人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 3 Travel Plans-Lesson 2-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:507cf).doc

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1、Unit 3 Travel Plans Lesson 2 Unit 3 Lesson 2 一、Teaching contents: a. Can listen, read and write the sentences “Where do you want to go? I want to go to/What do you want to do? I want to ” b. Can use the sentences to make their own travel plans. c. Fill in the chart and talk about other studentstrave

2、l plans. d. Know some cultures about travel. 二、Teaching aims 1.Aims on knowledge a. Have the students master the following sentences: “Where do you want to go? I want to go to/What do you want to do? I want to ” b. Can write the target sentences correctly. 2.Aims on ability a. Can use the sentences

3、to make their own travel plans. b. Can talk about some otherstravel plans. 3.Aims on emotion: a. Develop the students interest and help the student set up the initial self-confidence. b. Tell them some cultures and different ways about travel. 三、Teaching key point a. Can listen, speak and write the

4、sentences “Where do you want to go? I want to go to/What do you want to do? I want to ” 四、Teaching difficult points Can use the third person singular form to talk about some others travel plans. 五、Teaching aids: CAI /word cards/box 六、Teaching procedure: Step 1: warm-up: 1. Greeting and free talk. (设

5、计意图:教师热情的话语,亲切的问候能拉近距离,鼓励孩子更加大胆 的说英语。) 2. Listen and sing a song about travel. (设计意图:用唱歌曲的形式营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围,也为本课的主题营 造一个情境。) 3. Use the mind map to review the words and sentences in Unit 1. T: Hello, boys and girls, today we are talking about travel plans. Do you like travel?You know that there are many

6、 beautiful places in China. Look, Beijing is a beautiful city. And its the capital of China. We can visit the Great Wall and the Summer Palace in Beijing. (Ask Ss to describe other places.) Ss: The city is Hangzhou, we can row a boat on the West lake (设计意图:用思维导图的方式,复习第一节课学过的词汇、短语和句型, 把被动学习转换为主动思考,用思

7、维导图理清脉络,将单独割裂的知识点有机结 合为一个整体,便于学生进行语言输出。又为新课进行铺垫。) Step 2: Presentation: T: I like travel very much. Travel can make me happy. I went to a lot of beautiful places in China and also I went abroad. Its very interesting. Now lets share my travel experiences. (T plays the vedio.) (设计意图: 引导学生进入到旅行的情境中,播放自

8、己旅行的幻灯片,引起 学生的共鸣,为教授新内容进一步营造氛围。) T:Is it fantastic? Do you want to Travel? Today, well make our own travel plans. T: Where do you want to go? What do you want to do there? Ss: I want to go to I want to (设计意图: 设计任务,提出问题,呈现本课的目标句型,并且引导学生写 出答案。用红色提醒学生注意“want to+动词原形”的这个结构。然后朗读句型, 熟悉句型,为句型的灵活运用进行铺垫。) St

9、ep 3: Practice: 1. Play a game, pass the box, then ask and answer. (设计意图:设计盒子游戏,在游戏当中操练句型。) 2. Listen and read. T:Andy and his mother are talking about the travel plans. Lets watch the video, answer the questions. a. When willAndy go to travel? b. Where doesAndy want to go and what does he want to d

10、o? Ss:Andy wants to travel in his summer vacation. He wants to go to Sanya and swim in the sea. (设计意图:引入文本,让学生观看视频,回答问题,通过前面的 铺垫,文本的学习应该是水到渠成自然地进行。并且一直未脱离本课 的情境和讨论主题。在此,引导学生用单三形式描述第三者的旅行计 划。) 3. listen and fill in the blanks. T: Yaoyao and Bill are talking about the travel plans in their summer vaca

11、tion. Lets listen and fill in the blanks. Then you can try to make a dialogue with your partners. (设计意图:这一部分是一个小对话练习,我将此练习稍加改编, 将这一部分变成了一个听力练习,先听,然后根据听到的内容完成表 格,然后两人一组进行对话。在完成表格的时候,可以引导学生学生 用单三形式转述别人的旅行计划。) Step 4: Production T: Boys and girls, its time to make our own travel plans. Are you ready? O

12、k, Give you a few minutes, first finish your travel plans and then share with your partners. At last, you can give us a report. You can use different ways to report. (设计意图:在学生运用的环节,也是完成任务的环节,课的开始 布置了制定旅行计划的任务,经过语言知识的学习,学生可以运用所 学制定一个合理有趣的旅行计划。和同桌分享,最后选择一个自己喜 欢的方式进行汇报。或者说说自己,或者说说别人,也可以和同伴一 起表演一个短剧。老师给

13、这个选择性的汇报方式给了一个分值,选择 不同的汇报方式可以获得不同的分值,以此激励学生用尝试不同的输 出方式。) T: Boys and girls, there are many kinds of travelling methods. Which do you like to try? You know that “Reading ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.” The best learning is on your way to travel. So go out and make your own world beaut

14、iful. (给学生看一些旅行方式的图片, 让学生对旅行有一个更全面深入的 了解,旅行是一种人生态度,也是一种积极向上的生活方式,读万卷 书,行万里路。最好的学习是在旅行的路上。热爱旅行,热爱生活才 是本节课和本单元带给学生的情感体验,教师借助图片和一些名人名 言将主题加以升华。) Step 5: Sum-up Today, we learned how to make travel plans, remember the two sentences. Try to use them very well. (设计意图:总结本课内容,帮助学生再一次梳理本课的重难点。) Step 6: Homew

15、ork: Must do: 1. Listen to the tape and repeat after class. 2. Recite the dialogue, then make up new about travel plans. Optional: Talk about the travel plans with your classmates in English. (设计意图:分层布置作业,满足不同层次学生的需求。) Bb design: 教学反思: 本课是第三单元的第二课时,基于学生对第一课时内容长掌握扎实,所以新 课的教授水到渠成,学生接受新知识的能力非常好,80%的学生能

16、够做到上课积 极思考, 踊跃发言, 由于对语言知识理解到位, 所以在表达的时候能够畅所欲言, 小组合作意识非常强。教师能够按照教学设计完成每一个教学环节,本课的亮点 是思维导图的运用和情境创设,学生在浓浓的旅游的情境当中进行语言的交流和 运用,最后通过完成自己的旅行计划,叙述别人的旅行计划等任务的完成,落实 了本课的教学目标。课堂生成非常精彩。不足之处,应该更加注重开放性问题的 设置,让学生有更加广阔的思维空间。 Unit 3 Lesson 2 Where do you want to go?BoysGirls I want to go to Beijing. What do you want to do there? I want to visit the Great Wall.


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