人教精通版三年级下册Unit 1 Let's go to school.-Lesson 6-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:602e0).doc

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人教精通版三年级下册Unit 1 Let's go to school.-Lesson 6-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:602e0).doc_第1页
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1、基础教育网络教研平台晒课基础教育网络教研平台晒课 人教版精通英语人教版精通英语 Unit 1 Lesson 6 Fun story 授课授课教师教师 课课题题Unit1Lesson 6Fun story 教材版本教材版本人教版精通英语 授课年级授课年级三年级 教学目标教学目标 1. 学生能够借助图片和教师的讲解感知、理解本课 Fun story 的故事内容。 2. 学生能够朗读故事,在图片、道具和关键词的帮助下表演故事。 3. 学生通过故事学习活动,活跃思维,增强在情境中感知、体会重点词、句 和故事含义的技能。 4. 在学习过程中, 增强学习兴趣, 并从中体会到要做讲礼仪懂礼貌的好孩子。 教学

2、重点教学重点 1. 能够读懂本课故事,有感情地表演故事。 2. 能够结合自己的实际情况创编新对话。 教学教学难点难点 通过读故事、表演故事等活动,增强在情境中感知、体会重点词、句和故事 含义的技能。 教学教学过程过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 Warming up Step 1 Warming up 1. Sing a song. Nice to see you again. 2. Guess who is going to enjoy this fun story with us. 3. Greet to Peppa Pig. Nice to see you again. 1. Sing th

3、e song. 2. Greet to Peppa. Nice to see you again. 1.歌曲热身 ,激活 学生已有知识经 验,初步练习本课 打招呼用语。为本 课学习打下基础。 2. 通过猜测哪位朋 友要来加入我们的 故事,在与其打招 呼的过程中再次练 习 Nice to see you again. Pre-reading 1. Talk about where Peppa is going. Get the students to say: Lets go to school. 2. Peppa goes fishing and gets a new bag. 3. Play

4、 a guess game and talk about the school things we learned before. 4. Talk about what can Peppa exchange with her fish. 5. Play a missing game to check the studentsmemory. 1. Lets go to school. 2.Can I see it? I have a new bag. 3. Whats in the bag? Its a/an. Can I see it? 4. I have a new textbook/sto

5、rybook. 5.Observe the picture and find out what is missing. 1. 通过猜测佩奇去 哪里复习语句: Lets go to school. 为故事的理解和上 口做铺垫。 2. 通过摸一摸猜一 猜的游戏让学生在 真实情境中使用本 课重点语句 “Whats in the bag? Can I see it? 自然导入本课 故事的学习。 3.复习巩固本课重 点词汇。 4.通过游戏复习更 多表示学习用品的 词汇,对以往知识 进行梳理复习。 While-reading 1. Look at the picture and talk about th

6、e characters. 2. Watch the video of the story. 3. Listen to the story again and ask some questions. Whats in Cats bag? Does Monkey feel ashamed? Should we be kind to our friends? What should we do? 4. Read and act out the story in groups. 1. They are Cat and Monkey. They are going to school. 2.Watch

7、 the video. 3.Listen and answer the questions. 4.Do group work. Act the dialogue. 1. 谈论本课的主人 公,并培养学生观 察和联想能力。 2. 观看课文录像整 体感知故事。 3. 问题引领,理解 本理解本课故事, 4. 角色扮演,表演 本课小故事。老师 对情绪、语音、语 调进行引导和纠 正。 Post-reading 1. HelpPeppatoputthe school things in right order. And check the answer. 2. Talk about whats in you

8、r bag. Get the students to make up their own dialogues. 1. Lets check. Listen and number. 2. Do group work. Make up a new dialogue and act out it. 1. 通过帮助佩奇的 任务完成本课的听 音标号练习。指导 学生养成听力策 略。 2. 结合评价工具创 编属于学生自己的 故事(对话),培 养学生创造能力。 Homework 1. Should do: Finish your new dialogue. 2. Choose to do:Tell the story to your friends or parents. 将课堂内容延伸, 培养学生初步的模 仿、表演能力和自 主学习能力。 Blackboard


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