教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:215c9).zip

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1 良田第三小学六年级英语下册 课题 Module 2 Unit 3 第 2课时 年级:六年级 ; 第 1 单元; 课型:巩固课 ; 班级 小组姓名 学号家长签名 学习 目标 1. 巩固课文的学习。 2. 完成 fun with language 的内容。 3. 通过各项综合练习,学生能正确运用重点句型描述各类动物。 学习 重点 巩固课文内容、单词和描述动物的句型。 学习 难点 描述动物的句型综合运用。 学习活动过程(导学播种、互学培育、展示助长、精练耘获。导学播种、互学培育、展示助长、精练耘获。) 导学导学 播种播种 【预习指南预习指南】 自主学习自主学习 一、一、根据中文,默写出相应的英文单词。根据中文,默写出相应的英文单词。 青蛙_ 袋鼠_ 老虎_ 狮子_ 熊猫_ 象_ 长颈鹿_ 海星_ 非洲_ 亚洲_ 海洋_ 脖子_ 竹子_ 树叶_(复数)_ 轮回_ 困难的_ 被称为_ 二、二、根据课文内容,小组讨论并回答以下问题。根据课文内容,小组讨论并回答以下问题。 1. Where is the kangaroo from? _ 2. What does a starfish look like? _ 3. Does a tiger live in Africa? Where does it live? _ 4. Where does the lion live? _ 【课堂学习过程课堂学习过程】 3 互学互学 培育培育 展展 展示展示 助长助长 Step 1. Warming up (热身)(热身) 1) Rhyme time:Read a rhyme about animals (朗读课本 P18 一首有关动物的韵律诗) 2) Game: Sharp eyes (通过游戏来复习巩固动物单词) Step 2. Pre-task (巩固操练)(巩固操练) 1) Read the dialogue of Unit 3 together and answer some questions. (齐读课文,回答问题) 2) Read the dialogue in your group. (小组内朗读课文,可齐读或分角色读) 3) Retell the dialogue by filling the missing words. (通过补上缺失的词来复述课文对话) 4) Fun with language Ex.1. Listen and number. (课本 P16 练习第 1 题) 5) Fun with language Ex.4. Read and write. (课本 P17 练习第 4 题) 6)Fun with language Ex.3. Look and say. (课本 P17 练习第 2 题) This is a panda. Its a lovely animal. Its black and white in colour. It lives in China. It eats bamboo. It can climb trees. Work in your group. Follow the example of “panda”, use the following sentence patterns to describe the other animals. (小组合作,仿照描述熊猫的例子,用下面的句型 来描述其它的动物。) This is a . Its a animal. Its in colour. It has . It lives /is from . It eats . It can . Step 3. Development (发展)(发展) Lets play a guessing game: What animal is it? (玩猜动物游戏)(玩猜动物游戏) 1)Work in your group. Make a riddle about your favourite animal and ask your group members to guess what animal it is. (小组内活动:选你最喜欢的一种动物,通过描述 它的特点来让其他组员猜是什么动物。 ) 2)Work between groups. Choose one student from your group to describe an animal and let other groups to guess the animal. (小组间活动:各小组选一个代表来描述一种动物, 让其他小组来猜是什么动物。) 3 精练精练 耘获耘获 You can write down your riddle here: It_ _ Can you guess this animals name? 反思这节课我学会了: 义务教育广州版小学英语教材六年级下册 Module 2 Animals Unit 3 What animal is it? (Period 2) Rhyme time Animals Monkey, monkey, rides on a donkey. Fox, fox, sits on the box. Parrot, parrot, eats a carrot. Mouse, mouse, hides behind the house. Frog, frog, sits on a log. Tiger, tiger, jumps through the fire. lion tiger giraffepanda kangaroo starfish bearelephant frog lion tiger giraffepanda kangaroo starfish bearelephant frog Unit 3 What animal is it? The children are playing a guessing game about animals. 1.Where is the kangaroo from? _ 2.What does a starfish look like? _ 3.Does a tiger live in Africa? Where does it live? _ 4.Where does the lion live? _ It is from Australia. It looks like a star. No, it doesnt. It lives in Asia. It lives in Africa. Work in your group. Read the dialogue together or in roles. (组内齐读或分角色朗读对话组内齐读或分角色朗读对话) Fun with language Fun with language (P16) ( )( )( ) ( )( )( )1 53 6 4 2 famous bigstrong fast bear animal leaves hours Fun with language (P17) Fun with language (P17) Look and say This is a panda. Its a lovely animal. Its black and white in colour. It lives in China. It eats bamboo. It can climb trees. This is a _. Its in colour . It has . It lives on the . It eats . It can . black four long legs grassland grass grassland run very fast horse This is a . Its