清华版二年级下册-UNIT 4SEASONS-Lesson 24-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:f324c).zip

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  • 清华2011课标版一年级起点_二年级下册_小学英语_UNIT 4 SEASONS_Lesson 24_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:f324c)
    • Autumn leaves.wmv
    • Lesson 24 Autumn.ppt--点击预览
    • Seasons song.wmv
    • 教案f324c.doc--点击预览
    • 背景音乐.mp4


清华版小学英语 二年级下册 Unit 4: Seasons Lesson 24 Autumn fall autumn Can you help me? Whats the weather like in autumn ? How do you feel in autumn ? A: Hot . B: Warm . C: Cool . What do you wear in autumn ? sweater In autumn . Its _and _. You can wear your_. What color is autumn ? leaf leaf leaves In autumn , Leaves are_and _. They fall from _. Autumn is beautiful. What can we do in autumn ? We fly kites in autumn . We are happy . We jump in the leaves in autumn. We play with leaves in autumn. We are happy . We pick apples in autumn. We are happy . We make leaves picture. We are happy . Autumn , autumn . We can _in autumn. We are happy in autumn. You are great ! Dear Winnie, In autumn, its _and _.(cool, windy, sunny, rainy, cloudy ) You can wear your_ .(coat, trousers, jacket, sweater) In autumn, leaves are _and _.(red, yellow, orange, brown) They fall from trees . Autumn is beautiful. Autumn, autumn. We can _in autumn. (pick apples, jump in the leaves, fly kites) We are happy in autumn. Your friend, Task time . 1. Choose words to finish the letter . 选择单词完成信件。 2. Share your letter in your group . 在小组中分享你的信件内容。 Autumn is a beautiful season. Autumn is a funny season. Autumn is the harvest season. 收获 Homework: 1.Listen and read lesson24, and talk about autumn with your parents . 2.Draw a picture of beautiful autumn . LessonLesson 2424 AutumnAutumn 一、一、 设计思路设计思路 本课教学内容为清华版小学英语二年级下册 Unit4 Seasons 中的第三课 Autumn,单元话题紧紧围绕春夏秋冬四季的名称以及 天气、自然环境、动植物变化和人们的活动等内容,本课是既学 习了春夏两个季节后的第三课。二年级第二学期的学生已经有了 一些语言积累,对英语学习有较强的兴趣,且在之前的学习中对 天气、颜色、以及简单活动等内容已经有所涉及,在本单元初已 学会唱英文儿歌“The Seasons Song ” ,对四季的名称有所了解 (美式英语) ,且在日常教学中注重情景创设教学,学生合作学 习以及听说认读能力的培养。基于以上学情我对本课的设计思路 为以四季歌为热身内容,请学生猜一猜本课要讨论的季节引入秋 季话题,与此同时根据学生已有知识(美式英语四季的名称)介 绍 fall 为美式英语,而 autumn 为英式英语,帮助学生对本课重 点话题 autumn 的理解以及发音的巩固。在情景创设中以维尼小 熊非常喜爱秋天,但是现在是夏天,它想为秋天做一些准备希望 大家可以帮助它为由,从天气情况、季节的色彩以及此季节可做 的活动三方面,通过学生引导表达已知知识、亲身体验、视频观 看、创设情境演示、小组合作等活动方式帮助学生多方位体验秋 天的情景,并注重学生思维的发展,分三次帮助学生自我组织语 言面对维尼小熊进行表达。新课标中明确指出要注重培养学生对 英语的综合运用能力,所以在接下来的活动中设计学生们给维尼 小熊写信,或圈或写按照自己的理解和想法补全短文并在组内分 享自己要对维尼小熊介绍的秋天的内容,多方面提高学生运用英 语的能力。最后通过整体回顾以三句描述秋天的句子帮助学生重 温并感受秋天的多彩和美。 2 2、教学目标教学目标 1、学生能够听懂、认读本课中描述秋天的词句(autumn, cool,leaf,leaves, Its autumn. Its cool and windy. Leaves are red and yellow. They fall from trees),做到准 确发音。 2、学生能够理解 leaf 和 leaves 的单复数,并能准确认读。 3、学生能在情景中通过听、看、体验等方式理解内容并组织语 言进行表达。 4、学生能够认读给维尼小熊信件的内容,并通过思考补全信件。 5、学生能够小组合作完成叶画的创作,同时体验到合作的乐趣。 6、学生能够通过帮助维尼小熊感受到秋天的美和有趣,同时提 高英语学习的兴趣。 3 3、教学重、难点教学重、难点 教学重点:帮助学生在生动的情境中理解本课内容,正确表达 并能正确认读。 教学难点:帮助学生在情境中理解单词 cool,以及词组 fall from;帮助学生自己组织语言描述秋天并指导完成给维尼小熊的信 件。 4 4、教学准备教学准备 多媒体课件,扇子,维尼小熊卡片,教师以及学生的纸质树叶, 每位学生需补全的信件。 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Teaching Process Teachin g Steps Teachers activities Students activities Designing purpose Warm up 1.Greet and show the seasons song . 2.Lead in the seasons . Q: Do you like the song ? The song is about the seasons. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they ? 1.Greet with teacher and sing the song together . 2.Answer teachers questions 以歌曲的 形式帮助学生 快速进入英语 学习的氛围, 同时唤起学生 的已有知识。 Presentation 1. Guessing game . To lead in the new word: autumn. Then distinct fall and autumn . 