清华版一年级下册UNIT 2IN THE MORNING-Lesson 11-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:50441).doc

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清华版一年级下册UNIT 2IN THE MORNING-Lesson 11-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:50441).doc_第1页
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清华版一年级下册UNIT 2IN THE MORNING-Lesson 11-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:50441).doc_第2页
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1、学习 目标 四会单词:rise noon high sky 三会单词:shadow 核心句型:The sun rises in the morning. The shadow is long. 小课题实施小课题实施 策略策略 以唱促听 以练促听 以演促听 重点 难点 重点:词汇以及句型的发音。 难点:介词的搭配,动词的单三变化。 教法 学法 情景教学 教学 资源 PPT 优教通 电子白板 教学流程设计意图 StepStep .T.T hehe intrintr oducoduc tiontion ofof situsitu atioatio n n StepStep .L.L earnearn

2、 inging newnew knowknow ledgledg e e 1. Warm up Sing a song Twinkle,twinkle,little star T:Boys and girls,how are you?. Ss: Im fine. T: Before the class, Lets play a guessing game. Ss:Great. T:What are they? Ss:Shadow. T:Super.So Today lets learn unit3 look and see. 2. Teach the new words T :Everybod

3、y look, whats this?. Ss : Sun. T: Look, in the morning the sun is . . Ss:Rising. T: Yes,follow me “rise. Ss:Rise T:We should pay attention to “The sun rises”.(单三变化) Ss: The sun rises T:Ok, lets practice. Ss:Rise. The sun rises. T:The sun rises in the morning. How does the shadow change? Ss:The shado

4、w is long. 3. T: Today we have two teams.Lets have a PK. T:Who can tell me how does the shadow change at noon? Ss:The shadow is short. 4. Listen and read. T:Lets listen and say. T:Boys and girls,Lets role play. 通过听歌曲 引入本课主 题,调动学生 学习兴趣。 优教通互动 训练听力练 习。 分组教学培 养学生的竞 争与合作意 识。 视频动画听 音模拟读句 子,角色扮 演。 以说促听 听说

5、读写综合 运用 StepStep .C.C ommuommu nicanica tivetive applappl icaticat ionion 5. Lets answer. Think and say. Read and write. 6.Lets chant. Morning,morning,morning,morning, the sun rises,the sun rises. Noon,noon,noon,noon. the sun is high,the sun is high. 8.Have a test. 9. Homework:Make a shadow of a house. 创新歌曲, 实现英语教 学中的律动 教学。 听说读写综 合练习,提 高学生综合 语言运用能 力。 板书设计:Unit3 risenoonhighsky The sun rises in the morning. 回顾反思:


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