清华版二年级下册-UNIT 1SHAPES-Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:c327b).zip

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  • 清华2011课标版一年级起点_二年级下册_小学英语_UNIT 1 SHAPES_Lesson 7_ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_县级优课_(编号:c327b)
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    • Lesson 7 Shape.ppt--点击预览
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Lesson 7 Shape Picture Book What shapes do you see in the picture? -I see_ _ in the picture. A very hungry snake by Miyanshi Tatsuya adapts by Summer FOR TEACHING ONLY Can you guess what the snake eats? -The snake eats_. Tip: Look, Listen and find out the answer. 听故事,告诉老师小蛇都吃了什么。 Lets read Tips: 1. Read aloud with your partner. 和你的对子读一读故事。 让我听到你的声音哦。 2. Sit up when you finish reading. 读完后合上书,坐姿端正。 This is a very hungry snake. Oh! Im hungry. He crawls and crawls. He sees an apple.Can you guess what he does? He opens his mouth and eats it. Emmm,delicious! The snake is in the shape of a circle.He is still hungry. He sees a banana.Can you guess what he does? He opens his mouth and eats it. Emmm,delicious! The snake is in the shape of a cresent.He is still hungry. He sees a sandwich.Can you guess what he does? He opens his mouth and eats it. Emmm,delicious! The snake is in the shape of a triangle.He is still hungry. He sees some grapes.Can you guess what he does? He opens his mouth and eats them. Emmm,delicious! The snake is in the shape of a heart.He is full. He sees an egg.Can you guess what he does? He opens his mouth and eats it. Emmm,delicious! The snake is in the shape of an oval.He is full. He sees a tree.Can you guess what he does? He crawls on the tree. He opens his mouth. Oh! No! The hungry snake is in the shape of a tree. Help! Who can help me out? If(如果如果) you were the snake, what do you want to eat? He sees a/an _.Can you guess what he does? He opens his mouth and eats it.Emmm,delicious! The snake is in the shape of a _. Tip: Finish your drawing and sentences in 3 minutes. 三分钟内完成图画和句子。 0 900038 7 6 5 4 3 2 152004 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 HoursMinutesSeconds Countdown 0 900028 7 6 5 4 3 2 151004 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 HoursMinutesSeconds There are only 0 900018 7 6 5 4 3 2 150004 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 HoursMinutesSeconds There are only Practice&Show Tips: 1. Act out your picture with your partner. 2. You have 2 minutes to prepare. 和你的对子表演出你的作品。两分钟练习时间。 0 900028 7 6 5 4 3 2 151004 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 HoursMinutesSeconds There are only 0 900018 7 6 5 4 3 2 150004 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 03 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 02 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 HoursMinutesSeconds There are only Do you eat like(像)(像)the snake? Is it good to eat like the snake? Why? Dont be _.greedy贪婪的 The story tells you Thank you! Bye! LessonLesson 77教学设计教学设计 教材:清华大学出版社英语 适用年级:二年级下学期 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本教材为清华大学出版社出版的二年级英语下册(一年级起点)。本课教学 内容为第 7 课(参照第 14 页第 15 页)。