人教版(新起点)三下Unit 3 After School Activities-Story Time-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f0870).docx

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1、1 文本分析 故事围绕一只狐狸农场主与三只绵羊打工仔展开,绵羊通过与狐狸的诡 辩讨论,巧妙地使狐狸两年都没有得到果实,最后狐狸一气之下自己开 始种地。故事内容深刻,易于理解,故事情节有可预测性,也有思辨的 空间。 学情分析 三年级学生在前三年的英语学习过程中做了良好的语言铺垫,在表演故 事方面有一定经验,能用简单的语言表达自己的想法。 教 学 目 标 1. 语言能力: 学生能借助图片以及老师的讲解读懂小故事,能够理解 cross, trick, cut down, dug up 等主要生词,能够初步运用 corn seeds, turnip seeds, soil, the top part,

2、 the bottom part 等词汇词组,以及 This is not food!功能句; 学生能够在基于对主要句型和核心词汇的帮助下进行简单的故事复述, 能在老师搭建的语言支架下进行绘本改编表演。 2. 学习能力: 能够进行简单的自主阅读,对文本图片信息进行提取完成 mind map; 能够进行小组合作学习; 能结合上下文和图片对新词汇进行理解,运用自然拼读等策略尝试认读; 能通过阅读梳理故事情节和领会角色情感、作者写作意图。 3. 思维品质: 有讲故事、表演故事的愿望,培养乐学善学的品质; 能利用思维导图复述故事,提升语言表达能力,培养语言思维的逻辑性; 能在老师的支架下对故事内容进行

3、改编,培养思维的评判性和创造性。 4. 文化意识: 学生能积极主动地对故事进行思考,并学习多角度看待事物和分析问题。 教学重难点 重点:能根据思维地图对故事进行复述,进行故事的改编表演。 难点: 能够进行简单的合作自主阅读, 对文本图片信息进行提取完成 mind map。 教学环节教学环节师生活动师生活动设计意图设计意图 Stage1 Before Reading T: Hello, everyone. Ss: Hello, Miss Peng. T: Before we learn the story, lets look at the letters on the whiteboard.

4、What letter can you see? Ss: Letter F. T: Its an animal. The first letter of this animal is letter F. Ill draw it for you. It has two small ears and a long mouth. Ss: Its a fox. T: Today we are going to learn a story about fox. What do you think about fox? Ss: Its sly. Its clever. . T: Ok, lets lear

5、n more about this fox. Look at 通过单词首字母设置 悬念,引出故事主人 公 fox,让学生发散思 维,想一想自己印象 中的 fox 是什么样子。 让学生根据标题对文 章进行提问,引发学 2 the cover, read the title together. The Foolish Fox What do you want to know? Ss: Why the fox is foolish? . 生的阅读兴趣。 Stage 2 During Reading Step 1: T: Ok, this fox had a farm but he did not l

6、ike farming. So who did he ask for help? Ss: Sheep! T: Yes! Here is one sheep, two sheep, three sheep. Now guess, what will happen? If you were fox, what would you say to sheep? Ss: . T: Lets listen. Read after the tape. Ss: Farm my land for me, and you can keep some of the food.(我带上头套,准备一袋子 食物,演示一遍

7、) T: Who can be a fox? One minute for you to practice. 1 2 go. Who wants to show us?(学生 一人自主练习,然后展示) Step 2: Then what did the sheep say? Read P5 quickly and answer the question. 课件呈现问题: Fox allowed (允许) the sheep to keep the _ part of the food. A. topB. bottom 生回答。How do you know? Where did you fin

8、d? 师教授 top 和 bottom 两个生词。 T: Lets follow the tape. Now girls you are the sheep, boys you are the fox. Read together. Step 3: prediction T: Now if I was the sheep, I would plant peanut. Because the bottom part is the food. If you were the sheep, what would you plant? Ss: I would plant . 展示下半部分为果实的植 物

