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Present progressive tense,(现在进行时),课 型:语法复习课 年 级:九年级,本节课主要围绕“现在进行时”这一语法进行“语法情景式”复习教学。本节课利用多媒体课件,采用了情景对话问答、听力、游戏竞赛、小组活动、对话讨论等多种活动形式。最突出的特点是:该课打破了传统复习讲练课的模式,让学生在贴近生活的情景中,对语法知识进行有效的复习,巩固和运用,再配以听说读写等训练,能够很好地激发学生的学习热情和兴趣,体现了“以学生为主体”的任务型教学模式。,Present progressive tense,现在进行时,袁崇焕中学 袁燕雯,,Girls,Boys,PK,,,,,魔法王国,Help Gru!,勇闯金银岛,森林大冒险,侏罗纪公园,米奇妙妙屋,,Round 2 Let’s listen!,Round 4 Choose Lucky number,Round 3 Let’s talk!,魔法王国,勇闯金银岛,森林大冒险,侏罗纪公园,米奇妙妙屋,Round 5 Let’s test!,Round 1 Find out the rules,Welcome to the Forest!,Round 1,听录音填词,Dear Jane, How’s it going? I’m ______ a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. She’s _______ here and I’m going to summer school. I’m ______ English and I’m learning a lot. I’m also visiting some of my old friends. I’m so happy to see them of my old ______. I’m so ______ to see them again. It’s afternoon right now, and I’m ________ by the pool and _______ orange juice. It’s warm and _______, and it’s very _________ here. See you soon. Su Lin,having,working,studying,friends,happy,sitting,drinking,sunny,relaxing,圈出文章中的现在分词(Ving),,,,,,,,,,,,现在进行时,,,,一、讨论:找出动词的-ing 形式的规则,一般情况,,规则一,规则二,以不发音e结尾,去___加____,规则三,e,ing,“一元+一辅”,双写___音,加____,辅,ing,加ing,规则五,元音加y,直接加____,一、讨论:找出动词的-ing 形式的规则,规则四,辅音加y,直接加____,ing,ing,规则六,以ie结尾,变ie为__加____,y,ing,Who has the quickest eyes?,,shopping,getting,doing,writing,singing,swimming,taking,Let's play a game!,快速说出动名词,having,dancing,eating,lying,enjoying,playing,studying,He is _________________.,playing basketball,,,,V-ing,be(am,is are),V-ing,They are ________.,dancing,,V-ing,现在进行时构成:,主语,,be,be,He,is,What,he,.,?,doing,running,What,be,V-ing,?,主语,现在进行时特殊疑问句构成:,现在进行时一般疑问句结构:,Be(Am,Is Are),主语,V-ing,She,is,cleaning,the room.,Is,she,?,变一般疑问句,,,,He is _________.,eating,He is ____ swimming.,not,be (am,is are),not,V-ing,现在进行时否定句结构:,主语,,1. He is climbing mountains now.,变否定句:,He ____________ mountains now.,变一般疑问句:,_____he _________ mountains now?,2. Lucy is watching TV at the moment.,变否定句:,Lucy ______________ TV at the moment.,变一般疑问句:,______Lucy _________ TV at the moment?,四、看谁掌握好,,,isn’t climbing,Is,climbing,isn’t watching,Is,watching,,魔法王国,勇闯金银岛,森林大冒险,侏罗纪公园,Round 2 Let’s listen!,米奇妙妙屋,,,,,,,,Welcome to Jurassic Park,Round 2,1. What is Alice doing? She is . A. shopping B. doing homework C. eating lunch 2. Mike is ________. A. at home B. at the mall C. at school 3. Is Mike doing his homework? A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. We don’t know. 4. What is Mike doing? He is . A. doing his homework. B. playing basketball. C. reading. 5. Julia is Lisa’s _______. A. cousin B. friend C. sister,Listen and try your best to choose the best answers.,,Listen and fill in the chart.(听填信息),eating lunch,playing basketball,reading books,school,library,,,,Listen and fill in the blanks.(听填信息),Dear Jane, How’s your summer vacation going? Are you _________ hard, or are you _______ fun? I’m having a ______ time in Europe! My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. I want to call you but my phone isn’t ________, so I’m _______ to you. It’s _____ in your country now, isn’t it? The weather here is cool and ________, just right for ________. See you next month. Dave,,studying,having,great,working,writing,hot,cloudy,walking,,魔法王国,勇闯金银岛,森林大冒险,侏罗纪公园,Round 3 Let’s