人教版(新起点)一年级下册Unit 2 Room-lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:10068).zip

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Unit 11 Our house 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 1.听、说、认读六个房间单词:hall,dining room,kitchen,bathroom,living room,bedroom。 2.听懂 Where is.句型,并给出回答:in the .(房间)。 3.培养关爱家人,多为家里做家务的良好品质。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 听、说、认读六个房间单词 三、教学难点三、教学难点: : 根据问题 Where is.,给出正确回答(某人)in the.(在某个 房间)。 四、教学策略:四、教学策略: 全身反应法,任务教学法,情境教学法 五、教学准备:五、教学准备: 房间图片,PPT,单词卡片 六教学过程六教学过程 StepsTeaching procedures PurposesPurposes I.Warm up &lead in 1. Greetings:Hello,boys and girl. How are you? 2. Enjoy a song: in my room. The song is about house. 3.Watch a video:My house PPT present a video about Teachers house. Students visit Teachers house from the video. 歌曲活跃本节 课的课堂气氛, 照应本节课主 题 house. 创设情境,观 看教师录制的 视频,参观老 师的家,导入 单词学习。 .Presentation &Practice 1.Learn the words from the pictures of Teachers house (1)hall T:Whats this? Ss:Its a. Students listen to the words and practice it with a picture card. T:Its a beautiful/.hall. Ss:. (2) Students learn the other words in the same way.Teacher adds :eat dinner in the dining room,cook dinner in the kitchen,take a bath in the bathroom,watch TV in the living room,go to sleep in the bedroom.Students do the action and say. 2.Practice new words. (1)T:I have a friend.She is.(Peppa Pig).This is her house.Do you want to go to Peppa Pigs house? 学生学习房间 词汇通过教师 自己家房间的 图片。学生在 听、说、读、 看中学习单词。 并在句子中运 用单词。 学生还学习到 一些动词短语, 学着去表达在 某房间做某事。 学生边做边说, 帮助记忆。 教师引入小猪 佩奇的家,学 生完成猜房间 的任务,达到 操练单词的目 的。 Students visit Peppa Pigs house and guess what room is this. 3. Learn the sentence:in the . T:Oh, Peppa Pig is missing?Where is Peppa Pig? Students find Peppa Pig from the song. Then students answer the questions:She is in the. 4. Practice the sentence T:Peppa Pig likes studying very much.What is she studying now?Lets go and have a look. Task 1:Do a match. Can you help Peppa Pig stick word cards on the blackboard? Task 2 Listen and point (Open the book ,turn to page 66.) T:Where is Suzy/Simon.? Ss:She /He is in the. Task 3Pair work One says the name,one say :in the. Task 4:Lets chant Chant with the music. Suzy,Suzy, in the bedroom. Simon,Simon in the bathroom. 学生继续学习 句型,通过一 首教师自编的 歌曲,歌曲丰 富了学生学习 的方式。 学生在情境中, 完成四个任务, 富有趣味性。 Grandma,grandmain the living room. Mother,mother,in the dining room. Stella,Stella,in the kitchen. Father,father, in the hall. III. Consolidation/ Summary 1. T:What have you learnt today? Ss:bedroom,living room. T:I have another two rooms for you. What can you see? PPT:study read a book in the study coatroom put away my clothes 2.PPT:East or west, home is best! 金窝,银窝,不如自己的狗窝! Every bird likes its nest! 鸟皆爱其巢,人皆爱其家! T:Love your family!关爱家人! Be grateful to your parents!感恩父母! Be helpful at home!多做家务! 学生自行说出 今日所学,教 师再补充 2 个 房间名称,丰 富学生的词汇 量。 伴着音乐,教 师介绍两个谚 语,引导学生 关爱家人,多 做家务! IV. Homework1.Listen ,point and read the new words three times.(听、指、读新词三遍。) 2. Introuce your house in English. eg.Its a. 作业是课堂知 识的延伸,望 学生们可以复 习、巩固今日 所学。 (用 Its a.介绍你的家。) 