人教版八上Unit 9 Can you come to my party -Section B 2a —2e-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:c030b).doc

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1、 Unit9 Can you come to my party? SectionB(2a-2e) 教案教案 【教材版本与册数】【教材版本与册数】新目标人教版八年级上册 【单元名称】【单元名称】Unit 9 Can you come to my party? 【课时】【课时】Section B2a-2e(第 4课时) 【课型】【课型】Reading(阅读课) 教教 材材 分分 析析 本单元围绕“Invitations”这一话题,展开形式多样的听、说、读、写学习活动。主要学习发出、接受或者拒绝邀请 的表达;能正确使用 can 引导的句子来发出邀请,并能表达接受或拒绝邀请。本单元 Section A

2、主要是复习、巩固学生 日常生活常见活动内容的动词短语学习,运用 Can you come to ?句式进行问答,学生能发出、接受或拒绝邀请。 Section B 进一步拓展了此话题,借助日历引出日期的表达方式呈现相关的词汇和短语,依据时间表对活动进行细化。 在形式上从口头对话发出邀请、接受邀请和拒绝邀请,逐步过渡到邀请函的写作,按照“听力输入阅读训练由读 促写” 的过程逐层递进。通过本单元的学习使学生学会用得体的语言发接受或拒绝别人的邀请,并能陈述自己的理 由,监控交际语言运用的得体行。了解有关聚会邀请的礼仪,并知道如何接受邀请或委婉拒绝邀请。 2a-2e为本单元阅读板块。活动 2a从学生的已

3、有认知出发,要求列出各种聚会的名称,为 2b 的阅读活动做准备。 2b以电子邮件的形式,为即将回美国的 Ms Steen 举办惊喜聚会一事,提供发出邀请、拒绝邀请和接受邀请的阅读文 本。阅读文本拓展了常用词汇和短语,也为后面书面表达提供了参考词汇。2c部分通过问题形式加深对文本的理解和 巩固。2d是语篇于都知识的迁移和延伸,让学生完成一个邀请函。2e 是读后拓展活动,是对阅读信息的迁移运用。 学生要通过回答问题,思考并运用所学知识表达自己的观点。 教教 学学 目目 标标 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: 1.通过教师自身的情景式导入和与学生互动的问答形式,学习和巩固该话题下的词汇句型,激发调动学生

4、的求知欲, 熟练使用以下词汇、短语和句型: 词汇、短语:invitation, reply, forward, delete, print, sad, glad, surprised, without, goodbye, preparation, glue, help out, take a trip, turn down, look forward to, hear from 句型:Im sad to see her go. She helped me to improve my English so much. This party is the best way to say “Than

5、k you and goodbye”. Thanks so much for planning this. To show how much were going to miss her, lets have a surprise party for her. 学习策略:学习策略: 1.通过文本阅读,拓展单元语言目标,学会写关于邀请、接受邀请和拒绝邀请的信息。 2. 通过语篇阅读,了解三个语篇功能和文本再构,学生能完成半开放式邀请函并表达自己观点。 情感态度价值观目标:情感态度价值观目标: 通过教师引导下,学生在语篇学习中体会,运用得体的语言发出、接受或拒绝别人的邀请,并陈述自己的理由, 可以

6、增进同学之间的了解和友情并培养学生文明的交际习惯。 文化素养目标:文化素养目标: 通过学习,学生了解国外社交聚会的基本知识,以及出席此类聚会的基本常识,知道如何接受邀请或委婉拒绝邀 请。 教学教学 重重难难 点点 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 通过学习掌握生词和短语。 2. 通过语篇阅读,了解邀请函的文本结构、格式及内容。 3. 通过语篇阅读,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。 教学难点:教学难点: 1. 通过语篇阅读,了解邀请函的文本结构、格式及内容。 2通过语篇阅读,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。 建议建议 教法教法 阅读课的“3P”教学模式 : Ppresentation(

7、读前呈现) P-practice(读中理解记忆) P-production(信息及语篇输出) 设置情景意义操练 。 设计读后活动任务,先模仿再迁移。 总结并设置任务提升学生语言运用能力。 教学流程教学流程 (详见相应教学活动设计) 1 预备与激 活先期知 识 1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。 2.阅读活动设计遵循语言规律,由易到难逐层递进,充分体现语言输入到语言输出的完整过程。 3.阅读的活动设计体现对文本内容的深度挖掘和文本再构,体现了对学生思维品格的训练与培养。 步 骤 过程 教师活动与学生活动 目的 持续性评价 Step 1 Greeting an