talk!,米奇妙妙屋,Welcome to Treasure Island!,Round 3,She’s playing the computer.,T: What’s she/he doing?,,,He’s reading a newspaper.,,He’s washing the dishes.,Guessing,S: She/He is …,She’s cleaning.,T: What’s she/he doing? S: She/He is …,,He’s making the soup.,,,She’s talking on the phone.,--- What,is,he/she,doing,?,--- He/She,is,____.,Dear Bob, Here is a picture of my family. We are all at home now. I am doing my homework. My parents _______________ in the living room. My grandfather ____________________. My sister __________________________________. Jim,is reading a newspaper,are watching TV,is talking on the phone with her friend,Complete Jim’s letter.,,,,假设以下是你家人的照片,请对每个图片进行描述。,,It’s ten o’clock in the morning. I’m _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________,My grandpa is playing chess with his friend.,提示:,5. 我爷爷正在和朋友下中国象棋。,1.我正在做作业。,2.我妈妈正在洗衣服。,3.我爸爸正在洗车。,4. 我奶奶正在读报纸。,doing my homework.,My mother is washing the clothes.,My father is cleaning the car.,My grandma is reading a newspaper.,It’s ten o’clock in the morning. I’m __________,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,,Round 4 Choose Lucky number,魔法王国,勇闯金银岛,森林大冒险,侏罗纪公园,米奇妙妙屋,欢迎来到魔法王国,Welcome to Magic Land!,Round 4,Choose your lucky number.,1,2,3,7,4,5,6,8,9,10,,看图说话。(5 points),,The Greens,Mike’s family,Lang Lang is … Kobe is … Jay Chou is … The Greens is… Mike’s family …,请用动词的正确形式填空.(6 points),,Ben is ___________in the river. (swim) They are_________letters. (write) Are you _________on your clothes? (put) I am_________for you. (wait) We are ________basketball now.(play) Is Mary _______an apple?(eat),swimming,writing,putting,waiting,playing,eating,选择正确答案.(2 points),1.Listen! Kelly ______ the piano in the bedroom now. A.play B. plays C. played D. is playing 2.Be quiet! The baby _____ in the next room. A. slept B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. sleep,now,Be quiet,,Listen,Match the words(2 points),sleep,write,swim,cry,lie,lying,crying,sleeping,writing,swimming,,改错(4 points),It is a sunny day today. Gru is in the park with his family.Anna is singging songs happily while Mike are reading a book. But unluckily it is begining to rain heavily. “What a bad day!” Gru says angrily. So they have to ran back home quickily.,,singing,,is,,beginning,,run,,1.看!他们正在踢足球。,完成句子 ( 8 points),Look! They _________________.,2.Luffy不是在看书,他在听音乐。,Luffy ___________________.,isn’t reading books.,are playing soccer,3.我正躺在沙滩上。,I ____________________ .,am lying on the beach,,He ____________________.,is listening to music.,听歌填歌词(5 points),,I'm _______ here in the boring room  It's just another rainy ________ afternoon  I'm wasting my ________  I got nothing to do  I‘m hanging around   I’m _________ for you  But nothing ever happens and I wonder  I'm __________ around in my car,sitting,time,Sunday,waiting,driving,,句型转换(4 points),Edith is swimming in the pool.,1.变为一般疑问句,___ Edith___________ in the pool?,2.变为否定句,Edith _____ __________ in the pool.,Is,swimming,Isn’t swimming,,,You are lucky!,+3分,,中考链接(2 points),,1.Louis ______ computer games when her brother phoned her. A. plays B. is playing C. has played D. was playing 2. --Jackson, I haven’t seen you these days. -- I _________ for the coming English test. A. am preparing B. will prepare C. prepare
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