9、。 Step 4: T: Then the sheep began to farm the land. They put corn seeds in the soil. 给出实物,直观地将 种子放入土壤盒子里。并出示图片,教学新 图片环游,引出主人 公 sheep,进行角色扮 演。 自主阅读,通过图片 及教师提示方式解决 生词 top 和 bottom。 让学生猜测绵羊可能 会种植的植物,此处 也让学生了解一些基 本的植物常识。 通过直接将种子放进 3 单词,seeds, soil。 When the corn was high. (师边讲故事边用动 作展示,帮生理解故事),the sheep

10、 cut it down.(师画一个镰刀模型,演示 cut down 并 让学生做动作。) Step 5: 师提出问题并呈现在课件上:Which part did they take to Fox? The top part or the bottom part? Read P8 answer the question. 生读完回答问题。 T: How do you know the answer? Show me the key word, please.(趁机让学生找出生单词 root) Step 6: T: Look at the fox, was he happy? Ss: No. T

11、: Fox was cross. What did the fox say? Listen. Ss: This is not the food! Step 7: lets retell 师生一起通过 mind map 回顾内容,让生猜测 最后一句,It had been a trick! Why did the fox say it had been a trick? Because the fox ask the sheep to keep the _ part, so the sheep plant the _. In the end the sheep keeps the corn, t

12、he fox keeps the roots. Step 8: group work 1. Read the story by yourselves and complete the mind map.自主阅读,完成思维地图。 2. Now discuss with your partner. 与同桌相互 讨论。 Step 9: read together Who can come here and show us your mind map? Lets read the story together and check the answer. This time fox would ask

13、the sheep to keep the _ part of the food. 生看句子马上给出答案 bottom. T:Yes, clever, children! Fox said: “Next year, you must keep the bottom part of the food.” T: What did the sheep plant this time? 土壤里的实际操作让 学生理解 seeds 和 soil 的意义。 自主阅读并让学生运 用 top 及 bottom, 师利 用图片帮生理解 root 词义。 通过听力引导学生解 读 fox 的情绪。 Mind map

14、带学生复 述内容,训练思维的 逻辑性。 通过自主阅读和小组 合作让孩子们完成思 维地图。 4 Ss: Turnip. 师图片教学。 When the turnips were big, the sheep dug them up. (图片和铲子模型演示) They took the turnip _ to Fox. (生 填) Would the fox be happy? What did he say? Ss: No, the fox would be cross. This is not food! 师生共同模仿该段。(动作,语气) T: So in the end, the fox f

15、arms his land himself. Stage 3 After Reading T: The next year, maybe the fox wouldnt be so foolish. He may ask the questions first. Follow me. What would you plant? 请一位同学来回 答。老师展示后,学生小组合作。 Work in four and lets act. T: Who wants to show us? T: Now who can tell me why the fox is foolish? Because the

16、fox doesnt know much about the plants. T: This is your homework. Work out a plan with your friends to help the fox and the sheep to cooperate. 和朋友一起为狐狸、绵羊想出一个办法合作。 启发学生进行不同的 故事改编,通过演一 演来表达自我。 引导学生回到最初的 问 题 Why the fox is foolish? 进行讨论。 板 书 设 计 the top part bottom 5 worksheet 案 例 评 说 本课首先让孩子们对故事内容进行提

17、问,带着问题阅读故 事,通过朗读表演自主阅读等方式由老师引导完成了前半部分 的故事学习,并带领孩子通过思维导图完成了第一年的故事复 述。到第二年,由于故事的重复性,本人选择了让孩子小组合 作学习共同完成第二部分的思维导图,并让学生上台展示。在 合作自学后,老师再次带着孩子们梳理了剩余故事环节,让学 生对故事有了更深的理解。之后,通过给孩子搭建好的语言支 架,让孩子们对故事进行改编后的表演,在表演过程中体会对 故事不同的解读。最后,回到最初孩子们对故事的提问上,为 什么狐狸很愚蠢,孩子们给出了许多精彩的回答。家庭作业部 分,让孩子为狐狸和绵羊想出一个办法合作,这给了孩子足够 的发挥空间。 本课亮点在小组合作完成思维导图,并在老师搭建的语言 支架基础上进行故事的改编表演,孩子们在课堂中充分锻炼了 自己的逻辑性思维和批判性思维,学会从不同视角看待问题。 6


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