冀教版(三起)四下Unit 2 Days and Months-Lesson 9 When Is It -ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:3057f).zip

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WelcomeWelcome toto ourour class!class! MONMONT THSHS I IN N A A Y YEAREAR J Januaryanuary F Februaryebruary MarchMarch AprilApril MayMay J Juneune J Julyuly AugustAugust SeptemberSeptember O Octoberctober N Novemberovember DecemberDecember O Ordinalrdinal numnumb bersers firstfirst secondsecond thirdthird fourthfourth fiffifthth si six xthth seventhseventh eightheighth ninthninth tenthtenth eleventheleventh twelfthtwelfth thirteenthirteen thth fourteenfourteen thth fifteenfifteen thth si six xteenteenthth seventeenseventeen thth eighteeneighteen thth nineteennineteen thth twentiethtwentieth twentytwenty - -firstfirst twentytwenty - -secondsecond thirtthirtiethieth thirtythirty - -firstfirst 1 13-3-19?19? 2020-3-31?1? 3 2 1 456 Doraemon Lesson 9 When Is It ? Chinese Festivals 1 1.listenlisten toto thethe passagepassage andand choosechoose thethe rightright answer.answer. ( )1. New Years Day A. September the tenth ( )2. Spring Festival B. October the first ( )3. International Workers Day C. June the first ( )4. Childrens Day D. January or February ( )5. Teachers Day E. May the first ( )6. National Day F.January the first F D E C A B 2.2. O Order.rder. A.A. O Octoberctober 1010 B B. . J Juneune 2 2 C.MayC.May D.D.J Januaryanuary 2 26 6 E. E. N Novemberovember 2 25 5 F F. . J Julyuly 1 13 3 G G. . AugustAugust 1212 H.AprilH.April 3 30 0 January 26 April 30 May June 2 July 13 August 12 October 10 November 25 start 3. Make dialogue in pairs TASK When is your birthday? My birthday is . When is? It is . A B Childrens Day Spring Festival Day ThankThank you!you! When is New Years Day ? January the first is New Years Day . When is the Spring Festival ? It is in January or February . International Workers Day is May the first . This is Childrens Day . It is June the first. Teachers Day is September the tenth. When is National Day? October the first. Lesson9 When Is It? . Im in Group_. My festival is _. .Practice 1.listen to the passage and choose the right answer. ( )1. New Years Day A. September the tenth ( )2. Spring Festival B. October the first ( )3. International Workers Day C. June the first ( )4. Childrens Day D. January or February ( )5. Teachers Day E. May the first ( )6. National Day F.January the first 2.Order. (注意书写哦) A. October 10 B. June 2 C. May D. January 26 E. November 25 F. July 13 G. August 12 H. April 30 3.make dialogue When is it? It is_. Its on _. 教学设计 Lesson 9:When Is It? 一、知识目标 1学生能识别、理解和运用以下句式结构:When is it? 2学生能使用序数词正确说出 6 个主要节日的日期(新年、春节、国际劳动 节、儿童节、教师节和国庆节)。 二、技能目标 能在日常生活中就日期问题进行简单交流,并且能用英语介绍中国节日。 三、情感态度价值观 1提高学生对英语学习的兴趣。 2培养学生对中国文化的热爱。 3并且培养学生小组合作的意识。 四、教学方法 直观教学法,口语表达法。 五、教学重难点 重点:学习掌握句式 When is _ ?以及 6 个主要节日的日期。 难点:正确使用句式 When is _ ? _ .进行问答。 六、教学用具 多媒体,学生自制卡片。 七、教学过程 课前三分钟,让学生读绘本故事raw the boat Step1. Warming-up Greeting and revision.复习月份和序数词。 Step2. Presentation Using the door of Doraemon to let students know the six Chinese festivals. 引出新概念:When is New year s Day / Spring Festival / International Workers Day / Childrens Day / Teachers Day / National Day ? 通过多媒体分别进行节日教学。 Step3. Practice 1.listen to the passage and choose the right answer. ( )1. New Years Day A. September the tenth ( )2. Spring Festival B. October the first ( )3. International Workers Day C. June the first ( )4. Childrens Day D. January or February ( )5. Teachers Day E. May the first ( )6. National Day F.January the first 2.Order the date A. October 10 B. June 2 C.May D.January 26 E. November 25 F. July 13 G. August 12 H.April 30 3.Big turntable to make dialogues in pairs. Step4. Show time 根据 A、B 两个任务(针对不同水平学生) 1.let students use the birthday card to say something. 2.Students give some performances about Chinese festivals. 八、作业 1.Do you know other festivals? 2.Ask your parents birthday
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