人教精通版三年级下册Unit 3 This is my father.-Lesson 16-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:708a9).zip

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人教精通版英语三年级下册人教精通版英语三年级下册 Lesson 16 Unit3 This is my father. LetLet s sings sing This is my . Lead-in father Li Mings family photo mother sister Whos that? Whos this? Presentation Whos this? grandmother (grandma) A:Whos this? B:This is my grandmother. Presentation Whos that? grandfather (grandpa) Pair work 两人一小组,一问一答 A:Whos that? B:Thats my grandfather. This is . 这是 .(离自己近的) Thats . 那是 . (离自己远的) Presentation Who are they? What are they talking about? Presentation This is my grandmother. Look! This is my father and this is my mother. Whos this? Thats my grandfather. And whos that? Look! This is my father and this is my mother. Whos this? This is my grandmother. And whos that? Thats my grandfather. Just talk Presentation Practice Read it by your classmates for one minute . 分角色读对话一分钟。 Learning tip : 当遇到不会读或不明白意思 的单词或句子,可以把它圈 起来,请教同学或老师! 10 20 30 50 40 60 30 20 10 Practice My family photo Practice Lets introduce our families. (介绍家庭成员) 提示句:Look! This is my. I have a happy family. Father and mother, they love us. 爸爸、妈妈爱我们。 We should love them, too. 我们也要爱他们。 Homework 1、Listen and read.听录音模仿对话。 2、能用This is my 介绍自己的家庭成员。 教学内容:Lesson 16 教学课时:一课时 一、Studying aims 1、Knowledge Objects 1).使学生能在情景中理解、会说 This is my fathermotherbrothersisterdaughter songrandfather/grandmother 以及 Whos this? Whos that ? Shes。Hes等句子,并能够在真实的语言环境中自由运用。 2).在自然的情景里输入语言,使学生能够听、说、认读下列 单词:father,mother,brother,sister ,daughter, son,grandfather,grandmother,并能扮演这些角色进行情景对话。 2、Ability Objects: 通过练习使学生能够用英语介绍自己的家庭成员。 3、Feeling Objects 对学生进行爱家的亲情教育,培养学生热爱家庭、热爱生活的 美好情感。通过本单元的教学让学生进一步了解国外文化习俗,知 道英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习惯。 4、The learning strategies 通过活动的途径学习语言,鼓励学生学会倾听、理解、尊 重他人。促进学习热情。 培养良好的学习习惯。 二、Focal points and difficult points 重点:能听懂,会说:This is my . How old are you.句型和 单词 grandfather,grandmother。 难点:能听懂,会说:将对话运用在实际生活中。 三、Studying aids PPT 四、Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up 1、T:Class begins.Hello,boys and girls.Sit down please. Boys and girls, first lets sing a song.OK? 2、T:Boys and girls,last lesson we have learned Family members, father,mother and so on.Can you introduce these photos to your classmates?(出示已学过的家庭成员图片) S s:This is my .(老师表扬说得好的学生。) T:Boys and girls,today we are going to learn Lesson 16.(板书课题) Step 2 Presentation 1)T:Just now,we introduce our family.Now,lets look at Li Mings family photo.(出示图片)This is Li Ming.And whos this?依次介绍他的家人。 2)引出单词 grandmother,句型 Whos this? This is my. 教授单词,操练句型。(板书) 3)PPT 出示单词 grandfather,句型 Whos that? That is my. (方法同上) 4)区分 this 和 that,引导学生用 Thats.造句。 5)T:Boys and girls,now lets look at a picture.(课件出 示课文图片)Who are they?What are they talking about? 6)第一遍看 VCD,让学生在情景中感知、理解对话内容。第二 遍打开书看课文听录音,第三遍学生听音跟读和模仿。 7)操练一分钟,学生分组分角色朗读,做到最快、最清晰、最 大声。然后学生们到讲台前表演课文对话 Step 3 :Practice 1)Activity:Lets introduce our families.(介绍家 庭成员)拿出准备好的全家福照片,向同学介绍你的家人。 2)T:Do you love your father and mother? Yes,they love us. And we should love them, too. Step 4:Homework 1)鼓励学生能用 This is my 并能根据实际情况介绍自 己的家庭成员。 2)听录音,模仿会话,并在实际情景中运用所学的内容 板书设计: Lesson16 Whos this? This is my grandmother. Whos that? That is my grandfather
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