人教精通版三年级下册Unit 4 Do you like candy -Lesson 21-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:a147e).zip

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. Unit Unit 4 Do you like candy?4 Do you like candy? 人教新版小学英语三年级下册 Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson 21212121 Lets chant Lets chant A, A, A. Apple, mango, mango. B, B, B. Banana, bread, bread. C, C, C. Cake, candy, candy. D, D, D. Hot dog, doughunt, doughnut. I like I dont like apples I like I dont like bananas I like I dont like cakes I like I dont like oranges I like I dont like mangoes I like I dont like candy ies I like I dont like ggs e I like I dont like coeeffee ruitf Do you like fruit? Yes, I do. No, I dont. I I like milk and eggs.I Me too. Do you like fruit? I Yes, I do. I like oranges. What about you? II like mangoes. Just talk I I like milk and eggs. I Me too. Do you like fruit? I Yes, I do. I like oranges. What about you? II like mangoes. I I like milk and eggs. I Me too. Do you like fruit? I Yes, I do. I like oranges. What about you? II like mangoes. Pair Work A: I likeA: I like and and . . B: Me too. Do you likeB: Me too. Do you like ? ? A: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. A: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. What about you? What about you? B: I like B: I like . . Show Eat Smell Drink Show me your fruit. Eat the egg. Smell the mango. Drink the coffee. Lets play Show me your fruit.Eat the egg. Smell the mango.Drink the coffee. I like apples. I like hot dogs. I like singing. I like my mom. What about you? I like.I like. So we like the food at the same, to know more about the food culture of our country. Please eat more fruit. 请多吃水果。 Its good for your health. 对你的健康有好处。 Write the new letters “Write the new letters “EeEe” and “” and “FfFf”.”. Make up a new dialogue with your friend.Make up a new dialogue with your friend. 人教英语(精通)三年级下册人教英语(精通)三年级下册 Lesson 21 教学设计教学设计 一、 教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:听说读写四会字母 Ee, Ff 和单词 egg, coffee, fruit. 学习句型 Do you like-?Yes, I do. 2.语言技能目标:能用 I like / I dont like 表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并能够 在情境中进行表达交流。能听懂指令性语句:Show me your fruit. Smell the mango. Eat the eggs. Drink the coffee. 并能形象地表现出来。能够表演并自由创编对话,培培养学生语 言交际和实践创新能力。 3.情感态度目标:学会与他人交流,培养学生的合作精神,激发学习英语兴趣, 并教育学生要养成良好的饮食习惯。 4.文化意识目标:培养学生对中华饮食文化的热爱。 二、教学重难点: 重点:To learn the new letters: E e F f To learn the new words: egg, coffee , fruit 难点: 掌握句型:Do you like? Make dialogues. 三、教学方法:愉快教学法、情境教学法、任务教学法。 四、学习方法:小组合作学习 五、教具准备:多媒体课件 六、教学过程: (一)Warm-up:(谈话引入,创设氛围) .Greetings: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. How are you? Hows the weather today? 2. Lets chant. (跟着视频一起律动,再利用给出的图片及句子进行巩固复习学过的单 词) (二)Presentation: .Review the words and sentences. (复习名词单复数,以及句型 I like / I dont like) T:Just now ,we review some words about food.Now,I have a lot of to eat.Do you want to know? This class lets go on to learn Unit4 Do you like candy? Lesson 21.(板书课题) T: Look! Whats this? Guess!(露出图片的一部分,让学生猜是什么,说出水果或食 物的名称,再出不同食物的复数图片引导学生用英语表达) T: You are great! I like apples. What about you? If you like ,you can say :I like. .If you dont like, you can say: I dont like.(课件出现笑脸和哭脸引导学生理解并表学会运用句 型表达喜欢和不喜欢的吃的) 2.Learn the new word and letters. Show out the pictures of eggs coffee fruits. Listen and read the new word. Then learn the letter “Ee”and “Ff.”Write the big letters and the small letters. (利用图片引导学生学习 新的单词,并学习所对应的字母,要掌握其书写顺序) 3.Teach the text (1) Listen and repeat. (2) Read the dialogue in roles. (3) Group work: try to act out . (听音跟读课文,小组合作表演对话。 ) (三) Practice: 1.Pair work.(根据给出的图片,结合课文中的句型,合作对话。) 2.Lets play.( 学习指令性语句:Show me your fruit. Smell the mango. Eat the eggs. Drink the coffee.)listen and act.(边说边做) 3.I like .(出示更多表达自己喜欢的句子,除了可以用 I like 表达喜欢的食物, 还可以表达自己的爱好、喜欢的家人等) 4.Watch a shour TV for the world of the food cultureof.(播放中华饮食文化的视频) So we like the food at the same, to know more about the food cultureof our country. (我们在喜爱美食的同时,还要多了解咱们国家的饮食文化) 5. Please eat more fruit. Its good for your health.(教育学生养成良好的饮食习惯) (四) Home work Write the new letters “Ee” and “Ff”. Make up a new dialogue with your friend.
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