冀教版(三起)四下Unit 3 All about Me-Lesson 14 Are You Short or Tall -ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:503cb).zip

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Are You Short or Tall? Hello,my name is Dick .I am a boy .I am a pupil .I am eleven years old . My birthday is December seventeenth . The Giraffe is tall and the panda is short. Hes tall . Hes short . Lets exercise kilometre 千米 centimetre 厘米 decimetre 分米 metre 米 How tall is Kim? How tall is Danny? Whos(谁) tall ? Whos(谁) short ? How tall is he? Hes 2.2 metres tall. How tall is she? Shes 1.6 metres tall. 我用am, 你用are; is用在他、她、它; 遇到复数全用are。 一个人名用什么, is ,is,is,啊! Hello,my name is Dick .I am a boy .I am a pupil .I am eleven years old . My birthday is December seventeenth . Im 1.6 metres tall. Homework 1.用英语介绍自己。 2.测量父母身高,下次上课了告诉同学们。 3.练习册2.3.4题。 LessonLesson 14:14: AreAre YouYou ShortShort oror Tall?Tall? 一一教学目标:教学目标: 1. . 知识与技能知识与技能 能够听、说、读、写句型 How tall are you? Im _ metres tall. (2) 能够听、说、读、写句型 How tall are you? Im _ metres tall. (3)能够在真实的情境中正确使用 How tall are you? Im _ metres tall.来描述自己和他人的 身高。 (4)能够通过比较身高,使用 taller 和 shorter 来描述。 2. 过程与方法过程与方法:以学生为主体,结合本课内容, 让学 生用直观的方法来学习新知识, 联系学生实际情况, 与学生同学同乐,使学生学到新知识又活跃了课堂气 氛,提高学生的英语表达能力。 3. 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观:培养学生在小组合作当中能够 团结协作,共同进步。 二二教学重难点:教学重难点: 教学重点教学重点:正确使用 How tall are you? Im _ metres tall.来描述自己和他人的身高。 教学难点教学难点: ::通过比较,正确使用 taller 和 shorter 来描述。 教学课时教学课时: :一课时一课时 第一课 一,课时目标课时目标。 1 能够听、说、读、写句型 How tall are you? Im _ metres tall. 2 能够听、说、读、写句型 How tall are you? I m _ metres tall. 二,教具准备二,教具准备: : 彩色粉笔 三,教学过程三,教学过程 复习导入: 1 复习上节课所学的重点单词。 2.Greeting: Hello,everyone. How are you? Fine, thank you. How are you? TIm fine,thanks. Can you sing the song we heard last lesson? How old are you? Who is birthday today? Happy birthday to you greet with their teacher and review what they have learned last lesson. To make students be polite and review what they have learned 二、新课导入(二、新课导入(Presentthe new lesson) 1.学习:New words(tall 高,short 短,feet 脚, work 工作, class 教室) 2.Do you know how old I am? Can you guess? 让 学生去猜测自己的年龄 Do you know how tall I am? 教师利用手势提示学 生,使学生明白教师在说身高。 Im 1.60 metres tall. 教师站在量身高的尺子旁, 自问自答,呈现表达身高的新句型。 三、三、PresentationPresentation 1. 教学小数的读法 2、Im 1.60 metres tall. 教师边说边板书新句型。 指着 1.60,教学生小数的读法,小数点读作 point. 教师任意板书小数。鼓励学生去读一读。如:1.2 1.35 0.57 2.65 教学句型 How tall are you? Im _ metres tall. Im 1.60 metres tall. How tall are you? 教师板书新句型,教师领读,学生跟读, 3.Practice 师生问答 How tall are you? Im _ metres tall.让学生到尺子旁量身高,用新句型说说自己的 身高。师生对比,用 tall 和 short 来形容。 同桌之间互相用尺子量身高,操练句型 How tall are you? Im _ metres tall. T: Do you want to know your friends? How tall is your friend? Ask him or her“How tall are you?”教师引导生生问答,巩固操练新句型。 教师指着一名班级中比较高又比自己矮的学生说 I m 1.60 metres tall. You are _ metres tall. I am taller. You are shorter. 通过师生之间身高的对比,呈现 taller 和 shorter 的概念。 Who is he/she? How tall is he/she? Who is taller? Who is shorter? 出示更多的图片,让学生去说一_ is _ metres tall. _ is taller. _ is shorter. 4、让学生读巨型,读的过程中找到这些问题的答案。 How tall is Kim? How tall is Danny? Who is taller? Who is shorter? 四、巩固练习:四、巩固练习: Hello! My name is _. Im from _ Primary School. Im _ years old. Im _ metres tall. My father is _ metres tall. My mother is _ metres tall. _ (am is) taller in my family. _ (am is) shorter. Students do exercise. To check students learning ability 五、板书设计。五、板书设计。 You are short or tall tall. short. feet. class. work. 六、布置作业。六、布置作业。 1.部分学生把本课的五个单词抄三遍,每单词造一个 句子。2.B 部分学生把本课的单词抄五遍。 七、课堂小结七、课堂小结: : How old are you? How tall is Kim?How tall is Danny? Who is taller? Who is shorter? 八、课后反思八、课后反思: : 本节课孩子们学习很用功,很认真,整堂课的氛 围也很热烈,并且已经掌握了本课的重点知识 ,整 堂课的氛围也很热烈,让孩子们知道,老师希望每个 同学都要努力 ,并非要求所有的学生达到同样的程 度。 In this lesson, the children learn very hard, very hard, the whole class atmosphere is very warm, and has mastered the key knowledge of this class, the whole class atmosphere is very warm, let the children Let the children know that the teacher wants every student to work hard and does not require all students to reach the same level
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