人教版(新起点)三下Unit 2 My School-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:16546).doc

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1、教学 目标 1. Students grasp the sentences to talk the places they have in their school. 2. Able to communicate the places with others. 3. Able to act the conversations 4. Grasp the words about the places. 教学 重点 Do you have a library? Yes, we do. Where is it? Its on the first / second/ third floor. 教学 难点

2、 Playgroundfirst floorsecond floorthird floor 教学 方法 CommunicativeApproach: Talk, read,act. 课件来源 自制课件 重点 关注 学生 教学活动过程二次备课 Step 1: Warm-up 1. Read the weekly sentences. 2. Greet with students. 3. Sing a song. Step2. Presentation 1. Review the words of places and let students read them. Show some place

3、s in the school on the ppt and ask them to read them together Librarytoiletclassroomfloor 2. Ask students : Do you have a library? Where is it? Lead students answer: Yes, we do. Its on the first floor. 3. Teach the new contents: first floor ,second floor, third floor Step 3. Practice 1. Ask more que

4、stions: Do you have a . /Where is it? 2. Let students answer the questions with the pictures on the ppt. 3. Read the sentences together. Step 4. Drills 1. Ask and answer with desk mates and then act it out. A: Do you have a library? B: Yes we do. Its very big. A: Where is it? B: Its on the first flo

5、or. 2. Make a short dialogue with three partners to introduce our school. 3. Give an example to introduce the school.( The students from class 7 introduce our school.) 4. Act the dialogues. 5. Look at the pictures and teach the sentence: Welcome to our school. Step 5. Homework Talk about the places

6、they have in their school with other students . Whiteboard Design: Unit 2My school Lesson 2 A: Do you have a library? B: Yes we do. Its very big. A: Where is it? B: Its on the first floor. 教学 反思 本节课是以词汇和简单句型的学习为基础,由学校 图片引出来自的学习,引出本课的标题: My school. 即在在本节课的教学中主要让学生学习描述学校主 要设施及活动场所用英语如何表达,知道学校设施 场所大体功能

7、同时会询问或描述学校某设施场所的 大体位置。本课主要是注重基础,重点培养学生听 说能力,教育孩子要热爱学校,养成良好的生活、 学习习惯。本节课主要有以下特点: 1.歌曲导入,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习英语兴 趣。上课开始,我先播放英文歌曲,让学生跟唱歌 曲,使音乐与英语融为一体,让孩子放松心情,在 快乐中学习,既活跃了课堂气氛,吸引孩子注意力 又激发学生学习兴趣,激活了学生思维,为下面新 知学习奠定基础。 2.教学设计结构紧凑,过渡自然,层层递进,环环 相扣。自然引入到本单元要谈论“学校”这一话题, 即促进学生对本节课新单词的学习,又活跃了课堂 督查结论: 年月日 氛围,激发了学生的学习兴趣。

8、然后在新课呈现中, 通过展示校园图片方式,既形象又直观然后引导他 们大胆去说,紧接着通过看图连单词,即对词汇 playground, library, teachers room, art room, toilet”起到了复习目的又为下面学生进行会话练 习奠定基础最后小组合作,利用所学知识作对话, 介绍自己学校,从而引领学生自然而然的投入到本 节课的学习中。 3.以学生为主体,大胆放手,让他们看图自主去说、 去演。本节课是一堂词汇课,重点培养孩子听说能 力,所以在课堂上,首先通过展示图片,几乎让班 上的每一位孩子都有机会去说,最后会话练习,通 过小组合作去表演,培养了孩子合作能力和综合运 用语言的能力。 改进措施: 1设计最后一个教学环节介绍自己学校,如果事先 准备一张学校地图让学生看图说话,效果会更 好。 2今后对孩子在课堂上的表现要及时给予评价和 反馈,多鼓励或适当采取物质奖励来增强他们的 自信心,调动他们参与积极性。 3可以拓展介绍国外的学校,让学生有一个对比, 在情感教育方面,应该在各个环节多一些穿插, 使得情景更加自然。


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