人教版(新起点)一年级下册Unit 1 Classroom-Story Time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0046).docx

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1、1 Unit1Unit1 ClassroomClassroom PeriodPeriod 5 5 StoryStory TimeTime TeachingTeaching materialmaterial analysis:analysis: 第一单元主要学习关于教室的 3 个单词 desk,chair,blackboard,三个表达 位置的词汇: in, on, under; 以及询问和表达位置的功能句: Where is ? Its under/ in/ on。本单元是学生开学后的第一单元,与学生生活实际紧密联系,学习教室 有关的物品名称,易于学生接受,内容简单实用,易于教师操练。本单元为

2、下个 单元 Room 做了很好的铺垫,由教室到房间,使得下一步的学习变的简单,过 度自然。 StudentsStudents analysis:analysis: 一年级学生年龄较小,认知水平较低。 TeachingTeaching aimsaims: 1、Knowledge and ability objectives: Get to know some new vocabularies: pencil box, go home. 了解新词汇:铅笔盒,回家。 2、Process and methodology objectives: Enable the student guess and

3、understand the story by listening and observing. 能通过先听音后观察图片的方式,推测和理解小故事。 3、Emotional-attitude-value objectives: Enable the students form a good habit: learn to TeachingTeaching emphasisemphasis: Get the students to understand the main idea of this story and learn form it. 让学生听懂故事的意思,理解故事内容,并且从中学到教训

4、。 TeachingTeaching difficultiesdifficulties: Maybe its hard for some students to read after the story and act it out. 跟读课文句子和表演小故事有难度。 TeachingTeaching aidsaids:PPTvideo TeachingTeaching proceduresprocedures: Step1: Warming up 1. Lets chant. 2. Look and read the words on PPT. 2 3. Whole-class activi

5、ty& Individual activity: Students listen and do what T say, then asking and answering questions. T: Put your ruler on your desk. Put your pencil under your chair. 。 T: Where is your schoolbag/ book/ pencil/? Step2: Lead in Let the student to look at the picture 1 and picture 2 of the story on PPT. T

6、: Where is Bill? Where is the pencil box? Where is Bill? What is the schoolbag? What is Bill doing? W hat will happen? 目的:让学生学会看图,引导学生预测故事。 Step3: Deal with the story 1. Watching the video for the first time. 利用视频播放,帮助学生了解故事的发展,并验证自己的预测。 2. Deal with the pictures one by one. 教师提问引领,学生逐图观察,理解故事大意。 Pi

7、cture3: What is Bill doing? Is he happy? Picture4: What is Bill doing? Why? Picture5: Is he find it? Why? Who is coming? What is in his mouth? Why? Picture6: Is Bill happy now? What do you learn from the story? 3. Listen and repeat 听音跟读模仿。 4. Role-play and presentation 角色扮演和展示: Students play the roles in the story and present in front of the class. BlackboardBlackboard design:design: Unit 1Story Time Where is Bills pencil box? Its in Lucys mouth.


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