教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 4 We can save the animals-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:d0603).zip

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Do you like these animals? whale seal Watch a videoWatch a video What happen? We only have one earth! We make her sick We must save her! They are disappearing ! Would you like to live in a world with no animals? appear disappear Unit 4 We can save the animals Module 2 Animals 基立道小学 执教 余巧坚 Look, tigers are disappearing. The tigers are in danger ! Tigers are in danger. They are disappearing. We need to save tigers! Pandas are in danger , too. They are disappearing. We need to save pandas . Whales are . They are . We need to . in danger disappearing save whales whale in danger. These and many other animals are Would you like to live in a world with no pandas,tigers or whales? If we dont do something now, they may all disappear forever(永远) ! What may soon happen to the animals? Why will these animals disappear forever? 1.One problem is that their homes are disappearing. Animals homes forestsea /ocean What happens to their homes? People cut down the forests. People pollute the oceans. pollute People cut down the forests.People pollute the oceans. So these animals have no place to live in. 2. Many people buy things made from animals, . medicinesmedicines foodfood fur coatsfur coats like medicines, fur coats and even foods People kill foxes for fur. Many people buy fur coats made from foxes. made from 用制造 fur 皮毛 People kill tigers for . (皮毛) Many people buy fur coats tigers. frommade fur People kill sharks(鲨鱼)for shark fin(鱼翅). Many people buy shark fin_ _ sharps. madefrom What can we do ? If we all work together,we stiil can save the animals! ( )1. Pandas, tigers, ducks are in danger . ( )2. Their homes are disappearing. ( ) 3.People cut down the forests, so the animals have place to live in. ( )4.Many people buy things made from animals in danger,like medicine, fur coats and even cars. ( )5.If we all work together, we can still save the animals. Fwhales T F no place to live in F T foods Lets listen and choose T or F Read and answer the questions 1.What may soon happen to many animals in danger? 2.Why are many animals homes disappearing? 3.What things are often made from animals in danger? 4.What can people do to help these animals? 5. Do you know any other animals in danger? Would you like to live in a world with no pandas, tigers or whales? These and many other animals are in danger. If we dont do something now, they may all disappear forever! 1.What may soon happen to many animals in danger? If we dont do something now, they may all disappear forever. / / / One problem is that their homes are disappearing. People cut down the forests and pollute the oceans, so these animals have no place to live in. Also, many people buy things made from these animals, like medicine, fur coats and even foods. 2.Why are many animals homes disappearing? People cut down the forests and pollute the oceans. One problem is that their homes are disappearing. People cut down the forests and pollute the oceans, so these animals have no place to live in. Also, many people buy things made from these animals, like medicines, fur coats and even foods. 3.What things are often made from animals in danger? Medicines, fur coats and even foods are often made from animals in danger. / / / / If you love the earth and love the animals, please do something about it. