英语词性 红实词-绿虚词 实词可单独做句子培训学习知识课件.pptx

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1、 英语词性英语词性 红实词红实词/绿虚词绿虚词 实词可单独实词可单独 做句子做句子 演讲人2021-05-21 叹 词叹 词 - i n t . ( i n t e r j e c t i o n ) 语语 气 词气 词 01 Examples My God, ouch, well, hey, er etc. Use It often stands alone, unconnected to a sentence. A short word or phrase that shows emotion. 叹词 - int. (interjection) 语气词 可 数 名 词可 数 名 词 - n

2、 u m . ( n u m e r a l ) 数数 词 表 数 量词 表 数 量 02 Examples u1/6 is read as one sisth Fractions and demicals 可数名词 - num. (numeral) 数词表数 量 Dates Examples Once, twice, thrice Use Express how many times some event happens Multiplicative adverbs Cardial numbers Examples Zero, one, two, three Use Refer to the

3、 size of a group. 可数名词 - num. (numeral) 数词表数 量 Ordinal numbers 名 词名 词 - n . ( n o u n s ) 命 名 所 有 人 和命 名 所 有 人 和 物 的 词物 的 词 03 名词 - n. (nouns) 命名所有人和物的词 Compound nouns Collective nouns Countable / Uncountable nouns Proper / Common nouns 名词 - n. (nouns) 命名所有人和物的词 Compound nouns Exam ples 01 Use 02 Co

4、mpound nouns Examples football mother-in-law bus stop Use Acts as a single unit and can be modified by adjectives and other nouns. 名词 - n. (nouns) 命名所有人和物的词 Collective nouns 1 E x a m p l e s 2 Rule 3 Use 3 Use It denots a group o f individuals. 1 Examples boss family 2 Rule Can be treated as s ingu

5、lar or plural. Collective nouns 名词 - n. (nouns) 命名所有人和物的词 Countable / Uncountable nouns Uncountab le nouns Countable nouns Countable nouns Uncountab le nouns Examples what electricy money Use Uncountable nouns are always singular. Yot cannot count uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns Examples 10 yea

6、rs A dog Six dollars Use Count nouns have singular and plural forms. You can count countable nouns Countable nouns Uncountable nouns Examples money music love Use uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot count them. Examples animal-animal

7、s woman-women man-men Use Have both sigular and plural forms Nouns that can be counted Countable nouns 名词 - n. (nouns) 命名 所有人和物的词 Proper / Common nouns Commo n nouns 01 Commo n nouns 03 Proper nouns 02 Proper nouns 04 Examples Sub Topic Book Dog Use Refer to people, places in general Common nouns Ex

8、amples November Italy Mary Use Refer to names of specific people, places or organizayions. Proper nouns Examples computer apple pen Use Common nouns can be countable or uncountable, singular or plural Common nouns are words for people, places or things that are not specific ( opposed to peoper nouns

9、) Common nouns Proper nouns Examples St.Pauls Cathedral America Cindy Use Proper nouns are the names of specific people or places. They should always begin with a capital letter. 动 词动 词 - v . ( v e r b ) 表 示 动 作 和 状 态表 示 动 作 和 状 态 04 动词 - v. (verb) 表示动作和状态 Auxiliary Participle Modal Linking verb Ful

10、l verb 动词 - v. (verb) 表示动作和状态 Auxiliary Exam ples 01 Use 02 Examples I am eating A verb used with main verbs to show tense, etc. and to form questions and negatives. Use 动词 - v. (verb) 表示动作和状态 Participle Past 01 Prese nt 02 Forms like wanted, broken, started, begun etc. Past Often refered to as the

11、-ing form of a verb, such as singing, swimming Present 动词 - v. (verb) 表示动作和状态 Linking verb Exam ples 01 Use 02 I feel unwell. Mary is a nurse. Examples Use Link the subject to a noun or adjective. Link two parts of a sentence. Have NO object. 动词 - v. (verb) 表示动作和状态 Full verb Intransiti ve verb 1 Tra

12、nsitive verb 2 Take NO subject. uThe bomb exploded in the city center. Intransitive verb Examples uJenna brings Mrs. Smith lunch every day. Take an object. 连 词连 词 - c o n j . ( c o n u u n c t i o n ) 表 连 接 : 并 列 , 转 折 , 递 进表 连 接 : 并 列 , 转 折 , 递 进 05 Subordinating conjunctions Coordinating conjuncti

13、ons 连词 - conj. (conuunction) 表连接:并列,转折,递进 连词 - conj. (conuunction) 表连接:并列, 转折,递进 Subordinating conjunctions Examp les 01 Use 02 Examples After, although, because, if, until etc. Sam went swimming although it was raining. Use uUsed to join a subordinate (dependent) clause to a main (independent) clau

14、se. Subordinating conjunctions 连词 - conj. (conuunction) 表连接:并列, 转折,递进 Coordinating conjunctions Examp les 01 Use 02 And, but, or, nor, for, yet, so uI like tea and coffee. Examples Use uUsed to join two parts that are grammatically equal or similar. Coordinating conjunctions 介 词介 词 - p r e p . ( p r

15、 e p o s i t i o n ) 表表 逻 辑逻 辑 06 介词 - prep. (preposition) 表逻 辑 Phrase prepositions Participle prepositions Double prepositions Compound prepositions Simple prepositions Phrase prepositions uExamples 介词 - prep. (preposition) 表逻辑 Examples Phrase prepositions uBecause of, with regard to, on behalf, fo

16、r the sake of etc. Participle prepositions uExamples 介词 - prep. (preposition) 表逻辑 Examples Concerning, notwithstanding, considering etc. 子主题 Double prepositions uExamples 介词 - prep. (preposition) 表逻辑 Out of, outside of, from beneath etc. u子主题 Examples Compound prepositions uExamples 介词 - prep. (prep