2. Help students talk about autumn with Winnies request . T: Do you like autumn? Winnie likes autumn, too. He wants to do some preparation for autumn. He has three questions for autumn. Can you help Winnie? (1)PPT: weather (Whats the weather like in autumn? How do we feel? What can we wear?) 1. Students guess the season (autumn) ,and try their best to read the new word. 2. Students listen and clear the tasks . (1)Students try to think and answer questions. Some students feel cool and say, the others look ,understand and learn the new word, them sum up the weather condition with teacher . 1. 由于从 歌曲学生已学 到fall,所以 在猜一猜的游 戏中自然引出 autumn并对对 这两个单词做 以区分,补充 学生的文化意 识。同时 autumn是本科 中的一个重点 单词,以此游 戏呈现帮助学 生加深印象, 同时纠正读音。 Teacher makes wind with a fan to help students understand the new wordcool . (2)PPT: color( What color is autumn?)-Show pictures of leaf and leaves, then show short video to help students feel the season changing. Then talk about the color of leaves ,and help students understand the word-fall with action. (3)PPT: activities.( What can we do in autumn?) -Show some activities to help students understand and say . Then show orders of making leaves picture in group. (2)Students try to express the color of autumn, and learn the new words-leaf and leaves, then watch the short video to feel the leaves change color in autumn .When teacher describes how the leaves fall from trees, they try their best to understand and say. (3)Students answer question, then look ,listen and say with pictures. Then make leaves picture in groups . 2.创设情境, 帮助维尼为秋 天做准备。三 方面问题,通 过看图片自己 尝试表达、感 受、观看视频 等方式帮助学 生在理解的基 础上习得语言。 最后一步的组 内制作叶画帮 助学生感受秋 天的有趣,同 时提高学生合 作意识。 Practice After each question of autumn, teacher shows a sentence form to help students talk about autumn to Winnie, teacher or some students play Winnie in role . Students talk in groups and try their best to talk about autumn to Winnie. (1) In autumn. Its_ and _. You can wear your_. (2) In autumn. Leaves are _and _. They fall from trees. Autumn is beautiful. (3) Autumn, autumn. We can _in autumn. We are happy in autumn. 给出句子结构 帮助学生思考 并表达,培养 学生的思维能 力,同时从说 到认,为下一 步做准备。 Production 1. Task time. Teacher will send a letter to Winnie, students need to finish a task with letter sheets. 2. Sum up. 1.Teacher reviews and describes 1. Students choose words to finish the letter, then read it in groups. 2. Students listen and feel 1.通过给维尼 写信的形式,总 体总结和复习对 秋天的认识,同 时实现小组内相 互分享和学习。 2. 课堂总结, 以三句描述秋天 autumn then shows 3 sentences of autumn to students . the beautiful autumn . 的话对本课做以 总结,同时加深 学生对秋天的美 得印象。 Homework1. Listen and read lesson24, and talk about autumn with parents. 2. Draw a picture of autumn . Blackboard design 六、教学反思教学反思 作为一名教师来说能够促进自己快速成长的途径之一莫过于对 自己的教学进行深刻的反思,在思考中能够清晰的看到顺应教学规 律的成功之处,同时也能找到不足,促使自己快速的成长。本课结 束后,我对自己的教学进行了深刻的反思,其中有自我欣赏的部分, 同时也有需改进和调整的内容。 新的教学理念认为学生在真实的情境下习得的语言是有效的学 习。情境教学一直是我关注的,在本课中我能创设情境帮助学生学 习语言,课堂环节完整、清晰并环环相扣,在教学过程中学生均能 达到教学目标。在课堂主体上能够做到以生为本,从设计之初我就 从学生的已有知识出发设计教学活动,注重学生体验式学习、合作 能力以及语言综合能力的培养,通过用扇子扇风帮助学生理解 cool 的意思;以视频观看和纸质树叶在黑板上飘落的演示帮助学生理解 季节更替植物的变化,感受秋天的美;设计小组合作共同制作叶画 的活动帮助学生亲身感受秋天的乐趣。同时注重学生知识的拓展, 以学生已有知识为出发点进行英式英语和美式英语的区分和了解。 能在教学过程中关注到较弱的学生,及时鼓励,帮助孩子树立自信。 教学总是遗憾的艺术,在本节课中仍旧有学生表达量教少,这 一直是我比较困惑的一个问题,在接下来的工作中我还将继续钻研; 在小组内制作叶画活动中个别小组未能快速完成影响接下来的学习; 在教学评价形式较为丰富,但在与教学内容的结合上还不够。 如果进行二次教学的话,我会适当增加组内交流并提前制定组 内评价方式,如组内个人加分。在制作叶画环节以音乐来对时间进 行限制,并对合作较好,速度较快的组加分,并说明若未能及时完 成可下课继续完成并合作装饰后在班里展示。由于黑板上有很多纸 质树叶,可直接将其作为评价物奖励给每组,更贴近本课主题。
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