8、d Leading in (3mins ) T: Whats the date today? S: Its December 25th. Its also Christmas party. T: what kinds of parties do you know? S: Ss think about the parties . 有效的激活学生与此话题相关的背 景知识激活学生的前期知识,培养 学生良好的预习习惯。 真实情景式导入话题,激发学生的 学习兴趣 通过课前的预习,培 养学生的“IIQEE”学 习策略 学生能够利用老师提 供的信息分组进行讨 论。 T : What kind of part

9、y is it? Make a list of other 2 获 取 新 知 识 Step2Pre reading (3mins) Step 3While reading (15 mins) kinds of parties and share what they think of them. S: Ss make a list of parties. 2a Make a list of the kinds of parties people have. New Year party Birthday party Wedding party Farewell party Housewarmi

10、ng party Surprise party 1. T: What does David think of these parties? Here is a passage from him. Ss: Reading Strategy 1: Predict the picture. 2.T: Its an e-mail from David, does anyone reply it? How many messages are there in it? Whats each message about? Ss: Thinking. TASK1 Fast reading Read the t

11、hree passages quickly then match the reason with each passage. Message 1: Accept an invitation. Message 2: Turn down an invitation. Message 3: Make an invitation. TASK2 Careful reading 1.Read the third passage and fill in the blanks. 老师引导学生关注信息,为后续阅 读教学活动做铺垫。 老师引导学生快速完成阅读,完成 相关练习。 用本单元目标语言来完成阅读练 习,拓

12、展学生思维,提高阅读能 大部分学生能完成任 务并能带着问题去思 考,然后回答。 大部分学生能在老师 的引导下进行完成阅 读练习。 2. Read the second passage and finish True or False questions. 3. Read the third passage and then put the sentences into the right order. TASK3 Retell the story Give ss 3 mins to retell the story. 力。 3 深 度 加 工 知 识 Step 4 Consolid ation

13、 T: David received a letter from Amy ,and Amy needed his help. Complete the invitation with words and phrases from the message on page 69.(2d) 引导学生学会运用目标语言礼貌地 发出邀请,接受或拒绝邀请,熟练 运用本单元目标句型为下一步进行 写作做好铺垫。 部分学生能够用目标 语言进行邀请函的写 作。 4 能力 提升 Step 5 Make a report (5 mins) 1. Make a report To help students master

14、 the target language and expand their vocabulary. Imagine your favorite teacher is leaving. Plan a party for him or her .Answer the questions with your partner. a. What do you want to say to her? b. When and where are you going to have the party? c. Who will you invite? 让学生根据老师给出信息使用目标 句型进行交流。 通过拓展写

15、作让学生 清晰回顾本单元的目 标知识,检测学生是 否能基本运用本堂课 的目标语言,体现对 学生的可持续性评 价。 d. What kind of food and drinks would you like to serve? e. What activities will there be? f. How can you make the party a surprise for your teacher? For whom: We are going to have a _ party (for ). Time and place: The party will be on _ in _.

16、 People: We will invite _ (because ). Food and drinks: We are going to serve _. Activities: We can _ in the party. 2.Summary Words and phrases invitation, reply, forward, delete, print, sad, glad, goodbye, preparation, glue, surprised, without, help 让学生自己总结,加深对课文的理 解和知识点的巩固。 学生可以将所学知识 和重点短语和句型总 结出来。

17、 Exercise 句型转换 1. Today is Monday. (提问) _ _ _ today? 2. They are going to the doctors on Monday. (提问) _ _ they going to the doctors? 3. Call me after the test. (否定句) _ _ me after the test. 4. Why dont you have an English party? (同义转换) out, take a trip, turn down, look forward to, hear from Sentences

18、: Im sad to see her go. She helped me to improve my English so much. This party is the best way to say “Thank you and goodbye”. Thanks so much for planning this. To show how much were going to miss her, lets have a surprise party for her. 3.Homework Plan a party. Write everything you have to do next

19、 week. Choose a day and time to have a party. Then invite classmates to your party. _ _ have an English party? 5. Do you want to come over to my house?(同义转换) _ _ _ to come over to my house? _ you come over to my house? 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 1. 我们后天去参观那个地方吧。 2. 你不能来参加这次聚会, 真可惜。 3. 我将等到四点钟。 4. 你能过来加入我们吗? 5. 他们邀请谁了? 6. 本周末我得帮我妈妈做事。


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