冀教版(三起)四下Unit 4 My Favourites-Lesson 21 My Favourite Food-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:60ff2).zip

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Lesson 21 冀教版小学英语四年级下册 情境 Here is a video. Listen and read. Listen and read. Review Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is. Practice for speaking Listen and number.Listen and number. Practice for listening breakfastlunchdinner I like _for breakfast. I like _ for lunch. I like _for dinner. Pre-teach Gist Listening What are they talking about? What time is it? food Task A: What does Jenny like for lunch? Task B: What does Danny like for lunch? Listen and choose.Listen and choose. Detailed Listening I like _ for lunch. hamburgers hamburgershot dogs noodles soup fruit vegetables chicken dumplings Danny Jenny I like _ for lunch. Listen and follow.Listen and follow. Read the text Practice for reading Read. Hello , Im Danny. I get up very late. I run to school. I dont have breakfast. At lunch, Im very hungry. I eat hamburgers, hot dogs, noodles, soup , fruit, vegetables, chicken, dumplings , milk Yummy, yummy. At dinner, I eat some chocolate and ice cream. How about you? Read and answer. Follow up Activity Why does Danny eat so much? Practice for reading a lot of many some a little reakfast eggmilk unch fish rice inner salad porridge Cindy Homework 1.跟读L21三遍。 2. Choose and write.任选一个任务完成并介绍给家人。 冀教版小学英语四年级下冀教版小学英语四年级下 Lesson21 My favourite food 教案教案 Level: A1Name: CindyNo. of students:45 Date: 15th AprProject Topic: My favourite food Type of lesson: Reading Learning main aims: (What will SS be enabled to do?) By the end of the class the students will be able to develop their reading skills of prediction, reading for gist and reading for detailed information in the context of talking about food. Learning sub-aims: By the end of the class the students will be able to develop their oral fluency ability in talking about three meals in a day. Personal aims: (Refer to suggestions made on previous feedback sheets.) To give clear enough instructions. To use better English Timetable fit & assumed student knowledge: (Is this lesson following/preceding a lesson on a similar theme? What do you expect the students to know already?) The students have known some words about food like rice, milk, chicken, apple, banana, hamburgers, hot dogs, fish, chips, fruit and vegetables. . Teaching aids/resources/equipment: PAD ,PPT, board. Vocabulary &Structure(s) to be presented (if relevant): Example(s) i.e. marker sentence: Whats your favourite food for _? I like_. Form: breakfast lunch dinner Concept/function/use: breakfast: It is the first meal of the day. lunch: It is the meal that you have in the middle of the day. dinner: It is the main meal of the day, usually served in the early part of the evening. Phonology: breakfast brekfst lunch lnt dinnerdn(r) Anticipated problems of form, meaning or pronunciation: Ss might read the new words incorrectly. Solution: Highlight the sound of the new words. Stage TIMINGAIM OF STAGE PROCEDURE INTERACTION Step1 Lead in 5 Step2 Pre- teaching vocabul ary To create interest in the topic. To prepare the Ss for the reading for specific 1.1. Greetings.Greetings. 2.2. LetsLets singsing a a songsong WhatWhat timetime isis it?it? ItsIts morningmorning time.(time.(歌曲联唱歌曲联唱) ) T:T: LookLook atat youryour PADPAD.(.(复习食物单词复习食物单词) ) TakeTake onon youryour earphone.earphone. ListenListen andand read.read. T:T: WeWe knowknow soso manymany food.food. MyMy favoritefavorite foodfood isis fish.fish. WhatsWhats youryour favoritefavorite food?food? S:S: MyMy favoritefavorite foodfood isis _._. (T(TS S S ST T S SS S ) ) PairPair workwork ShowShow WhatsWhats his/herhis/her favoritefavorite food?food? HisHis /Her/Her favoritefavorite foodfood is_.is_. 3.3. Pre-teach:Pre-teach: breakfastbreakfast lunchlunch dinnerdinner (CCQ)(CCQ) T:LookT:Look ,what,what isis this?this? S:S: breadbread andand milkmilk T:T: I I eateat themthem inin thethe morningmorning atat 6:30.6:30. SoSo itsits forfor breakfast.(onebreakfast.