科普版五年级下册Lesson 12 Revision-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:c0b7a).zip

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Revision exercises 一、句型转换 1、I go to work by bus.(就划线部分提问) 2、We usually do morning exercises at 7:00(就划线部分提问) 3、You must play basketball here (改为否定句) 4、Today is Friday. (对划线部分提问) 二、根据前后两句句意,写出所缺单词 1、 do you go to work?By bike. 2、What do you ? Im a doctor. 3、 I ask you a question? Certainly. 4、 do you usually have lunch?- I usually have lunch at twelve. 5、How pupils are there in your class?-There are forty- five. 三、找出划线部分错误的一项,在横线上纠正过来 ( )1、When do you go to school?On foot. A B C ( )2、We always get up on 7:30. A B C ( )3、The light is red,You can cross the street. A B C ( )4、How many light are there in the room? A B C ( )5、Where do you have for lunch?Rice A B C 科普版五年级下册 Revision sentences TI I usually get up at half past six. What time do you usually get up? I have bread and milk. What do you have for breakfast? I usually go to school on foot. How do you usually go to school? There are twelve pupils in my class. How many pupils are there in your class? 句型转换 1、I go to work by bus.(就划线部分提问) . 2、We usually do morning exercises at 7:00(就划线部 分提问) What time do you usually do morning exercises? 3、You must play basketball here (改为否定句) You mustnt play basketball here . 4、Today is Friday. (对划线部分提问) What day is it today? . How do you go to work? 根据前后两句句意,写出所缺单词 1、 do you go to work?By bike. 2、What do you ? Im a doctor. 3、 I ask you a question? Certainly. 4、 do you usually have lunch? - I usually have lunch at twelve. 5、How pupils are there in your class? - There are forty-five. How do May When many 找出画线部分错误的一项,在横线上纠正过来 ( )1、When do you go to school?On foot. . A B C ( )2、We always get up on 7:30. . A B C ( )3、The light is red,You can cross the street. . A B C ( )4、How many light are there in the room? . A B C ( )5、Where do you have for lunch?Rice . A B C AHow Cat Bmustnt Blights AWhat 科普版小学五年级英语下册教案 Lesson 12 Revision sentences 教学目标教学目标: 1. 复习并掌握“What time is it ?/What time do you usually get up ? What do you have for breakfast?How do you usually go to school?We can cross the street here.We mustnt cross the street here.How many/How much.are there?”等整本书的重点句型。 2. 能根据简笔画提示进行问答练习,并能熟练运用。 教学重难点教学重难点: 理解并灵活运用所学的整本书句型。 操练方式操练方式: 任务教学法,小组合作,活动课形式和机械操练相结合。 教学过程: Step 1. Warm up 1.师生问好. 2.从一天生活方式入手师生聊天,热身。 Step 2. Presentation 1. Teacher draws a boy on the blackboard and say: “He is Tom,please guess What time does he usually get up?同时引出 “When do you usually get up?生回答:I usually get up at 6:00. 师总结:When you want to know “time”, you can say “what time” or “when”. 2. Write the sentence on the blackboard and let children read and repeat. 3.Teacher draws the second picture on the blackboard.(汤姆在吃 早餐)引出 look at the picture ,What can you ask?从而让学生提 出问题,复习句型 What does Tom have for breakfast? He has milk and eggs.How many eggs does he have?He has two eggs.从该情景 启发学生:What do you usually have for breakfast?生纷纷根据实 际情况做答。师总结:When you want to express “number”you will ask “How many”or “How much” 4.Teacher draws the third picture(汤姆步行去上学) ,师问生: Look at the picture ,What can you say?生答:How does Tom go to school? He usually goes to school on foot. 师根据这一情景问生: How do you usually go to school?生回答:I usually go to school by busby caron foot师板书并总结:When we ask “way”,We can use “How” 5.Teacher draws the forth picture(汤姆在十字路口遇到了红绿灯 时)师启发,When you look red light ,you can生答:When we look at the red light,We mustnt cross the street.When we look at the green light,we can cross the street.同时,师板书该句型。 Step3. Practice 1Find the sentences from the book,Read and act the dialogue in groups or in pairs. 2Do exercises(时间五分钟) 句型转换 1) 、I go to work by bus.(就划线部分提问) 2) 、We usually do morning exercises at 7:00(就划线部分提问) 3) 、You must play basketball here (改为否定句) 4) 、Today is Friday. (对划线部分提问) 根据前后两句句意,写出所缺单词 1)、 do you go to work?By bike. 2)、What do you ? Im a doctor. 3)、 I ask you a question? Certainly. 4)、 do you usually have lunch?- I usually have lunch at twelve. 5)、How pupils are there in your class?-There are forty-five. 找出划线部分错误的一项,在横线上纠正过来 ( )1、When do you go to school?On foot. A B C ( )2、We always get up on 7:30. A B C ( )3、The light is red,You can cross the street. A B C ( )4、How many light are there in the room? A B C ( )5、Where do you have for lunch?Rice A B C 3Ask students to come to stage to announce the answer. Step 4.Homework Find the sentences from your life, Use them and practice with your friends. 课后反思:每当期末考试来临,孩子们总是很兴奋-因为该放假了, 同时也很浮躁; 每当期末考试,老师们总是很焦虑-因为复习课 不好上。复习是我们日常英语教学的一种基本手段,然而,长久以 来, 英语复习课却一直是老师头疼,学生头晕的事,通常情况下, 我们老师都会把英语复习课当作语法课或是练习课来上,集中所有 精力讲重点,讲难点,讲语法,然而可惜的是,尽管我们说的唾沫 横飞,效果却甚微,因为在这样的课堂氛围中,学生的注意力与主 观能动性都是处于低效的,教学效果也自然大打折扣。那么,如何 使复习课更为有效呢?针对以上的种种现象,我在本节课尝试了一些 新的方法:编故事:针对五年级教材中重要句型,编出来一个人物 Tom,我用简笔画一步一步画出 Tom 一天的生活,从起床开始,包括 吃早餐、上学方式、上几节课、做运动、晚上活动、睡觉(时间有 限,本节课只复习到上学。 ) 然后启发学生自问自答,来告诉其他 同学,Tom 在什么时候干什么,孩子们异常踊跃,在积极发言的同 时完整的复习了本书重点句型的表达。 然后设计一个小的的专项训 练,学练结合,课课清,日日清,将孩子脑中零散的知识整合起来, 让他们更明晰,清楚,当孩子们用本节课总结出的句型回答了老师的 “why”时,我体会到:复习必须在孩子对课本知识的扎实掌握的基 础上进行,同时方式很重要。我们说“学习” ,学和习是各占一半重 要的,我们平时更注重的是“学” ,而“习”往往被忽略,温故而知 新,是教学的重要环节,温故的方式是多种多样的,不能让一成不 变的课堂成为复习时学生食之无味的鸡肋,而是要重视起来,真正 走进孩子们的世界,用更有趣的方式解决较棘手的难题,简单就是 美!
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