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and dont pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. 4.What can people do to help these animals? (1)Never buy things made from animals in danger. (2)Plant trees. (3)Dont pollute. (4) / / / / 5. Do you know any other animals in danger? polar bear elephant tortoise lemur 狐猴 White crane 白鹤 Lets read aloud 跟读课文,切句,注意停顿。跟读课文,切句,注意停顿。 Would you like to live in a world with no pandas, tigers or whales? These and many other animals are in danger. If we dont do something now, they may all disappear forever! One problem is that their homes are disappearing. People cut down the forests and pollute the oceans, so these animals have no place to live in. Also, many people buy things made from these animals, like medicine, fur coats and even foods. If you love the earth and love the animals, please do something about it. Never buy things made from animals in danger. Plant trees and dont pollute. If we all work together we can still save the animals. Lets read. We only have one earth / / / / / / / / / / Lets sum up Many animals are in danger. Their homes are disappearing. Many people buy things made from animals in danger. People cut down the forests and pollute the oceans. Plant trees and dont pollute. Many animals in danger are killed. Never buy things made from animals in danger. If we work together, we can still save the animals. Try to feel them White crane 白鹤 If you were human, What can you say to people? 假如你是人类,你会对人们说什么 ? If you were an animal, what can you say to people? 假如你是一只动物,你会说什么? Homework 1.家听Unit 4 单词; 2.背诵Unit4; 3.完成一份保护动物的英文海报。 1 小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册 ModuleModule 2 2 AnimalsAnimals UnitUnit 4 4 WeWe cancan savesave thethe animalsanimals (Lets(Lets read)read) ModuleModule /Topic/Topic 模块及模块及 话题话题 ModuleModule 2 2 AnimalsAnimals UnitUnit 单元单元 2内容内容 LetLet s s readread PeriodPeriod 课时课时 1st1st TypeType ofof lessonlesson 课型课型 新授课新授课 教材教材 分析分析 Module 2 这个模块的主题是动物,主要学习地球上各种各类的动物、如 何全面描述动物、动物所处生态环境以及人类应该如何保护动物,最后深化 “人类只有一个地球,人与动物应该和谐共处”这个主题,unit3 已经学习 了动物的种类、习性、特点等,Unit4 是篇章学习,将进一步描述动物所处 的大环境和面临的挑战以及人类该如何做,整体内容不难理解,但所涉及的 动词短语较多,长句也多,对学生来说需要熟练上口有一定的难度,由于学 生比较有大爱,因此对本课话题比较有感触,并引导孩子思考如何保护濒危 动物。 学生情况学生情况 分析分析 六年级的学生经过小学系统的学习,大部分学生打下了较好的英语基础, 掌握了一定的语法知识,积累了一定的词汇量,包括动物类相关词汇以及课 外词汇,对于篇章阅读已不再陌生,在阅读汲取信息的同事逐渐进步到开始 有自己的独立思考,进入高年段的六年级学生专注力也有所提升。尤其本班 的学生英语学习兴趣特别浓厚,思维活跃,表达欲望强烈,敢于模仿,乐于 交往。但是也有少部分学生基础薄弱,学习兴趣不高。因此,教师需大量使 用视频和图片来,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生热爱学习的习惯。 教学教学 目标目标 1.Language1.Language knowledgeknowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 1)掌握“四会”单词: save, only, earth, whale, danger, in danger, disappear, forever, forest, pollute, made, fur 2)能听说读以下短语和新单词: in danger, cut down the forest , pollute the oceans, buy. made from, work together 3)掌握运用下列句型: If we (dont) , . may/canforever If we work together we can still save the animals. Many people buy things made from these animals, like medicine, fur coats and even food. 3)学生能理解课文,并能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 2 2.Language2.Language skillskill 语言技能:语言技能: 1)学生能通过听获取信息。 2)学生能通过快速阅读查找关键信息。 3)学生能在提示下简单复述课文内容。 3.Affect3.Affect 情感态度:情感态度: 培养学生热爱家园、保护地球、关爱动物的理念,呼吁人们用实际行动 保护濒危动物。 4.Learning4.Learning StrategiesStrategies 学习策略:学习策略: 1)学会小组合作,与他人交流; 2)学会从阅读中获取所需信息; 教学重、教学重、 难点难点 1.