本节课为第一单元形状的复 习课,分三部分复习了六个形状 circle、oval、square、triangle、rectangle、star 以及六个单词 cake、ball、watch、clock、house、window,最后还有问题 What shapes do you see in the picture?及答语 I see circles in the picture. 二、学情分析二、学情分析 二年级学生活泼好动,善于形象直观思维,有较强的求知欲和表现欲。这一 阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学习英语的兴趣。在本单元前几课的教学中, 我扩充了课本内容,学生一共接触了九种形状,分别是 circle、oval、square、triangle、rectangle、star、heart、cresent、penta gon,学生们掌握情况较好,六个单词 cake、ball、watch、clock、house、window,学生也早已烂熟于心,会读、会 写、能运用。因此,我根据本班学生的情况,改编了宫西达也的绘本故事好饿 的小蛇,课堂上鼓励学生开口说英语、用英语表演、用英语创造,特别是给潜 能生创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)、教学重点(一)、教学重点 1. 能够准确认读和书写 circle、oval、square、triangle、rectangle、star 2能够熟练朗读并对话以下句子: What shape is this? -Its a . The.is in the shape of a/an . What shape do you see in the picture? -I see.in the picture. 3能够根据实际情况描述日常生活中所见物品的形状。 ( (二二) )、教学难点、教学难点 1对于句子 The.is in the shape of a/an.的熟练运用。 2对于句子 I see.circle(s)中单复数的理解。 4 4、教学准备教学准备 PPT、绘本、卡片 5 5、教学过程设计教学过程设计 StepStep 1 1 WarmWarm upup & & leadlead inin (5(5 min)min) 1. Greetings. T: Good morning,boys and girls. How are you? Ss: Im. T: Ok,in unit 1, we learnt many shapes.Now look at the picture. What shapes do you see in the picture? PPT 中展示一副由各种形状拼出来的蛇。 S1:I see 2 circles. 引导学生说出完整句 I see 2 blue circles. S2.Sn T: Good job.Today well read a story.The story is also about a snake.Look at the snake.What color is the snake? Is the snake happy? Can you guess why he is sad? 用肢体语言一步一步引导学生说出 He is hungry. 设计意图:通过观察一个拼图小蛇,复习了之前所学的形状及句子,同时也引出 绘本故事的主人公,由绘本封面上小蛇的表情引出故事背景词 hungry,同时带出 了此绘本故事的名字A Very Hungry Snake. StepStep 2 2 ReadingReading (33(33 min)min) 1.1. Pre-readingPre-reading: 课件中呈现这条好饿的小蛇。 T:The snake is very hungry. Can you guess what the snake eats? PPT 中给出答句句型:The snake eats.,学生运用该句型说出一些食物。 T:Now lets watch the video and find out the answer. 给出任务,播放故事视频,学生听故事告诉老师小蛇都吃了哪些食物。老师按学 生给出的顺序将卡片贴在黑板上。 T:Well done.Now lets read the story together and please put the food in order after reading. 老师将带领学生一起读故事,给出任务,读完后学生须将刚才的答案卡片按顺序 调整黑板上的食物摆放。 设计意图:通过观看绘本故事视频,学生对整个故事有一个初步的认识,同时锻 炼了学生的听力和信息提取能力。每一步都给出任务,让学生带着问题和好奇心 去感受故事,为后面的读故事做好准备。 2.2. Reading:Reading: T: Now lets read the story together. PPT 逐页展示绘本内容。 Page 1: This is a very hungry snake. Page 2: Oh!Im hungry. T: Can you say that very hungrily/happily/sadly/angrily/crazily? 引导学生用不同的情绪说出这句话,句子简单,为潜能生的参与课堂提供机会。 Page 3:He crawls and crawls. 学生用自然拼读法读出单词 crawl,若不能读出可提示已知单词 draw,引导学生 说出 aw 字母组合发:,用肢体语言告诉学生何为 crawl。 T:Who can crawl like a snake? I need a boy snake. T: Is “he” or “she”? Ss: He. T: Please say “He crawls and crawls.”该学生表演,全班复读句子。 T:Now lets welcome a girl snake. Who can try? T: Is “he” or “she”? Ss: She. T: Please say “She crawls and crawls.”该学生表演,全班复读句子。 Page 4: He sees an apple.Can you guess what he does? 引导学生说出 He eats the apple. Page 5: He opens his mouth and eats it.”Emmm,delicious”.The snake is in the shape of a circle.He is still hungry. T:用肢体动作引领全班一起用双手做 He opens his mouth and eats it。What does the snake say? Ss: Emmm,delicious. T: Lets dub for these charactors.PPT 展示一些人物的吃饭动图,让学生来 给他们配音。 设计意图:通过这三段小表演,激活学生的表现欲,鼓励学生的创造欲,调动学 生的学习热情和积极性。 教师运用肢体动作引领全班一起用双手边做边说 He opens his mouth and eats it,为后面重复性的绘本内容做好动作提示,即学 生看到这个动作,就条件反射般的说出这句话。 