人教版(新起点)三下Unit 2 My School-Fun Time-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:d1117).docx

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1、教学目标 1. 学生能借助图片,通过看、说、听、读理解“Dont.”“Please.”的教室行 为规则。 2. 引导学生应遵循的学校的规则,培养规则意识。 3. 尝试自己绘制警示牌。 4. 欣赏并学唱歌曲 重点读懂并理解有关的行为规则 难点除了书上的行为规则,还应该了解其他规则并为相应场所制作警示牌。 教材分析 本课是人教版三年级(下)二单元 My School 第五课时,标题是 Fun Time。它与本 单元的主题 My School 有关,主要学习学校设施场所应遵循的规则。在备课时, 进行相同内容的前后衔接。从歌谣入手,利用思维导图再次复习学校设施,让学 生走进这些设施图片,看图说话,为学

2、习新内容打下基础,做充分的语言准备。 就内容本身有一定的难度,因为句子较长,但只要由浅入深,并通过师生问题互 动,引发学生的发散思维,充分联系生活实际,学生通过听、说、读、看,就容 易读懂规则并能拓展到制作警示牌。 学情分析 三年级的学生语言积累较少,再加上学习水平参差不齐,学习能力有待提高的阶 段。在学习新内容时,一定由浅入深,从已知到未知,书本内容与生活相链接, 让每一个孩子都有兴趣参加新内容的学习,并能进行一定的思维拓展。 问题设计问题:WhoWhat WhereWhy 引导学生思维递进 教学资源视频、音频、词组和句子卡片 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 Greeting W

3、arm up Review : 1、Say the chant Hello ,boys and girls Please smile,clap your hands,give me five. Lets say the chant and answer the question : _Whatcan you hear in the chant? 教 师 出 示 思 维 导 图 的 主 题 词 school, 请学生回答后自主完成导 图。 School 老师将设施图片贴在黑板上,并 Hello,teacher Act and repeat : Smile,clap my hands, give

4、me five. Students say the chant together. Then answer the question and find the pictures. S1:I can hear a library,toilets. S2:I can hear an art room and the class rooms. S3:I can hear a music room and the teachersroom. 师生情感交流 活跃气氛, 调动 孩子学习积极 性 通过课前师生 对话, 引出关于 学校设施的歌 谣。 利用白板与思 维导图, 复习学 过的学校设施 要求学生集体朗

5、读。 Inthisschool,theyhavea library,an art room. 名称。 为学生能 在学习新内容 时准确说出设 施名称。 Lead in白板上出现本课 P19 页的图,问 学生:What can you see? 针对学生的回答, 利用 “What can we do in the gym?”,让学生理解 这个单词。 WhydoAndyandLilysay “Yes”and “No”? Today we will study Unit 2 Fun Time 学 生 回 答 : I can see a computer room. I can see a scienc

6、e room. I can see the gym. We can play sports. We can play basketball. Ect Ss:Maybe. Ss read : Unit 2 My School Fun Time 通过复习, 引出 本节课学习内 容, 让学生无缝 衔接。 针对 gym 这个单词, 利用 英语解释英语, 培养学生英语 思维。 通过问题 Why do Andy andLilysay “Yes”and “No”? 引 出 本 课主题 Study new contents: Step1: Picture 1 Show the picture about Ya

7、oyao and Binbinwithoutwordsonthe screen. Ask Ss: What can you see? Where are they? What are they doing? 如果抽到的孩子无法回答,可以 用问题:Whats Yaoyaos hand? Whats in Binbins hand? 引导学生说。 T : They are in the computer room.What do you want to say to them?(利用白板上图片进行思维 发散)将学生的答案写在黑板上 S1:IcanseeBinbinand Yaoyao. S2:I

8、can see an apple S3:I can see . Ss:They are in the computer room. S2:They are eating. 学生可以有多种答案,如: There is an apple in Binbins hand.He is eating apples. There is a cup in Yaoyaos hand. S1:No eating. No drinking. S2:Dont eat in the computer room. Etc 通过学生看图, 由问题引发学 生的思考。 利用图片, 让学 生通过看发散 思维。 (思维导 图呈现

9、) library T:Youre so great!What does Andy say? (移开遮挡物,Andy 出现) 播放录音 T 板书:Dont . 提行贴上句子: eat in the computer room. Ss listen and repeat: Donteatinthecomputer room. Step 2: Picture 2 T:Binbin and Yaoyao are in the computer room.How about Bill and his classmate. Showanother picture without words Where

10、are they? Whats in the science room? How do you think of them? But what are they doing? What doesAndysay to them? Guess! ShowAndys picture,ask Ss listen to Andy.Dont run in the science room.(贴句子) Ss look and think. Ss:Theyareinthescience room. S1:Some glasses. Theyre dangerous. S1:They are playing.

