人教精通版四下Unit 5 What will you do this weekend -Lesson 27-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f458d).docx

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人教精通版四下Unit 5 What will you do this weekend -Lesson 27-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:f458d).docx_第1页
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1、Unitnit 5 5WhatWhat willwill youyou dodo thisthis weekend?weekend? LessonLesson 2727TheThe periodperiod oneone 一、教学目标设计: 1.能够理解和掌握句 Ill have a party with my friends this Sunday. Ill go to my music lesson . Ill go to my art lesson . Ill sing and dance. Ill draw and paint.并能用动作类单词者动作类短语进行替换 造句。 2.能够了解

2、一般将来时以及 willIll=I will 的意思和用法。 3.能够在实际生活中应用 IIl 句式。 通过此句式的学习, 让学生学会举一反三, 在生活中能够应用此句式进行英语的交流,达到使用英语的目的。 4.能够通过学习,激发学生学会珍惜时间,有计划的做事情的情感。 二、教学内容: I ll have a party with my friends this Sunday? Ill go to my music lesson . Ill go to my art lesson . Ill sing and dance. Ill draw and paint. 并能扩展运用。 重点:1.能够理

3、解和掌握句式 Ill have a party with my friends this Sunday? Ill go to my music lesson . Ill go to my art lesson . Ill sing and dance. Ill draw and paint. 2.能用动作类单词者动作类短语替换运用句式,并在小组调查中应用此句式。 教学过程: 一Greetings(打招呼):Hello, everyone! Nice to see you again. 二Warm up(热身): Everyday English(日常英语对话).Teacher ask some

4、 questions: Whats on your desk?How many days are there in a week?What would you like?Would you like some pork? 三Review(verb phrases)复习动作类短语 Read:read the words one by one together 复习动作类短语,针对出现易错 的强化练读。 四Presentation:新授 Showthesurvey:Illhaveapartywithmyfriendsthis Sunday.What(How) about you? Look at

5、the flash,understand the meanings. (一)new phrase: this Sunday 这个星期日,点拨星期日还没有来到,是将来 的某一时刻。 Read : Practice:this Saturdaythis Friday (二)Ill have a party with my friends this Sunday. 1.understand:look atthe pictures,listen carefully, then understand the meaning . 2.point:have a party Ill=I will 一般将来时表示

6、将要做某事。 3.read:listen repeatgood students readteams readsb.read 以各种方式 练读,先听再模仿。 4.exercise: IllIllwithwithmymythisthis. . (三)Ill go to my music lesson . Ill sing and dance. 1.look and listen:look at the picture and listen to “Ill go to my music lesson .” 2.look and read.listen then repeatgood student

7、s readone by one readsb.readtogether 3.look and answer the teachers question“What do you do in a music lesson?” 4.try to answer“Ill sing and dance.” (四)Ill go to my art lesson . Ill draw and paint. Students study by themselves. exercise: Ill go to mylesson this. Illand. . Chant: look then repeatrete

8、ll (四)Practice 1 .look at the flash, thenunderstand the meanings. 2. try to retell 3.act: teacher and three studentsgood students work in pairs 五Summary:What did you learn? 一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作。一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作。 willwill将要将要 I I willwill = = IllIll我将要我将要 I Illll + +动作类单词或动作类短语表示我将要做什么动作类单词或动作类短语表示我将要做什么.

9、.。 IllIll havehave a a partyparty withwith mymy friendsfriends thisthis SundSunday.ay. IllIll gogo toto mymy musicmusic lessonlesson thisthis SundSundayay. . IllIll gogo toto mymy artart lessonlesson . . I Illll singsingandand dance.dance. I Illll drawdrawandand paint.paint. 六.Practice: Finishthesur

10、vey 完成课前任务小组内调查。 七Exercise: (一)、英汉互译 () 1.have a party withmy friends()2. gotomymusiclesson ()3.singanddance()4.drawandpaint A.涂涂画画B.唱唱跳跳C.和我的朋友们举行聚会D.上我的音乐课 (二)看问句选答语 ( )1.What would youlike ?A.IllhavemyEnglishlesson. () 2.Ill go to the theme park.Whatabout you? B.Idlikesome pork. (三)连词成句 goIlltomymusicthis Sundaylesson 七Give some advice Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。 Be a planner.做一个有计划的人。 Hard work leads to success. 成功垂青有准备的人。


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