清华版一年级下册UNIT 4HEALTH FOOD-Lesson 26-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:406e3).zip

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  • 清华2011课标版一年级起点_一年级下册_小学英语_UNIT 4 HEALTH FOOD_Lesson 26_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:406e3)
    • Lesson 26.pptx
    • Lesson 26课前准备.mp4
    • Lesson 26课后活动.mp4
    • 教案406e3.doc--点击预览


【教材分析】 清华版小学英语教材整体特点是突出语言的交际功能极其工具性特点,本 套教材采用限定结构和情景教学相结合的编排体系,选择词频高的、与儿童生 活密切的词汇和句型,把话题、语言结构和语言情景有机地融合起来。 一年级 下册教材相对于一年级上册,每课的新单词量有小幅增加,句型的变化稍复杂 一些,难度稍有提高。本册共有 5 个单元,第四单元 Health Food,旨在培养 学生对健康食物的认识及健康饮食习惯的养成,并能用简单的英语来表达和询 问喜爱和想要的食物。本课为单元的第 5 个课时,通过学习食物单词,运用词 语和句子准确询问别人想要和表达自己想要的食物。一年级的孩子英语基础薄 弱或是零基础,一小部分孩子会说简单的水果单词。水果、食物词汇和孩子们 的日常生活息息相关、贴近生活,所以本单元的学习,如果设置合理的情境, 会让孩子们学习地更加轻松、愉快。并通过丰富的活动不断巩固和内化,帮助 学生用更丰富的语言来准确交际。 【设计理念】 一年级的学生对周围环境充满了好奇心,有较强烈的求知欲,由于年龄和 心理认知的原因,在小学一年级展开英语教学,对于仅有六岁多的小孩子在学 习母语的同时,学习第二语言是有一定的难度的。但是小孩善于模仿、对新鲜 事物感兴趣,且乐于参加活动,这也是他们学习英语的有利条件。用故事作为 引入,调动学生学习的积极性,再设置与贴近生活实际的情境,面向全体学生, 激发孩子学习英语的兴趣,充分调动他们的自主能动性、积极性,并发挥团队 协作精神,营造互帮互助、共同学习英语的语境。 【学习目标】 Perception objectives Students can listen,read,speak and talk the main pattern: Do you want a/an . or a /an.? I want a . Students should know some words of food and fruits and then they can describe the food they want correctly. Ability objectives Students can pronounce the key words in this part correctly and exactly. Students can ask and express about the food they want with their friends fluently. Students can learn English independently as well as cooperatively. Develop Ss ideations in English and improve their basic skill in English learning. Emotion objectives Understand some other fruits. Form a sense of eating healthy food. Learning how to be a shop assistant and how to buy juice in English. Enjoy English and happy learning. 【教学重难点】 Key points Students can read and communicate the patterns fluently: a. Do you want a/an . or a/an .? b. I want a/an . Remember and use key words correctly: an orange, a banana Difficulty points Make clear the use of two indefinite articles: a , an 【教学准备】 PPT, word cards , paper cutting 【教学方法】 Situational teaching method, TPR and computer-assisted instruction 【教学过程】 I. Warm-up 1.Show a video. Students sing the song together. 【设计意图】欢快有趣的英语歌曲可以迅速将学生带入英语学习氛围。热 身活动让学生能迅速集中注意力,投入英语课堂。歌曲关于水果和果汁, 为后面的学习内容做铺垫。 II. Lead-in Free talk. T: Do you know juice? How to make juice? What do we need if we want to make juice? Show a juicer and to Ss. 【设计意图】直接导入,通过提问的方式引起学生的求知欲和好奇心,激 发学生学习的兴趣。 III. Presentation 1. Tell a story named The Juice Bar in the Forest to Ss. There is a Juice Bar in the forest, a monkey and an elephant go to the bar and buy the juice. They come into the bar, it is very beautiful and because its new, so there just has two fruits: oranges, and bananas. Panda is the shop assistant, and he gives them a warm reception. Teach the new words: orange, banana. 2. Show the main words and patterns on the screen and have Ss understood. Welcome to the Happy Juice. What do you want? Do you want a banana or an orange? I want a banana. I want an orange. write patterns on BB. Have Ss read loudly and remember them. 【设计意图】通过创编有趣的故事,设置贴近生活的情境将孩子带入学习, 故事激发孩子兴趣,集中孩子注意力,将学习内容设计其中,学习起来简 单、有趣,孩子们在故事情境中体验、感受、理解新知。 3. Listen and imitate. 【设计意图】回归课本,学生听读并跟读对话,体会语音语调,培养孩子 的语言听说和读的准确性。 IV. Practice 1.Show a magic tree, there are many different fruits on the tree. Ss work in pairs to pick the fruits to make the bar more plentiful. Ss use these words about fruits to practice the pattern. Do you want a/an . or a/an .? I want a /an . Extend more words: watermelon, apple, peach, pear, grape. 【设计意图】通过拓展让学生了解更多水果英语的表达,并对学习内容进 行加深记忆,巩固知识。 IV. Production Show a juice bar, and work in groups, Ss are the shop assistants and customers. 【设计意图】创设情境在果汁店,学生分组分别扮演店员和顾客,模仿真 实的购买果汁的场景,带动学生乐于参与其中,并强调表演过程中的语音 语调、表情、肢体语言的运用。 VI. Consolidation Show the fruits that can not eat together. 【设计意图】给孩子们介绍一些水果不能同食的知识。激发孩子们对生活 中食物、水果的学习,并学会健康饮食。 VII. Homework 1. Listen to the dialogue and imitate. 2. Share the knowledge about food with you parents or friends. 【设计意图】课后坚持听读、模仿,鼓励孩子们将课堂所学分享给家人和 朋友,对知识进行巩固复习。 VIII.Blackboard Design
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