11、S2:They are running. S1:Dont play! S2:Dont run. S3:Dont play games. Ss listen and repeat. 通过符合孩子 们认知水平的 问题递进, 让不 同层次的孩子 均能理解并思 考后回答。 其中 通过对科学室 的实验器材的 认识, 让学生明 白科学室不能 做什么, 因为有 危险性。 再去思 考 Andy 会说 什么。 Step3: Picture 3 Show the picture about Mike Ask Ss:Where are they? What are they doing? What do you w

12、ant to say to them? Show Lilys picture, ask Ss :What does Lily say?(板书 Please.)贴句 子:be quiet in the library. Ss look at the picture. They arein the library. S1:They are reading. S2:Threy are talking. S3:They are shouting. S1:Dont talk. S2:No shouting. S3:Be quiet. Ss listen and repeat: Please be qui

13、et in the library. 老师将个体学 生回答的答案 按照 Dont . Please.句 式 写在黑板上。 拓展学生思维, 并能初步掌握 功能句的表达。 Step 4: Picture4 Show the last picture and ask: Where are the children? T:Maybe you are right. What are the doing? S1:Theyareonthe playground. S2:They are in the gym. Ss:They are playing basketball. Ss: Sports shoes.

14、 在教学过程, 教 师设计一些开 放性问题, 让学 生有话可说。 让 每个孩子都能 T circles Bills shoes.Ask Ss:What is Bill wearing? T explains his shoes are not sports shoes. So what do you want to say to Bill? (贴句子 wear sports shoes in the gym.在 Please 下。) What class do we wear sports shoes? Now lets listen to Lily. Ss:Please wear sport

15、s shoes in the gym. Ss :PE class. Ss listen and repeat :Please wear sports shoes in the gym. 理解并做出反 应。 Step 5 ReadPart A. T:Please open your books , listen and repeat. Sslook,point,listenand repeat. 看书, 听、 指读, 确保每个孩子 理解并能说。 Expand : Activity 1. 1. Show some pictures from our daily life.Please discus

16、s with your partner ,then share your idea. 2. (根据学生的判断)Ask :What do you want to say? 3. Put sentences on the Bb. 4.Have Ss read all the sentences. Discuss the pictures Ss tick or cross on the pictures. S1:Please be quiet. S2:Dont play computers. S3:Dont litter. Etc Read all the sentences. 拓展与生活联 系,

17、让孩子们判 断生活中的是 非行为习惯, 并 要求孩子们用 所学的英语知 识运用于生活 中。 Activity 2 Do exercise Look and match.(见作业单)Then check. 如: No food in the library Dontlitterinthe classroom. Ss look and match. Ss have finish them and share. 巩固学过的规 则, 了解更多的 规则, 因为后面 设计警示牌奠 定基础。 Activity3. Lets make. Here are two pictures , Can you read

18、?(对单词 raise 用手势教学, 并 玩 一 个 小 游 戏 : Raise your hands,put down your hands.) T: Where can we put them? T:Great,we should remember them. Ss look and read them . Ss: In the classroom. 通过本课 B 部 分内容, 让学生 看图说, 理解这 两个适用教室 标志, 引出为学 校做标志的兴 趣。 Activity4 Do you want to make signs for our school? Please make in g

19、roups: Group1: Computer Group2:Classroom Group3:Library Group4:Music room Show steps to make signs. .1.Please discuss with your partner. 2.Please draw and write with your partner. 3.Then stick it on your poster. 4.Lets share. T:Take out your pens and paper. Letsmakesignsforour school in groups. When

20、 Ss finish them and stick on the pitcture. T:Lets share in groups. Ss: Yes! Read the steps and understand how to make: .1.Pleasediscusswithyour partner. 2.Please draw and write with your partner. 3.Then stick it on your poster. 4.Lets share. Ss make it ,and stick on the picture. Ss read them. 出示我们学校

21、 的的图, 选出几 个功能室, 分组 设计警示牌, 完 成设计后并贴 在图片上。 通过 这个动手、 动脑 活动, 让学生回 到生活中, 对前 面所学过的语 言有输出平台, 并自觉建立规 则意识。 通过前面的学 习, 学生一定能 根据不同的功 能室设计出不 同的标志并能 正确读出来。 RememberHabits form character,decided the fate of character. (习惯形成性格,性格决定命运) Habits form character,decided the fate of character. (习惯形成性格,性格决定命 运) 了解关于习惯 的名言警

22、句, 有 助学生养成良 好的习惯。 EvaluationLets see our evaluation .Look and say: Look carefully. Listen to teacher. etc 评价是利用眼 睛、 耳朵、 嘴巴 和手来评价每 个大组的学习 习惯, 课后通过 对评价的总结, 也能让学生明 白上课的好习 惯养成有多么 很重要。 Classis over. Please sing the song .Sing the song快乐结束 Set homework T:After school,please observe the signs in our life 。 让学生了解更 多的场所警示 语, 养成良好的 行为习惯。 板书设计 Unit 2 My School Fun Time Dont .Please. eat in the computer room.be quiet in the library.1 run in the science room.wear sports shoes in the gym.2 3 4 备注


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