用同样的方法完成至第 14 页。在这个过程中,PPT 上的句子会被抠出重点单词的 空,且逐页增多填空部分,学生利用肢体动作的提示,以填空的方式说出故事中 重复的部分。小蛇吃到葡萄时会出现 He is full,用动作和语言(He is not hungry)同时帮助学生理解 full。 Page 14-17: He sees a tree. Can you guess what he does? He crawls on the tree.He opens his mouth.Oh! No! The hungry snake is in the shape of a tree.Help! Who can help me out? T:教师故作紧张地说“He sees a tree. Can you guess what he does?” 学生会因为上文的内容,习惯性地说出“He opens his mouth and eats it.” Emmm,delicious”.The snake is in the shape of a tree.He is full. ”教 师给予表扬并将 PPT 翻至下一页 He .填空部分为 crawls on the tree.老师带 领全班一起做动作,引导学生说出目标句子。同样的方法完成下一页 He.(opens his mouth) T: PPT 至 17 页。Oh! No! What shape is the hungry snake? S: The hungry snake is in the shape of a tree. T: Great. Can the snake get out? Ss: No. T: What does he say? PPT 出示小蛇说的最后一句话“Help! Who can help me out?” T: Ok! Thats the end of the story.Now remember our task? Can you put the food cards in order? S1-Sn 上台按故事顺序摆放食物卡片。 T:Is it correct? Now I want you to read the story with your partner and check the answer.Here we go. 设计意图:学生对子互助朗读故事,检查黑板上的答案,加深对故事的印象,为 后面的看图复述故事做准备。 T:Ok! Look at the blackboard!Is it correct? T: Good job.Look at the pictures and tell me the sentences. He sees an apple.The snake is in the shape of a circle. He sees a banana. The snake is in the shape of a cresent. . 教师在此过程中补全板书中的形状。 3.3. PostPost readingreading T: Wow! Excellent! You did a great job. Now think! If you were the snake, what do you want to eat? S1: I want to eat a lemon. T: What shape is the lemon? S1: The lemon is in the shape of an oval. S2-Sn T: I like your answers.Now can you go to page 18.I want you to create your own page.Draw what you want to eat and the shape of the snake.You have to write down the English words.You have 3 minutes.Are you ready? Here we go. T: Times up. Whod like to show your pictures and read your sentences? 学生上台展示作品。 T:Now can you try to role play the story? We need 1 narrator、1 snake、 1 apple、1 banana、1 sandwich、some grapes、1 egg and 1 tree. Practice in your group. You have 5 minutes to prepare. Let me see some interesting shows.Ok? 学生组内五分钟时间分配角色并准备表演。学生分组带上头饰卡上台展示。 T: Im so proud of you all. 设计意图:二年级学生喜欢上台表演,这样的绘本故事正是满足他们表演欲的大 好机会,学习能力强的学生可以轻松驾驭“旁白”这个台词较多的角色,学习能 力较弱的学生可以轻松驾驭“小蛇”这个台词很少的角色。学困生也可以参与到 食物的角色扮演中去。 StepStep 3 3 EmotionEmotion sublimatesublimate (2(2 min)min) T:Now,Look! Can a little snake eat a little frog? Ss: Yes. T: Can a little snake eat a little rat? Ss: Yes. T: Can a little snake eat a little bird? Ss: Yes. T: But can a little snake eat a giant elephant? Ss:No. T: What does the story tell you? 引导学生说出不要太贪婪。PPT 中出示句子:Dont be greedy.学生可用自然拼 读法读出 greedy。 T: Do you like the story? Can you read at home? Class is over.See you. 6 6、教学反思教学反思 1. 优点: 清华课本前六课为新课,第七课为复习课,学生在已经学会单词和句子的情 况下,如何使一节复习课即达到教学目标,又有所拓展,即完成了课本内容,又 有趣味,我在思考后改变了著名绘本好饿的小蛇,符合本班学生学情。无悬 念不成趣味,无趣味不成效率。英语学习初始阶段,表现欲和好奇心往往能最大 限度促进学生学习的效率。因此,课堂中我加入了很多小表演,在小表演的积累 上,学生出色的完成了最终的大表演。 2. 缺点 学生在角色扮演环节表现积极大方,但时长把控有待改进,导致最后情感升 华部分时间很紧张,只能一语带过,学生说的较少。另外,多次忘记了评价环节, 好几次没有给回答问题的学生小组加分。 3. 改进 本节课后我认真反思了如何才能使课堂表演环节进展更顺利。我的做法是在 PPT 中加入倒计时,在规定时间内完成表演的小组额外加 1 分,超时的小组扣一 分。这样一来,学生会表演的更紧凑而不拖沓。
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