3.Introuce your family. eg.Father /Mother is in the bedroom. (介绍你的家里人在哪个房间。) 学生可以根据 自己的程度选 择完成其中两 项。 VI.Blackboard design . Unit 11 Our house bathroon living room bedroom hall dining room kitchen 板书遵循简洁 明了原则。 Unit11 Our house Welcome to my house! Enjoy a song. (欣赏赏歌曲,拍拍手,跟着唱一唱吧! ) Wacth the video. (观看视频,走进王老师的房子) My My My My househousehousehouse h h h hallallallall 门厅门厅门厅门厅 Its a.Its a.Its a.Its a. Learn the words. (看图学单词) didididining roomning roomning roomning room餐厅餐厅餐厅餐厅 Its a.Its a.Its a.Its a. eat dinner 吃晚餐 kikikikitchentchentchentchen厨房厨房厨房厨房 Its a.Its a.Its a.Its a. cook dinner 做晚饭 babababaththththroomroomroomroom 浴室浴室浴室浴室 Its a.Its a.Its a.Its a. take a bath 洗澡 li li li living ving ving ving roomroomroomroom客厅客厅客厅客厅 Its a.Its a.Its a.Its a. watch TVwatch TV 看电视看电视 bebebebed d d droomroomroomroom 卧室卧室卧室卧室 Its a.Its a.Its a.Its a. go to sleep 睡觉 Peppa Pigs housePeppa Pigs housePeppa Pigs housePeppa Pigs house (小猪佩奇的房子小猪佩奇的房子小猪佩奇的房子小猪佩奇的房子) Guess the room. (猜一猜房间) living roomliving roomliving roomliving room What room is this?What room is this?What room is this?What room is this? 这是什么房间?这是什么房间?这是什么房间?这是什么房间? bathroombathroombathroombathroom bedroombedroombedroombedroom dining roomdining roomdining roomdining room kitchenkitchenkitchenkitchen Enjoy a song and answer the question. (欣赏歌曲,回答问题) 小猪佩奇去哪里了呢?小猪佩奇去哪里了呢?小猪佩奇去哪里了呢?小猪佩奇去哪里了呢? Where is Peppa Pig?Where is Peppa Pig?Where is Peppa Pig?Where is Peppa Pig? She is She is She is She is in in in in the.the.the.the. 12 3 4 Peppa Pig likes studying . (小猪佩奇十分热爱热爱 学习习,一起去看看她在学什么吧。) Task1 Do a match 任务一:你能帮助小猪佩 奇把单词卡片和图片正确配 对吗? Task2 P66 Listen and point. (任务务二:打开书书到66页页,听一听,指一指 ) Task3 Pair work.(任务务三:两人合作, 两人一说说名字,一人说说某人在什么房间间。) Task4 Lets chant. (任务四:我们一起唱歌谣) B Suzy,Suzy, in the bedroom. Simon,Simon in the bathroom. Grandma,grandmain the living room. Mother,mother,in the dining room. Stella,Stella,in the kitchen. Father,father, in the hall. What have you learnt today?What have you learnt today?What have you learnt today?What have you learnt today? 今天你们学到了什么呢?今天你们学到了什么呢?今天你们学到了什么呢?今天你们学到了什么呢? studystudystudystudy书房书房书房书房 read a bookread a bookread a bookread a book 读书读书读书读书 Miss Wang Miss Wang Miss Wang Miss Wang 家的其他房间家的其他房间家的其他房间家的其他房间 What can you see?What can you see?What can you see?What can you see?你能看到什么?你能看到什么?你能看到什么?你能看到什么? coatroomcoatroomcoatroomcoatroom衣帽间衣帽间衣帽间衣帽间 put away my clothesput away my clothes 整理我的衣服整理我的衣服 Love your family!关爱家人! Be grateful to your parents!感 恩父母! Be helpful at home!多做家务! East or west, East or west, home is best!home is best! 金窝,银窝,不金窝,银窝,不 如自己的狗窝!如自己的狗窝! Every bird Every bird likes its nest!likes its nest! 鸟皆爱其巢,鸟皆爱其巢, 人皆爱其家!人皆爱其家! HomeworkHomework(三选二)(三选二) 1.Listen ,point and read the new words three times.(听、指、读新词三遍。) 2. Introuce your house in English. eg.Its a. (用Its a.介绍你的家。) 3.Introuce your family. eg.Father /Mother is in the bedroom. (介绍你的家里人在哪个房间。) Thanks for listening!Thanks for listening!Thanks for listening!Thanks for listening! Goodbye!Goodbye!Goodbye!Goodbye!
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