教科版(广州)六下Module 3 Famous people-Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:90933).zip

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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级下册 Module 3 Famous people Period 3 Famous people Sharp Eyes Say out jobs Her job is singing. She is a _. dancer singer She teaches you new things. She is a _. painter teacher He helps sick people. He is a _. nurse engineer She paints pictures well. She is a _. painter doctor He is head of the country. He is a _. musician leader She acts in a play or a movie. She is a _. footballer actor Her job is writing books. She is a _. writer painter He writes or plays music well. He is a _. fireman musician She invents new things. She is a _. inventor writer Who is he? When was he born? When did he die? Where was he born? What did he do to make him famous? Why was he so famous Famous people “名人知多少名人知多少”主题班会主题班会 What makes him / her famous? Read in 1 minute and use one sentence to talk: 1分钟分钟读完所有卡片请用读完所有卡片请用一句话一句话说出每位名人的说出每位名人的出名原因出名原因: 2 1 3 4 Albert Einstein Marie Curie Leonardo da Vinci Dr Sun Yatsen He tried to free the Chinese people and make their lives better. He had many new findings. He drew many famous paintings. She won two Nobel Prizes. 5 6 William Shakespeare Charlie Chaplin He wrote many famous plays. He made many funny movies. Know more about them. Theme Class Meeting Famous people “名人知多少名人知多少”主题班会主题班会 Names of the famous persons What was he / she? When was he / she born? Sun Yatsen great leader1866 Albert Einstein Marie Curie Leonardo da Vinci William Shakespeare Charlie Chaplin great scientist 1879 French scientist1867 Italian painter 1452 English writer 1564 English actor 1889 Cards about famous people 名人积累卡名人积累卡 Theme Class Meeting Famous people “名人知多少名人知多少”主题班会主题班会 Tips 1 2 3 4 Riddles Her He was born in Hawaii in 1961. He is the 44th President of the United States. He was the first black president in American history. 1 Barack Obama (奥巴马奥巴马) She is a writer. She is from the UK. She is famous for Harry Potter. 2 J. K. Rowling (J.K.罗琳)罗琳) He was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. He is a successful businessman. Now he is the richest people of china. People know him because Alibaba and Taobao. 3 Ma Yun (马云)(马云) He was a Chinese painter. He was born in Jiangsu. He was good at painting horses. After his death in 1953, a museum was built at his home in Beijing. 4 Xu Beihong (徐悲鸿)(徐悲鸿) She is a famous actress. She is modern and beautiful. She has acted in many domestic and international (国内和国际)films. Now her new play Wu Zetian is on Hunan Satellite Channel (卫星频道). Her 5 Fan Bingbing (范冰冰)(范冰冰) He is tall and strong. He is also very kind. He is the president of China now. He raised socialist core values.(社会主义核心价值观(社会主义核心价值观 ) His wife is Ms Peng, a very famous musician.6 Xi Jinping (习近平)(习近平) He was a great Chinese writer. He was born in 1881 and died in1936. He used his pen name in his works. A Q and Kong Yiji are main characters(人物) in his works. 7 Lu Xun (鲁迅)(鲁迅) He is a Chinese astronaut (宇航员). He was the first Chinese people to come into space. He went into space by spaceship in 2003. 8 Yang Liwei (杨利伟)(杨利伟) He was a famous English writer. He was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He wrote many great plays, such as Romeo and Juliet. 9 William Shakespeare (莎士比亚)(莎士比亚) She lives in Hong Kong. She is good at playing the piano. She works hard at singing. One of her famous songs is Foam(泡沫)(泡沫). She took part in(参加)(参加) I am a singer 2(我是歌手)(我是歌手). 