweep the floor, but I hardly take out the rubbish. So what chores do you often do at home? Say it one by one. T: Good , you are really good help at home. But this room is really in mess. What can you do to make it clean? S1: I can sweep the floor. S2: I can . . (free talk) T: Now I have to clean this room , could you help me sweep the floor? S1: Sure. OK. No problem.All right. S2: Sure, but I need to . first. . (free talk) (Teach: When we make requests, we should be polite. You can use “Can you.?”, and “Could you please.”is more polite.) T: This room is too dirty. Lets ask more students to help. Pair work 【设计意图:继续利用导入图片,进一步展开思考设计意图:继续利用导入图片,进一步展开思考“如何做家务如何做家务” ,进行新词教授。并,进行新词教授。并 进一步挖掘情境,呈现如何向他人提出请求进一步挖掘情境,呈现如何向他人提出请求】 Step3 Lets listen and say (15 minutes) 1. Listen 1b T: Here we can see this is Peter and this is Mum. Because grandma is coming. So they should welcome her. And is this a clean room? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Yes, its clean. But its not mother clean. So they will make it tidy. lets find what chores they have to do? Ss: (read the chart) They need to do the dishes, sweep the floor,. T: Listen, who will do these chores? Check Mom or Peter. Check the answer with the sentence “Peters mother will. Peter will .” 2. Pair work T: Peter is a good boy, although he needs to do homework. But he helps his mum right now. But when I ask my son to do something. He always has lots of conditions. For example: Mum, could I eat some candies first? T: Im a strict a mother, so I will say? Ss: No, you cant. But Mr Zhu is not a strict father, he may say, “I guess so. But only one piece.” His grandpa is really kind, he always say, “Sure, no problem.” (Teach: When we ask for permission, we should be polite. You can use “Could you please.”. ) Lets try to role play it. make a dialogue between my son and the family members. 3. listen 2a 2b I am a strict mother, but Peters father is not as strict as me. So he goes to ask his father for permission. Now open your books and turn to page 18. Lets see what Peter wants to do. And can peter do these things? Check Yes or No. Listen it again, and Draw lines to the reasons “Why does his father says no?” Check it like “Peter cant .because .” pair work 【设计意图:设计意图:2a 听力前增加听力前增加 son 与与 mother,father,grandpa 之间各种之间各种 ask for permission 的对话情景,帮助学生更好感知运用的对话情景,帮助学生更好感知运用 Could I?问句。问句。 】 Step 4 Lets role play 2d (14 minutes) T: Peter wants to play and his father says yes. He is happy now. He will go to the movies with friends today. Look! This is Peters friend, Anna. Annas mother is going shopping now, she wants Anna to clean the room before she comes back. Anna asks her brother Tony to help her. Look at 2d, listen and read. After reading, we are going to talk about this question: What does Tonys sister ask Tony to do? Is Tony willing to help out? Underline the reasons. T: Oh, Annas mother is as strict as me. Now lets read the conversation, pay attention to pronounciation and intonations. Try to show Peters unhappy feelings. T: Can you guess will Peter do the chores at last? Why? Students free talk. T: Most of you said Yes, because the sister gave Tony good reasons, right? So it helps solve the problem between the sister and Tony. 【设计意图:通过带问题默读,引导学生关注对话的内容和意义。通过对设计意图:通过带问题默读,引导学生关注对话的内容和意义。通过对 Tony 情绪的情绪的 查找与模仿,了解人物情感可以通过语调变化体现。查找与模仿,了解人物情感可以通过语调变化体现。 】 Step 5 Lets discuss (5 minutes) T: Sometimes parents requests and kids requests are sometimes different. It will cause disagreement. Remember to be polite and explain things clearly. It will be the bridge between your parents and you. Suppose you are having a birthday party tomorrow, what will happen between you, Try to make a good conversation. 【设计意图:将本课所学回归真实生活实际,将两种功能语言进行综合操练。设计意图:将本课所学回归真实生活实际,将两种功能语言进行综合操练。 】 Step 6 Homework 1. Recite the new words and phrases. 2. Role-play 2d after class. 3. Finish your exercise on your workbook. 【设计意图:再次归纳总结,将所学延续到课外进行巩固。设计意图:再次归纳总结,将所学延续到课外进行巩固。 】 【板书设计板书设计】 8B Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? (Section A 1a2d)
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