人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 2 Cities-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:205d4).zip

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四年级四年级 (开启智慧之门)开启智慧之门) bankhotel post office grocery sports centre park museum square You/I /We/She can take a/the bus ship taxi subway plane How can I get to the toy shop? You can take a/the. The toy shop is between a cinema and a park. How can I get to ? You can take a/the betweenand. . across from. next to. Theis Ask and answer: 跟着跟着动画动画读课文。读课文。 Tips:耳到,眼到,手到,口到,心:耳到,眼到,手到,口到,心 到到 Pair work: Look the picture and make a dialogue with your partner(两人一两人一组组看看图编对话图编对话) * What have you learnt today? 今天你学到了什么?今天你学到了什么? Better transportation, better life. 交通让生活更美好。 Write a new dialogue ,and role play with your friends.(写 一个新的对话并朋友们一起角色表演,得 三颗星。) Unit 2 Cities 一、三维教学目标: (1)能够听懂、会说 city, street, sports centre, hotel, square 等表 示城市中常见场所的词汇,以及 buy toys, see a film, go boating 等表示 活动的短语。 (2)能够听懂、会说用于询问去某地乘坐何种交通工具的问句及答句:How can I get to ? You can take 并能够初步在情境中进行口头运用。 ( 3 )能够提高看地图、寻找路线的方位感和形象思维能力。 2、重点难点: 能够在实际情境中灵活运用询问去某地乘坐何种交通工具的 问句及答句:How can I get to ? You can take 。 四、教学方法:情景教学法、启发式教学法、任务型教学法,游戏教学法。 5、教具:课件、单词卡片、多媒体图片。 六、教学过程:Step I Warming- up A. Greetings: T: Hello! Boys and girls! Ss: Hello! Miss Zhang! T: How are you, today? Ss: Im fine , thank you! T: Im fine , too. So lets begin the journey of the magic classroom with a happy mood. B. Review: Lets look at the pictures and fast read the words. Step II presentation (1)教师出示主题图并设置情境:Today, Im very excited, and the weather is also very good. So Im going to the park with my friends, but we re lost now, we cant find the park. Who can help us? Who can tell us: Where is the park? across from . Ss: Its between . and . (学生回答,教师板书) next to . (2)Thanks for your help. But we re so tired , we cant walk anymore . So, we can take a bus , or we can take the subway ,Its comfortable .Do you want to go to the park? (Ss: Yes, I do.)Ha ha, You can take the subway/bus/ship. (生回答。逐步引导学生 学习句型: You can take the subway/bus/ship.).Now we want to go to the hotel, How can I get to the hotel? (教师板书) Step III Practice (1)Ask and answer : T: How can I get to the hotel? Ss: You can take the subway/bus/ship across from . Its between . and . next to . (2)Read after the cartoons. (3)Pair work: Look the picture and make a dialogue with your partner. For example: S1: Excuse me. How can I get to the? S2: You can take the subway/bus/ship. Its betweenand./Its across from./Its next to. S1: Thank you. S2: You are welcome. Step IV Homework Write a new dialogue , and role play with your friends.(写一个 新 的对话并朋友们一起角色表演.) 七、板书设计: How can I get to the hotel? You can take the subway/bus/ship across from . Its between . and . next to . 八、教学反思: 在本节课中我首先利用快速读单词的方式复习上节课学 习的有关场所的词汇,然后根据这些引出新旧动词短语,这些都为 新课的呈现做了小铺垫,接着设置了和朋友去公园玩、又累又迷路 的情境导入了新知,看到孩子们在自由讨论、合作探究的氛围中收 获甘甜,我也很欣慰。但也有个别学生新句型学会了,却不能灵活 的在情境中进行口头运用,我又利用了“一帮一”小 PK 让他们互相 学习、互相帮助,孩子们学的很开心,很有成就感,而我也很轻松。 给自己的建议:及时纠正学生的个别单词发音,再次强化自己的英 语口语熟练程度。 在今后的工作中我将扬长避短,争取做得更好!
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