(one byby one)one) T-Ss Ss-T T-Ss Ss-T 5 Step3 Reading for gist 1 Step4 Reading for detail information. To develop Ss skill of predictions and reading for gist. To develop Ss skill of reading for detailed information I I likelike eggseggs andand milkmilk forfor breakfast.breakfast. WhatWhat dodo youyou likelike forfor breakfast?breakfast? S:S: I I likelike _ forfor breakfast.breakfast. PairPair workwork (A(A andand B)B) T:T: LookLook , , itsits 12:00.12:00. I I likelike _._. SoSo itsits forfor lunch.lunch. WhatWhat dodo youyou likelike forfor lunch?lunch? S:S: I I likelike _ forfor lunch.lunch. (T(T 示范搭手示范搭手) ) T:Look,T:Look, itsits 6:00.6:00. I I likelike soupsoup forfor dinnerdinner. . WhatWhat dodo youyou likelike forfor dinner?dinner? S:S: I I likelike _ forfor dinner.dinner. GameGame : : BoysBoys PKPK GirlsGirls (1minutes)(1minutes) 4.4. PicturePicture readingreading LookLook andand answer:answer: whatwhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? S:S: TheyThey areare talkingtalking aboutabout food.food. 5.5. Detailed-Detailed- listeninglistening PADPAD ListenListen andand answer:answer: TaskTask A:A: WhatsWhats JennysJennys favoritefavorite foodfood forfor lunch?lunch? S:S: HamburgersHamburgers areare herher favoritefavorite T-Ss Ss Ss-Ss T-Ss Ss Ss-T 2 Step5 Third reading for useful expressi ons 5 Step6 Follow- up task 10 To help Ss focus on the expressions in real talk to prepare for speaking To develop Ss oral fluency ability in talking about some things to do in a city TaskTask B:B: WhatsWhats DannysDannys favoritefavorite foodfood forfor lunch?lunch? S:S: milk,milk, hamburgers,hamburgers, hothot dogs,dogs, noodles,noodles, soup,soup, fruit,fruit, vegetables,vegetables, chicken,chicken, dumplings.dumplings. T:T: WhatWhat else?(else?(通过看图片,发散通过看图片,发散) ) S:S: MayMay bebe hehe likeslikes eggs/eggs/ donuts/donuts/ FrenchFrench fries/fries/ apples/cokeapples/coke colacola ListenListen andand follow.follow.(整体读纠音)(整体读纠音) ReadRead inin roles.roles. (boys(boys Danny,Danny, girls-Jenny)girls-Jenny) ReadRead itit byby yourself.yourself. ThenThen PADPAD,抢答。,抢答。 T:T: WeWe knowknow DannyDanny eatseats a a lot.lot. IsIs itit goodgood forfor Danny?Danny? Why?Why? S:S: No,No, itsits badbad forfor him.him. 播放食物金字塔视频,纠正学生的正确饮食习惯。播放食物金字塔视频,纠正学生的正确饮食习惯。 WeWe shouldshould eateat 3 3 mealsmeals a a day.day. WeWe shouldshould eateat a a lotlot ofof _/_/ manymany _/_/ somesome _/_/ a a littlelittle _._. 6.6. Follow_Follow_ upup activities.activities. ReadingReading 图配文字图配文字 PAD?PAD? Questions:Questions: WhatWhat doesdoes DannyDanny havehave forfor breakfast?breakfast? WhatWhat doesdoes DannyDanny havehave forfor lunch?lunch? Ss S-S S-S Ss-Ss WhatWhat doesdoes DannyDanny havehave forfor dinner?dinner? I I getget upup veryvery latelate , , I I runrun toto school.school. I I didntdidnt havehave breakfast.breakfast. AtAt lunch,lunch, ImIm veryvery hungry.hungry. I I eateat a a hamburger,hamburger, hothot dogsdogs ,noodles,noodles, soup,soup, fruit,fruit, vegetables,vegetables, chicken,chicken, dumplings.dumplings. ChickenChicken isis mymy favorite.favorite. YummyYummy ! ! YummyYummy ! ! AtAt dinner,dinner, I I eateat somesome chocolatechocolate andand ice-cream.ice-cream. HowHow aboutabout you?you? T:T: CanCan youyou givegive DannyDanny somesome suggestion?suggestion? S:S: HeHe shouldshould _._. 7.7. DifferentDifferent peoplepeople likelike differentdifferent food.food. 8.8. OurOur friendsfriends fromfrom 保师附校保师附校 whowho areare talkingtalking aboutabout theirtheir favoritefavorite food.food. LetsLets watchwatch thethe video.video. Questions:Questions: WhatsWhats his/his/ herher favoritefavorite food?food? I I wantwant toto talktalk aboutabout mymy favoritefavorite food.food. CanCan youyou helphelp me?me? I I havehave b_b_ atat _ inin thethe morning.morning. I I likelike _ andand _._. Step7 Homewo rk I I havehave l_l_ atat 12:30.12:30. I I likelike _ andand _._. I I havehave d_d_ atat 6:306:30 inin thethe evening.evening. I I likelike _ andand _._. MakeMake youyou ownown meals.meals. TaskTask A.A. TalkTalk aboutabout youryour meals.meals. TaskTask B.B. WriteWrite andand drawdraw youryour meals.meals.完成第完成第 2 2 题。题。 1.1.跟读跟读 L21L21 三遍。三遍。 2.2. ChooseChoose andand write.write.任选一个任务完成并介绍给家人。任选一个任务完成并介绍给家人。
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