人教版(新起点)一年级下册Unit 5 Drink-lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:6001e).docx

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1、1 一下 Unit5 Drink 教案 教学目标: 1.能够听懂、会说与饮料有关的四个词汇:juice, milk, water, tea。 2.能够听懂功能句 Can I have.?并能在情境中熟练使用。 3.能够跟随读音模仿说唱 chant 歌谣 情感目标: 1.养成珍惜水源的好习惯。 2.养成良好的喝水习惯。 教学重难点: 与饮料有关的四个词汇: juice, milk, water, tea。 教学准备:单词卡片,PPT, 乐迪玩具。 教学过程: 一、Warm-up 1、听歌曲 2.教师出示乐迪图片,问学生:Who is he? He is Ledi.并引 出句子:But he is

2、 very sad. Whats the matter with him? Lets watch the video and find the answer. 2、 看乐迪挤牛奶的视频, 并回答问题, 问题: 乐迪打翻了什么? 2 二、新授 1.学习词汇:milkm-i-l-k milk /milk/. 操练:1.男女生读 2.随机抽读 Can I have milk?(读 have 时做喝的动作)Do you know the meaning of the word? 生:喝 T;Can I have milk? You can say: Yes, you can./Here you are

3、. T:Do you like milk? How to ask me? 操练:小组合作 Our parents often buy milk for us. Do you know why? 引出句子:Its good for you.讲解单词 good 2. 学习词汇:water T:Whats in the cup?(晃动水杯,让学生品尝,然后猜。 ) S:水。 T;Water: w-a-t-e-rwt 操练:1.两人一组 2.随机抽读 T:Can I have water? You can say. 引出句子:Yes, you can./Here you are. Now Im a w

4、aiter.Who wants to have water? 3 操练:师生合作 ;生生合作 The water is useful in our daily life.If we waste water all the time. The last drop of water will be our tear.(如 果我们总是浪费水的话,最后一滴眼泪将会是我们的眼泪。) T:So treasure the water. Start from me. Play game:猜饮品 3. 学习词汇 tea 呈现水壶:What is this? 呈现茶叶:What is this? 水+茶=tea

5、Tea:t-e-a /ti:/ 操练:1.one by one 2.随机抽读 T:Can I have tea? SS:Yes, you can./Here you are. T:Can I have tea at night? Look at the picture.She has tea at night,so she cant sleep. T:Can I have tea at night? 引导学生说:“不” T;No, you cant.If we want to sleep,we had better not drink tea at night.Because its bad

6、for you. 学习 bad:辣条 is bad for you.(猜 bad 的汉语意思) 4 操练:小组合作 Can I have tea? No, you cant. Its bad for you. 4. 学习词汇:juice (呈现水果和榨汁机的食物)What will happen? 做果汁,然后问学生:Do you want to drink? 生:Yes T;Whats this ? SS:果汁 T:Juice: j-u-i-c-e dus 操练:1.小组读 2.随机抽读 T:Do you like juice? SS: Yes. T:How to ask me. S1:Ca

7、n I have juice? T:Yes, you can./ Her you are. 操练:师生合作生生合作 游戏:在超级飞侠团队中找出相同的饮品并大声说出来 T:Now lets play another game. 三、练习 5 1.学习 Do and say T:Then lets do and say like them.(观片学习视频) Take out your cards, lets practice. Group in four. T:Now,Im the waiter.What drinks do you want? Hands up and conme here. S

8、1:. S2:. T:Who wants to be the waiter. 操练:生生合作 2.Chant T:Lets relax. Lets listen to a chant (学唱 chant) 四、总结 OK! During the lesson. We are very happy.But pleae remember these words and sentences. 四、作业 1.熟读四个词汇: milk, water, tea, juice 2.练习 chant 3.珍惜水源,从我做起。 五、板书: 6 Unit5Drink Lesson1 Milk Can I havewater tea Juice Here you are.


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