冀教版(三起)四下Unit 2 Days and Months-Lesson 10 Rain and Sun-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:e0691).zip

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Hows the Weather Today? Lesson 11 冀教版英语四年级下册 weather report weather reporter 天气预报员 teacher driver singer Task1 I can learn about weather Task1 I can learn about weather Its cold and snowy. Snow is _and _.coldwhite This is a _ day. Its _. The weather is sunny. sunny The sun is _. The sun is shining(发光的). hot I feel warm. warm cloud Its cloudy. cloud cloud Its cloudy. Its windy. Its cool. zoo school afternoon thunder and lightning It is rainy. Rain in spring is as precious as oil. 春雨贵如油。 Hows the weather? Its windy. Hows the weather? Its snowy. Hows the weather? Its sunny. Hows the weather? Its cloudy. Hows the weather? Its foggy(有雾的). Hows the weather? Its rainy. What are they talking about? A. Weather B. Food What are they talking about? A. Weather B. Food What are they talking about? A. Weather B. Food Hows the weather today? What day is it? Watch and answer. A. Weather B. Food Hows the weather today? Its warm and windy. What day is it? Its Tuesday. Watch and answer. Its cold and snowy. Its hot and sunny. Hows the weather in December? Hows the weather in July? Read and underline the answers (画出答案) Task2 I can talk about weather Its _and _. Pair work(ask and answer)Pair work(ask and answer)Pair work(ask and answer)Pair work(ask and answer) 28 Hows the weather in Kunming? Its warm and rainy. Good morning. This is the weather report. Its _ in Kunming. Its _ in Lanzhou. Its _ in Xian. Its _in Changchun. Its _ in Beijing. Thank you! Beijing Guangzhou Kunming Harbin Shanghai Task3 I can report the weather Weather Report Good morning. This is the weather report . Its _ in Beijing. Please take your umbrella. Its _ in Shanghai. You can go to the park to fly a kite. Its _ and _ in Guangzhou. You can wear your T-shirt and shorts. Its _and _ in Harbin. Put on your sweater. Thank you! Good bye! Weather Report Beijing Guangzhou Kunming Harbin Shanghai Task3 I can report the weather Weather Report crazy weather We should protect our earth as we protect ourselves! 我们要像保护自已一样保护地球! . Talk about the weather of your favorite month. . Draw a picture about weather you like. Thank you! LessonLesson 1111 HowsHows thethe WeatherWeather Today?Today? 教学分析教学分析 1 1、 学生分析学生分析 学生经过一年的学习,有了一定的英语学习基础,大多数学生产生了浓厚的英语学习兴趣,但也有 些学生已失去了刚开始的兴趣,出现两极分化现象,还要注重培养学生良好的学习英语的习惯。具 体到要讲的 Lesson11 的天气话题,在第 10 课中,学生已经对 snow, wind, sun, cloud, rain 天气 名词进行了一定的了解,已经为本课形容词的学习打好了基础,减小了难度。由于教学内容形象直 观,贴近生活,学生乐学,兴趣浓厚。 教材分析教材分析 本单元内容较丰富,包含了月份,序数词,节日,天气的话题。本课时本单元的第 5 课,课题为 “Hows the weather today?”在本课的对话中谈论了有关天气的情况,由此引出了本课的教学 snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, warm, cool 等描述天气状况的形容词及 Hows the weather today?这个询问天气情况的句式。教学内容形象、直观、贴近生活,易于学生理解和接受。 教学目标教学目标 1、语言能力目标 (1)学生可以听,说、读、写重点词汇 snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy, warm, cool (2)学生可以针对出不同月份,不同地点的天气情况用 Hows the weather in _? It s_,进行问答。 (3)学生能用简单的英语组织思维,能在语境中运用所学句型。 2. 学习能力目标: 通过文本图片进行提问,学生回答。让学生从课文中寻找答案。设置小组活动,进行问答练习。 借助各种教学手段及现代化教育技术,充分调动学生学习的积极性、主动性和创造性,极大地激发 他们学习英语的兴趣,让学生在实际交际运用中,主动地获取知识、发展能力,从而提高学生的听、 说、读、写水平和自主学习意识。 3 思维品质目标: 教师通过组织课堂活动,通过提问有效问题让学生进行分析推理判断,让学生从被动学习变主动学 习。锻炼学生思维的开放性,灵活性以及逻辑性。 4 文化品格目标: 通过本课的学习,让孩子了解到气候的变化给全球带来的影响,倡导热爱地球,保护环境。 