重点: (1)能理解并流利朗读课文。 (2)句型 If 与 may 形成的描述可能的行为后果的句子和相关的祈使句。 (2)理解并掌握 buy made from的用法 2.难点: (1)能理解并流利朗读课文。 (2)句型 If 与 may 形成的描述可能的行为后果的句子和相关的祈使句。 (2)理解并掌握 buy made from的用法 教学媒体和教学媒体和 资源资源 1.金太阳(课文教学视频) 2.自制课件 PPT 3.学生的 worksheet。 4.公益广告宣传片 教学策略教学策略 1.运用多媒体,激发学生学习兴趣,调动学习热情。 2.注重小组的合作学习,注重过程评价,提高学生参与积极性,促进学生共 同发展。 3.以学生为主体,把课堂交给学生,小组共同研学,教师辅导。 前置性学习前置性学习 了解地球上的濒危动物有哪些,并思考人类可以如何保护动物。 教学教学 过程过程 Teaching activity & Steps of the activity 教学活动及具体的活动操作步 骤 Learning Activity 学生活动 Purpose 设计意图 备注 (一) Warm up 1.Free talk 2. Watch a video 引出 We only have one earth. 3.引发学生思考:Animals are disappearing!Would you like to live in a world with no 1. Talk about the animals 2. Watch a video Learning the new word:earth 3.思考:Would you like to live in 1. Review 2.看视频引起学生 共鸣 3.引出课题。 学习新词 disappear,save 3 animals? 并引出本课课题。 a world with no animals? 学习课题。 学习新词 disappear,save 1.举例 3 个: tigers,pandas,whales are disappearing,引发学生感知动 物的消失,濒临灭绝。学习单 词以及词组 danger,in danger。 并以此引出 These and many animals are in danger. 思考问题:What may soon happen to the animals? 学习新词 forever 1. 感知动物的消 失,濒临灭绝。 学习 tigers,pandas, whales are disappearing,学 习新单词以及词 组 danger,in danger,学习句 型并引出 These and many animals are in danger. 思考问题:What may soon happen to the animals? 学习新词 forever 1.引发学生感知动 物的消失,濒临 灭绝。学习新词 danger,in danger,并引出 These and many animals are in danger. 思考问题:What may soon happen to the animals? 学习新词 forever 2. 思考问题:Why will these animals disappear forever? 并学习动物消失的原因: Homes are disappearing. 1)People cut down the forest. 2)People pollute the oceans. Animals are killed. 1)People buy things made from animals. 2. 思考问题: Why will these animals disappear forever? 并学习动物消失 的原因。 2. 思考问题: Why will these animals disappear forever? 并学习 动物消失的原因。 (二) Presenta- tion and Practice 3 思考问题:What can we do to help the animals? 带着问题学习课文。 4.阅读课文完成:Read and answer the questions 5.指导阅读课文,并解决问题。 6.看金太阳,朗读课文,注意 长句停顿。 初步感知课文, 完成听力练习。 4.阅读课文完成: Read and answer the questions 5.指导阅读课文, 并解决问题。 6.看金太阳,朗 读课文,注意长 句停顿。 初听课文可让学 生提高听力水平, 也可让学生初步 了解课文内容。 4.阅读课文完成 Read and answer the questions 5.指导阅读课文, 并解决问题。 6.看金太阳,朗读 课文,注意长句 停顿 4 (三) Development Try to feel them If you were human, What can you say to people? 假如你是人类,你会对人们说 什么? If you were an animal, what can you say to people? 假如你是一只动物,你会说什 么? Try to think about If you were human, What can you say to people? If you were human, What can you say to people? 呼吁人们保护动 物,爱护环境。 5 min (四) Homework 1.家听 Unit 4 单词; 2.背诵 Unit4; 3.完成一份保护动物的英文海报。 板书设计 Module 2Animals Unit 2 We can save the animals 任教教师学历:本科 学历专业:英语 教龄:9 年 英语专任教师 Many animals are in danger. homes disappearing are killed cut down the forests things made from animals pollute the oceans plant trees Never buy . made from. dont pollute. If we work together, we can still save the animals. whale made from save in danger disappear danger forever forest sea pollute fur Unit 4 We can save the animals 1.Listen and choose T or F. 2. Answer the questions: 1) What may soon happen to many animals in danger? 2) Why are many animals homes disappearing? 3) What things are often made from animals in danger? 4) What can people do to help these animals? 5) Do you know any other animals in danger? 3.Try to think: If you were human, What will you say to people? 假如你是人类,你会对人们说什么?假如你是人类,你会对人们说什么? If you were an animal, What will you say to people?假如你是一只动物,你会对人说什假如你是一只动物,你会对人说什 么?么? _ _ _
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