清华版五年级下册UNIT 3THE ENVIRONMENT AND US-Lesson 17-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:50283).docx

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1、LessonLesson 1717WaterWater 【教材依据【教材依据】 本节课选自清华版小学英语五年级下册第三单元本节课选自清华版小学英语五年级下册第三单元 “TheThe EnvironmentEnvironment AndAnd UsUs”中的一课。中的一课。 一、一、 设计思路设计思路 1.1. 指导思想。指导思想。 (1 1)激发和培养学生阅读的兴趣激发和培养学生阅读的兴趣,养成学生用不同阅读策略进行阅读的良养成学生用不同阅读策略进行阅读的良 好习惯。好习惯。 (2 2)通过听、说、读、写训练,让学生会用语言描述)通过听、说、读、写训练,让学生会用语言描述 waterwater

2、。 (3 3)学习文本,激发学生保护水、节约用水的思想情感。)学习文本,激发学生保护水、节约用水的思想情感。 2.2. 教学目标。教学目标。 (1 1)能够认读单词:能够认读单词:salt,fresh,only,important,percent,waste,savesalt,fresh,only,important,percent,waste,save。 (2 2)能够借助图和文本理解课文中咸水和淡水的区别,理解水很重要,我能够借助图和文本理解课文中咸水和淡水的区别,理解水很重要,我 们要节约水。们要节约水。 (3 3)能够掌握句型能够掌握句型.need.need waterwater to

3、.to.和操练描述和操练描述 waterwater 的句子。的句子。 3.3. 教 学 重 点 及 难 点 。 教 学 的 重 点 是 学 习 新 词 汇教 学 重 点 及 难 点 。 教 学 的 重 点 是 学 习 新 词 汇 salt,fresh,only,important,percent,waste,savesalt,fresh,only,important,percent,waste,save。和句型和句型.need.need waterwater to.to.;能够借助图和文本理解课文中咸水和淡水的区别,理解水很重要;能够借助图和文本理解课文中咸水和淡水的区别,理解水很重要, 我们

4、要节约水;教学难点是对文本的理解并会用语言描述我们要节约水;教学难点是对文本的理解并会用语言描述 waterwater。 二、教学准备二、教学准备 文本中图片文本中图片;咸淡水分布图咸淡水分布图;制作的单词卡片制作的单词卡片;录音录音;视频视频;教师自制教师自制 PPPPT T 教学课件。教学课件。 三、三、教学过程教学过程 1.1. Preparation.Preparation. (1)(1) GreetingGreeting (2)(2) ListenListen andand GuessGuess thethe riddle.riddle. (3)(3) AskAsk question

5、:question: WhereWhere doesdoes waterwater comecome from?from? StudentsStudents talktalk aboutabout thethe picturespictures andand letlet themthem knowknow thatthat waterwater isis everywhere.everywhere. WaterWater isis recycle.recycle. 2.2. Presentation.Presentation. (1)(1) ReadRead andand Ask:Ask:

6、LetLet studentsstudents readread para.1para.1 silentlysilently andand trytry toto askask somesome questionsquestions usingusing thethe “Wh-questionWh-question” wordswords onon ppt.ppt. (2)(2) AskAsk andand Answer:Answer: TeacherTeacher showsshows herher questions.questions. TheyThey areare HowHow ma

7、nymany kindskinds ofof waterwater areare therethere onon thethe Earth?Earth? WhatWhat areare they?they? WhatWhat isis saltsalt water?water? WhatWhat isis freshfresh water?water? HowHow muchmuch areare they?they? 3.3. Practice.Practice. (1)(1) LetLets s dodo it.it. LetLet studentsstudents writewrite

8、downdown thethe answersanswers asas followsfollows onon thethe mapmap ofof waterwater inin thethe book:book: StepStep 1:1: MarkMark saltsalt waterwater andand freshfresh water.water. StepStep 2:2: WriteWrite downdown howhow muchmuch theythey are.are. StepStep 3:3: WriteWrite downdown wherewhere they

9、they areare from.from. (2 2)LetLets s check.check. TeacherTeacher checkschecks thethe answeranswer andand askask a a question:question: IsIs therethere muchmuch freshfresh waterwater onon thethe Earth?Earth? (3 3)LetLets s enjoy.enjoy. StudentsStudents enjoyenjoy somesome picturespictures withwith m

10、usicmusic thatthat wewe cancan onlyonly useuse freshfresh water,water, butbut therethere isis notnot muchmuch freshfresh waterwater onon thethe Earth.Earth. 4.4. Progress.Progress. (1)(1) ReadRead para.2para.2 together.together. AskAsk andand answer:answer: whowho needsneeds water?water? (2)(2) Make

11、Make a a groupgroup andand talktalk aboutabout whatwhat peoplepeople dodo withwith water.water. (3)(3) StudentsStudents saysay moremore sentencessentences about:about: PeoplePeople needneed waterwater to.to. 5.5. Production.Production. (1)(1) ReadRead para.3para.3 byby yourself.yourself. LookLook at

12、at picturespictures ,talk,talk aboutabout“HowHow dodo peoplepeople wastewaste waterwater ? ?”andand “HowHow dodo theythey makemake itit dirty?.dirty?. (2)(2) WatchWatch a a videovideo andand shareshare ideasideas aboutabout savingsaving waterwater inin groups.groups. (3)(3) WriteWrite downdown atat

13、leastleast twotwo suggestionssuggestions onon : : WhatWhat cancan wewe dodo toto savesave water?water? ReadRead themthem outout andand stickstick youryour writingswritings onon thethe blackboard.blackboard. (4)(4) ReadRead thethe sloganslogan together:together: WaterWater isis important.important. L

14、etLets s savesave water!Letwater!Lets s keepkeep waterwater clean!clean! 6.6. Homework.Homework. (1)(1)RetellRetell thethe texttext accordingaccording toto thethe BoardBoard Writing.Writing. (2)(2)TellTell youryour friendsfriends oror familiesfamilies youryour ideasideas onon savingsaving water.wate

15、r. 7.7. BoardBoard Writing.Writing. 四、教学反思四、教学反思. . 1.1. 优点优点:本节课教学目标明确本节课教学目标明确,重难点突出重难点突出,以以 waterwater 为主题为主题,思路清晰思路清晰。 教学设计由浅入深教学设计由浅入深,层层递进层层递进。在文本学习中在文本学习中,教学生运用默读教学生运用默读、齐读齐读、自自 读等不同阅读方法读等不同阅读方法,结合小组讨论等学习方式进行教学结合小组讨论等学习方式进行教学。文本解读扎实文本解读扎实,由由 认识水认识水、水很重要水很重要、到保护水到保护水,由点到面由点到面,逻辑性强逻辑性强。本节课最大的亮点是本节课最大的亮点是 板书,将本节课的思路完美呈现,学生可利用板书复述课文。板书,将本节课的思路完美呈现,学生可利用板书复述课文。 2.2. 不足:学生在讨论如何节水时语言不够灵活、丰富。建议教师在播放节不足:学生在讨论如何节水时语言不够灵活、丰富。建议教师在播放节 水视频时,应该边解释边播放。水视频时,应该边解释边播放。


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