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点教学重点 学生可以读、写、说出并且听懂 snowy, windy, sunny, cloudy, rainy,warm ,cool 等词语及 Hows the weather today?这一句型。 教学难点教学难点 教学准备能够准确流利的运用 Hows the weather today?针对不同月份和不同地方的天气进行流 利问答。 教具准备教具准备 课件,文本视频,音频,单词卡片,天气卡片 教学过程教学过程 WarmingWarming upup (语音(语音 chantchant) 1.Greeting Hello,How are you? What day is it?Hows the weather today? LeadLead inin 播放天气预报背景音乐,引出播放天气预报背景音乐,引出 weatherweather report.report. 教授词汇 weather(拼读) T:Do you know who is she?(用天气预报员,引导学生争当英语天气预报员,进而设置 weather 一 个大的主题情境,即抛出一根主线,整堂课围绕这根主线,依托文本进行展开) PresentationPresentation 1. 第 1 部分文本呈现 T:First, We should learn about weather. Lets watch a video(文本 1 呈现). 2.出示 P1,通过对图片进行引导提问引出 Its cold and snowy. T:What do you see in this picture?(开放问题,学生可根据图片看到的事物进行回答) 当学生说到 snow 时,引导学生对 snow 进行描述 Snow is cold and white. T: Hows the weather in the picture? S:Its snowy. Its cold and snowy. 3.出示 P2 T:Can you say something about this picture?(学生自由发挥,图片上的内容随便说) The flowers bloom. The grass is green.等句子出来的时候,顺势说出, Maybe it is in spring.How do you feel in the picture? 引出 warm. T: I want to say: The sun is hot. The sun is shining. The weather is sunny. 进而再出示文本 This is a sunny day. Its warm. 4.出示太阳在云后面的幻灯片 T:Now, where is the sun ? S: The sun is behind the cloud. T:Yes, we cant see the sun. There are many clouds, so hows the weather? S:Its cloudy. 出示课本 P3,T:Hows the weather? How do you know that?(发散学生思维,自由回答) 5.T:Listen, boys and girls, what do you hear?引出 wind Hows the weather?引出 Its windy. How do you feel on windy days?(学生自由回答)寻找目标语言 cool. 6.Oh ,whats that?(Its thunder(拓展).) Do you know what will come? Maybe the rain storm(暴风雨) is coming. 出示下雨幻灯片 Hows the weather?引出 Its rainy. T: I like the rain. Do you like the rain? Why?. (学生自由回答发散思维) PracticePractice:猜图练习(音形义同时给出)Rush to say.(加减分活跃气氛) 7.第 2 部分文本 猜图最后一图出示课本李明拿伞图片 T:Who is he? Where will Li Ming go? Guess.引出李明去学校了。当学生说出李明去学校的时 候,追问一句 How do you know that?(发散)进而导出 Li Ming 和 Miss Zhang 的对话。 T:Do you know what are they talking about? A:Weather B. Food 插入文本视频。(1 遍)学生选出 A T:Watch again and answer.(2 遍) 1.What day is it? 2. Hows the weather today? T:Open your books, read and underling the answers.(3 遍) 3.Hows the weather in December? 4.Hows weather in July? 处理完问题后 T:I want to know: Hows the weather in September?(点学生答) Hows the weather in January?(点学生答) T:Can you ask a question?引导学生说问句(2-3 个) T:Now lets talk about the weather in different month? Pair work(Ask and answer)出示一张带有图片提示的幻灯片。(1m) 展示 2 组。 T:In different month, the weather is different. Do you know in different month , the weather is also different. Do you know city? Baoding is a city. Beijing is a city. 8.引导到课本第 3 部分关于不同城市不同天气的练习:出示表格,用不同形式进行问答练习。 T:I think you can be the English weather reporter now. Now lets say it together. Good morning.This is the weather report. Its _in Kunming. Its_in _. Thank you! 9.You did a good job. Now I have another weather report. Do you want to try? Now take out your paper. (Group work) Fill in the blanks and show. 10.天气预报员展示 11. 升华 T:Iam happy you can be a good weather reporter now. But sometimes the weather will become crazy. Crazy weather 视频展示,进而倡导学生热爱环境,保护地球。 12.作业布置 a. Talk about the weather of your favorite month. b. Draw a picture of the weather you like. 13.板书设计 Lesson 11 Hows the Weather Today? Hows the weather? T1 T2 Its_.(单词卡片)
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