a animal. Its in colour. It has . It lives in /is from . It eats . It can . Lets play a guessing game: What animal is it? Work in your group. Ask your group members to guess what animal it is. My Favourite Animal Colour Its(in colour). It hashair. Appearance 外貌 It is It has It looks like Food It usually eats. It loves eating Where Its from. It lives in Ability It can Make a riddle(谜语) about your favourite animal. Work between groups. Choose one student from your group to say a riddle and let other groups guess the animal. Animals are our friends. We should love them and protect(保护) them! Homework 1. Play the guessing game about animals after class. (课后继续和同学们玩猜动物游戏。) 2. Look up the dictionary and find out more animals names in English. (查字典,找出更多动 物的英文名。) 3. Activity Book U3 Exercise 35.(活动手册U3 35 题) Module 2 Animals Unit 3 What animal is it? 教学设计教学设计 Module/Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 Module 2 Animals Unit 3 What animal is it? Period 课时课时第二课时Type of Lesson 课型课型巩固课 Analysis of the Content 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本教学内容是教科 2011 课标版英语六年级下册 Module 2 Animals Unit 3 What animal is it?第二课时,学生们在前一个课时中 已经学习了本课的生词和课文,在理解课文的基础上也初步掌握了 描述动物特点和习性的句型。通过本课时的学习,学生将进一步巩 固动物词汇和课文内容,并通过几个教学活动熟练掌握描述动物特 点和习性的句型。 Analysis of the Students 教学对象分析教学对象分析 学生在三年级下册 Module 6 Pets 中已学习了一些动物单词和 描述动物特点的形容词及句型;在本册 Unit3 新授课的教学中,学 生又学习了几个新的动物单词,也基本掌握了描述动物特点和习性 的句型,如:It is ./ It has ./It can ./Its from ./It lives in ./ It eats . 那么,在第二课时巩固课中, 学生将通过完成几个教学活动,来达到运用句型、巩固课文内容和 锻炼听、说、写语言技能的目的。 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1、巩固课文和词汇。 2、通过各项综合练习,学生能正确运用重点句型描述动物的特点 和习性。 Important Points 教学重点教学重点 巩固课文内容、词汇和描述动物的句型。 Difficult Points 教学难点教学难点 描述动物的句型综合运用。 Teaching Media&Resources 教学媒体及资源教学媒体及资源 多媒体平台、课件、课本、导学案 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Step 1. Warming up 1) Rhyme time:Read a rhyme about animals (朗读课本 P18 一首有关 动物的韵律诗) 2) Game: Sharp eyes (通过游戏来复习巩固动物单词) Step 2. Pre-task 1) Read the dialogue of Unit 3 together and answer some questions. (齐 读课文,回答问题) 2) Read the dialogue in your group. (小组内朗读课文,可齐读或分 角色读) 3) Retell the dialogue by filling the missing words. (通过补上缺失的词 来复述课文对话) Step 3. While-task 4) Fun with language Ex.1. Listen and number. (课本 P16 练习第 1 题) 5) Fun with language Ex.4. Read and write. (课本 P17 练习第 4 题) 6)Fun with language Ex.3. Look and say. (课本 P17 练习第 2 题) This is a panda. Its a lovely animal. Its black and white in colour. It lives in China. It eats bamboo. It can climb trees. Work in your group. Follow the example of “panda”, use the following sentence patterns to describe the other animals. (小组合作, 仿照描述熊猫的例子,用下面的句型来描述其它的动物。) This is a . Its a animal. Its in colour. It has . It lives /is from . It eats . It can . Step 4. Post-task Lets play a guessing game: What animal is it? (玩猜动物游戏)(玩猜动物游戏) 1)Work in your group. Make a riddle about your favourite animal and ask your group members to guess what animal it is. (小组内活动:选 你最喜欢的一种动物,通过描述它的特点来让其他组员猜是什么动 物。 ) 2)Work between groups. Choose one student from your group to describe an animal and let other groups to guess the animal. (小组间活 动:各小组选一个代表来描述一种动物,让其他小组来猜是什么动 物。) Step 5. Homework 1. Play the guessing game about animals after class. (课后继续和同学 们玩猜动物游戏。) 2. Look up the dictionary and find out more animals names in English. (查字典,找出更多动物的英文名。) 3. Activity Book U3 Exercise 35.(活动手册 U3 35 题) Blackboard design 板书设计 Unit 3 What animal is it?
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