17、osition) 表逻辑 Examples Compound prepositions uWithout, within, inside, outside, into, behind Simple prepositions uExamples 介词 - prep. (preposition) 表逻辑 Examples uIn, on, at, aboue, over, under,of etc. Simple prepositions 冠 词冠 词 - a r t . ( a r t i c l e ) 表 泛 指 ,表 泛 指 , 特 指 ,特 指 , a / a n 单 数 形 式单 数

18、形 式 用 在 名用 在 名 07 冠词 - art. (article) 表泛指,特指,a/an单数形式 用在名词前,说明名词所指的人、物 Types Use 冠词 - art. (article) 表泛指,特指,a/an 单数形式 用在名词前,说明名词所指的人、 物 Types Indefinite article Definite article an Example Please hold me an autobiobiography. Use It precedes a word that begins with a vowel. a Example Please hand me a

19、 book. Use It precedes a word that begins with consonant. Example Are you going to the party this weekend? Use To limit the meaning of a noun to one particular thing. the 冠词 - art. (article) 表泛指,特指,a/an单数形式 用在名词前,说明名词所指的人、物 Use Uded to define a noun as specific or unspecific. 副 词副 词 - a d v . ( a d

20、v e r b ) 修 饰 动 词 、修 饰 动 词 、 形 容 词 、 副 词形 容 词 、 副 词 表 示 状 态 特 征 或 行表 示 状 态 特 征 或 行 08 副词 - adv. (adverb) 修饰动词、 形容词、副词 表示状态特征或行为 Types Use 副词 - adv. (adverb) 修饰动词、形容词、 副词 表示状态特征或行为 Types Degree Time Place Manner Example uShe entirely agrees with him. Degree Example uHe came yesterday. Time Example uP

21、lease sit here. Place Example uHe speaks slowly. Manner 副词 - adv. (adverb) 修饰动词、形 容词、副词 表示状态特征或行为 Use Used to modify a phrase, clause or sentence. Used to modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb; Use Used to modify a phrase, clause or sentence. Used to modify a verb, an adjective or another ad

22、verb; 形 容 词形 容 词 - a d j . ( a d j e c t i v e ) 修 饰修 饰 名 词名 词 09 1.Examples 2. Justin Bieber in the most popular singer in Canada. 3.Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. 4.Use 5. Used to describe the extreme quality of one thing in a group of things. Superlative adjective Examples I

23、want to have a more powerful computer. Chris is taller than John. Use Used to describle the difference between two things Comparative adjective Adjective Examples A dark sky An interesting story A green car Use Used to describle a person or thing. 代 词代 词 - p r o n . ( p r o n o u n ) 代 替代 替 名 词名 词 1

24、0 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代替名词 Recipro cal pronou n E Interro gative pronou n D Indefini te pronou n A Conjuct ive pronou n B Relativ e pronou n C Reflexi ve pronou n F 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代替名词 Demonstrative pronoun Posessive pronoun Personal pronoun 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代替名词 Indefinite pronoun 01 All

25、, another, any, anybody/anyone, anything,each, everybody/every one, everything, few, many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somemody, someone,etc. 02 Use All, another, any, anybody/anyone,anything,each, everybody/everyone, everything, few, many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somemody, someone,e

26、tc. Examples They lost everything in the earthquake. Can anyone answer this question? Indefinite pronoun Use It is vague and not definite. An indifinite pronun does not refer to any specific person, thing, or amount. 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代替名词 Relative pronoun 1 Who, Whom, Whose, Which, That 2 Use Ex

27、amples uThe person whose phone just rang should stand up. uThe person that phoned me last night is my teacher. Who, Whom, Whose, Which, That Relative pronoun Use 0102 Related to the word that its relative clause modifies. Used to introduce a relatice clause. 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代 替名词 Interrogative

28、pronoun A B Use Who, Whom, What, Which, Whose Examples uWhat do you want? uWho told you? uWhom did you tell? Who, Whom, What, Which, Whose Interrogativ e pronoun Use A B Used to ask queations. Represents the thing that we dont know. 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代替名词 Reciprocal pronoun 1 Each other, One anot

29、her 2 Use Examples uThe gangsters were fighting one another. uJohn and mary love each other Each other, One another Use uUsed when each of two or more subjects is acting the same way towards the other. Reciprocal pronoun 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代替名 词 Reflexive pronoun 1 Plural 2 Singular 3 Use Reflexiv

30、e pronoun Plural Singular Use Reflexive pronoun Plural Themselv es Yourselve s Ourselve s Reflexive pronoun Singular Himself / Herself / Itself 01 Yourself 02 Myself 03 Reflexive pronoun Use End in -self (singular) or selves (plural). Used to refer back to the sentence or clause 代词 - pron. (pronoun)

31、 代 替名词 Demonstrative pronoun Plural Singular Use Plural Those far in distance or time These That This near in diatance or time Singular Use Demonstrative pronoun uTo show, indicate or point to a thing or things. 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代替名词 Posessive pronoun Nominal possessive pronoun 01 Adjectival pos

32、sessiv e pronoun 02 Use 03 Posessive pronoun Nominal possessive pronoun Adjectival possessive pronoun Use Posessive pronoun Nominal possessive pronoun Their s YoursOurs His / Hers / Its YoursMine Posessive pronoun Adjectival possessive pronoun TheirYour Our His / Her / Its Your My Use uShow ownership replace noun phrases Posessive pronoun 代词 - pron. (pronoun) 代替名 词 Personal pronoun 1 Object 2 Subject 3 Use Personal pronoun 01 Them You Us Him / Her / It You Me Object 02 Subject 03 Use 感谢聆听感谢聆听


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