10 Deng Ziqi (邓紫棋)(邓紫棋) Riddles Theme Class Meeting Famous people “名人知多少名人知多少”主题班会主题班会 Andersen Lee Minho (李敏镐)(李敏镐) AndersenLee Minho AndersenLee Minho He was born in the small town of Odense(欧登塞)(欧登塞), Denmark in 1805. He is famous for his childrens tales: The Ugly Duckling, The Daughter of the Sea, The Little Match Girl . He had to start working after his father died in 1816. For a time, he worked as a tailor(裁缝)(裁缝), and then in a factory. At 14, he moved to Copenhagen(哥本哈根)(哥本哈根) to become a singer. After his voice changed, a director made him go back to school. He began writing plays for a local journal(日报)(日报) and became a writer. In his free time, he likes watching films and football matches, playing computer games and health building(健身)(健身). He was born in Seoul, the capital of South Korea in 1987. He is an actor and model. He played leading roles in different TV plays: Successor (继(继 承者)承者)and City Hunter(城市猎(城市猎 人)人). Because hes very tall (187cm high) and good-looking, he is welcomed by young ladies. And most important, he is very nice, kind and warm-hearted. Famous people Nationality (国籍)(国籍) Occupation (职业)(职业) Year of birth Place of birth Appearance (外貌)(外貌) Personality (性格)(性格) Hobby Reasons of being famous (成名原因)(成名原因) Theme Class Meeting Famous people “名人知多少名人知多少”主题班会主题班会 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Poster Theme Class Meeting Famous people “名人知多少名人知多少”主题班会主题班会 We should learn from great man to contribute to mankind. 我们应该学习伟人为人类做贡献 。 Homework 将你课堂上所写的名人介绍与家人及更多的同学分享。 搜集更多名人的故事,并与同伴分享。(可查阅书籍资 料或上网搜寻资料) 必做: 选做: 1 广州版小学六年级英语下册 Module 3 Famous people Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen (第三课时第三课时) 阅读课教学设计阅读课教学设计 1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 Module 3 的 Topic 是 Famous people,主要通过学习让学生了解更多的 关于名人的知识。本节课是 Unit 5 的第三课时,是一节综合拓展课。经过 前面两个课时的学习,学生主要能够了解了一些中外名人的知识,本课紧贴 Famous people 这一主题,渗透更多名人的知识,以课本出现的名人为主线, 让学生了解更多的名人,挖掘和分析名人,从而结合实际生活中的名人。本 课以主题班会的形式开展教学,激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生带着疑问去学 习,使学生懂得如何用英语去描述名人,并借此训练学生的口语交际能力和 表达能力。 2 2、教学对象分析教学对象分析 本节课授课对象是六年级的学生,本阶段的学生生动活泼好动,思维 活跃,表达欲强,善于模仿,对英语的学习兴趣正浓,而且记忆力强,形象 思维好,比较喜欢自主和有挑战性的学习,他们善于利用想象力去学习和使 用语言,教师要提供更多的自主学习和探索的机会。通过这几年英语的学习, 已具备小组合作研学的能力和策略,互帮互助的学习方式已形成。同时他们 乐于和同学分享,有一定语言基础。这个班部分的学生有一定的课外知识, 但是两级分化比较严重,但是本节的过程中,教师充分利用了他们的小组合 作,给学生提供锻炼和展示的平台,引导学生去内化和拓展相关知识,多方 位,多层次的开放性问题驱动下,进行人物的分析。 2 3、教学目标教学目标 (1)知识目标知识目标: 1、能听懂、读懂名人信息并通过练习理解文本; 2、了解不同领域的名人的生平与事迹。 (2)技能目标技能目标 1、能通过各种形式的活动完成练习。 2、了解不同领域名人的生平和事迹,形成介绍名人的思维导图。 3、能正确使用过去时态简单描述和谈论。 (3)情感目标情感目标 1、通过多种形式的学习活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣,增强英语学习的自 信心。 2、帮助学生养成良好的英语学习习惯乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与, 主动合作。 3、通过小组合作研学,让学生体验英语学习的乐趣,乐于与同学分享交流。 4、学习伟人为人类做贡献。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点(Teaching Points) 重点重点: 1、能听懂、读懂文本并通过练习理解文本; 2、了解不同领域名人的生平和事迹, 3、能正确使用过去时态简单描述和谈论。 难点难点:完成名人海报,使用过去时态描述与谈论。 4、教学策略(教学策略(Teaching Method) 3 本课的教学设计结合了“IIO(Input-Internalization-Output)教 学模式” ,在教学过程中运用多媒体,激发学生的学习的兴趣,调动学生的学习 热情。注重小组合作学习,注重过程评价,提高学生的参与课堂活动的积极性, 促进学生共同发展。我主要让学生围绕本课主线,开展个人研学,小组交流、 展示学习等 六、教学媒体:六、教学媒体:PPT、图片、声音、图片、声音 【设计意图】:为了更生动地体现教学内容,图文并茂地展示给学 生。 7、教学过程教学过程 (Teaching Procedure) I、Preparation 1、Sharp eyes:复习所学的职业词汇。 【设计意图】:通过复习,让学生大脑启动所学知识,为下面的教 学环节做好铺垫。 2、Free talk:通过 Who,When,Where,What,引导学生运用所学知 识说说孙中山的生平。 【设计意图】:通过让学生对课文内容的回忆,渗透描述名人的要 素,同时为下面的主题班会做边好铺垫。 II、Input -Internalization 1、由伟人 Dr Sun Yatsen 的生平,引出 Theme Class Meeting:Famous People How much did you know? 4 【设计意图】:创设情境,同时引出文本阅读。 2、Read and say:Use one sentence to talk these persons 【设计意图】:略读文本,初步感知文本,了解文本大意。 3、Listen and know:Know more about 【设计意图】:学生带着问题去完成听力任务,提取信息,了解更 多伟人的信息。 4、Read fast and Guess 【设计意图】:教师设计阅读任务,引导学生通过小组合作讨论, 提取信息,培养学生的提取信息的能力。 5、Read and Appreciate 【设计意图】:学生通过阅读,了解名人。 III、Output Step 1 :Write and Share 【设计意图】:学生通过这节课所学习的名人信息,写下自己心中 的名人,做一张海报,分享给自己的伙伴。 IV、Summary We should learn from great men to contribute to mankind. 5 我们应该学习伟人为人类做贡献。 Homework: Share with partners what you write in class. 板书设计:板书设计: Module 3 Famous people Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen Famo us peop le Personali ty (性格)(性格) Occupa tion (职业)(职业) Appeara nce (外貌)(外貌) Nationa lity (国籍)(国籍) Hobb y Year of birth Place of birth Reasons of being famous (成名原因)(成名原因) 6
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