人教版(新起点)四年级下册Revision 2-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:40d58).docx

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1、1 Book4 Recycle2 Read and number Read , write and say 教学设计 设计思路: 本部分是复习类课型, 创设去野餐的情境, 列购物清单复习单词, 去超市购物复习 How much is it ?/How much are these?等四至六单元重点句 型。最后讨论所购买的衣服、食物等物品,帮助学生了解物主代词的使用方法。 通过微课、趣味活动等形式帮助学生梳理知识,巩固应用所学内容,培养学生的 综合语言应用能力。 一、教学内容分析:本课选自 PEP 新版教材 Recycle2 的内容。Recycle2 是 对课本 4-6 单元有关农场、服装及购物

2、等知识点的归纳和提升。由于容量较大, 本课节选其中的一部分进行教学。 二、学情分析: ,四年级学生经过将近两年的英语学习,已经掌握水果、食 物、蔬菜、饮料类单词。通过本册教材 5-6 两个单元的学习,他们已基本掌握教 材中关于服装这一话题的语言知识,但这些知识大多还处于零散状态,本节课中 将通过情景的创设,引导学生在运用语言的过程中学会归纳、 总结,重新建构自己 对于购物这一话题所涉及的语言知识的网络。 三、教学目标: 1.知识目标:学生能够说出并写下有关服装、水果、蔬菜、饮料类的单词。 了解物主代词 mine, my, your ,yours 的用法;并完成 Read and number

3、练习。 2. 语言能力目标: (1) 学生能在情境中综合运用句型 Can I help you? Ill take it/them. How much ? Thats expensive/cheap.模拟购物; (2) 学生能根据服装单复数在情境中正确使用“-How much is? It s .” “-How much are? Theyre .”等购物用语。 (3)能够用 mine、my, your 、yours 表达自己或别人的物品。 3. 情感态度学习策略目标:学生通过列购物清单,去超市购物,讨论所购物 品等活动,锻炼了大胆开口表达、小组合作的能力,增强了交流分享的意识。思 维导图的绘

4、制,帮助学生形成自主学习的策略。 2 四、 教学重难点:教学重点是帮助学生将有关服装、购物的单词及句型串联起 来,能在情境中应用。了解使用物主代词进行交流。难点是如何让学生感知了解 物主代词,如何让学生使用句型进行交际。 五、教学方法:情境教学法、小组合作法、任务型教学法、视听法等 六、教学准备:教师准备教学课件、鞋子、围巾、帽子各一件、购物清单,超市 理货员服装一件;学生准备衣服一件,水果 1-2 个,西红柿、土豆、洋葱、胡萝 卜任意一个,水等饮料一瓶,仿真纸币若干。 七、教学过程: Step1 Warm-up and revision : 1. Greetings./ Free talk

5、Good morning, kids. Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its sunny and hot. Yes, Today is hot and sunny. Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Please guess “ Whats the weather like tomorrow?” Ss guess. 设计意图:自由问答过渡到猜明天的天气,复习天气类单词。最后引出句型 “Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. ” Step2: Presentation and acti

6、vities. 1. Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. What clothes shall we wear? Lets enjoy a video. Try to say. I want to wear _and _ . 设计意图:询问穿什么衣服,观看微视频,复习服装类单词。 2. Tomorrow is a lovely day, Lets have a picnic, ok? Ss: Great! Lets sing “Have a picnic tomorrow.” But what shall we prepare ?(准备) Ss talk abou

7、t in groups. Group leader makes a report. 设计意图:此环节创设去野餐的情境,小组讨论需要做哪些准备,激发学生 的合作意识,激活学生的生活体验。 3. Lets make a shopping list . Please take out your shopping list. Write down the things you want to buy. Make a report. Ask someone to talk about his/her shopping list. Use the sentence “ I want to buy ./ I

8、 want.” 设计意图: 列购物清单, 由单词的听说过渡到单词的书写。 进一步为购物做准备。 3 4. Now lets go shopping. This is a big supermarket. What are these? Ss : They are tomatoes. What are those?Ss: Theyre carrots. Please ask and answer at the supermarket. 设计意图:到超市看到蔬菜水果,相互询问物品的名称,复习第 4 单元的蔬菜和 句型。 5. We are at the supermarket. Look! Fru

9、its, clothes and vegetables . Im the salesperson. Can I help you? Ss: Yes. S1: I want . How about this one ? Its pretty. S1: How much is it?Its yuan. S1:Ok, Ill take it. 设计意图:把教室布置成超市,教师与学生扮演购物的营业员和顾客。创设真实 的情境。 6. I want to buy some fruits. Can you help me ? Please turn to page68. Read and number. L

10、ets listen and check. 7. Thank you. Now lets buy your things. Pay attention these tips. The supermarket need some salesperson. Who wants to try? Lets begin. 设计意图: 复习完购物所用句型以后, 进入实际购物环节。 各组组员按清单购物。 复习运用句型“How much is it? How much are they?” Thanks my babies. Here are your pay 工资. 8. Lead in “ Read an

11、d write.” Super. You did a good job. Let me see. What do you buy? Is this your apple? Yes, it is. Is this yours ?No, its not. Its my scarf. Its mine. Are these your shoes? No, they arent. Whose shoes are these pink shoes ? Turn to page 68. Read ,write and say. The shoes are sisters. 9. First read an

12、d write. 10. Lets play a game. I say yours, you say mine. Its my scarf. Are these yours? 11. Read again and fill in the blanks. 12. Lets check. Read the dialog with boys and girls. Step3. Wrap-up We have learnt some clothes and sentences. We can make a mind map like this. Emotion education: We should think and review in time after class.及时复习总结 4 Step4 Homework Make a mind map about “farm” BD:Book4 Recycle2 Read and number Read、write and say Can I help you? Yes. I want.Is thisyour book ? Yes, it is. How much is it? Itsyuan.Is this yours ? Yes, itsmine. How much are they? Theyreyuan.


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