人教精通版四下Unit 6 Would you like to take a trip -Lesson 34-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:a0179).docx

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1、Unit 6Would you like to take a trip? LessonThirty-four 一、教学目标 1.语言知识目标 (1)能够在情景中听、说、读、写四会单词 horse、cow 并能在四线格中规范书写。 (2)能够掌握 horse 和 cow 名词复数的表达方式。 (3)能熟练掌握句型:What are these in English? 和 Theyre的语句。 2.学习技能目标 (1)能够听懂教师的指令并做出相应的反应。 (2)能够在创设的情境中,使用句型:What are these in English? Theyre的句子 进行简单的交流和沟通。 3.情感态

2、度目标 (1)能够通过课堂学习活动,体会到英语学习的乐趣。 (2)能够形成与同伴合作学习、乐于分享的良好品质和学习习惯。 (3)能够养成关心小动物、热爱大自然的良好品德。 二、学情分析 本课授课学生是四年级的学生。四年级学生通过在本校的英语课程学习,已经 储备了一定的英语词汇,具备了简单的英语语言运用能力,大多数学生对学习英语 充满了兴趣。通过本单元前三课内容的学习,学生已经掌握了句型:Whats this/that in English? Its a和关于动物的一些词汇,这样为学生学习本课单词和句型的复数 形式,奠定了一定的基础。 1.教学重点 (1)“What are these in E

3、nglish?” 此句型的理解和综合运用。 (2)认识名词单数、复数的区别。 2.教学难点 (1)单词:these 和 this 的发音区别和中文意思的区分。 (2)注意 horses 这个单词复数的读音。 (3)能够在创设的情境中,运用所学的语言材料进行积极的交流。 三、教法和学法 1、通过电子白板等教学工具创设真实情景,让学生身临其境灵活运用目标语言。 2、通过给学生布置任务来学习知识。 3、小组合作学习开展活动,培养观察力、反应力、表达里,巩固和运用所学的 语言。 四、教学过程 Warming-up 1. Free talk. T: Hows the weather today? S:

4、Its sunny. T: Would you like to take a trip? S: Certainly. T: Where shall we go?Any ideas? S1: I want to go to the Theme Park. S2: I want to go to the zoo. T: How about the farm and the zoo? S: Great. 2. Lets help the girl. “She cant find her friends.” If we want to save her friends. We have to fini

5、sh three tasks. Task 1:Lets find the animals. T: Wow!What a nice picture!Do you think so? S: Yes!What a nice picture! T: But, where are the animals?These animals are very shy, so they hid themselves.Lets find out the animals,OK? S: OK! For example:S1:Is that a rabbit? T: Lets have a look. Oh, yes. S

6、1:Whats this in English? S2: Its a rabbit. Presentation Task 2: Listen and guess. Play the sound and then let the students guess what animal. Sound 1 : tiger Like this: Whats this in English?Is that a tiger? T: How many tigers are there in the picture? S: There are four. Help the students say the se

7、ntences : “What are these in English? ”and “Theyre tigers.” Practise the two sentences in pairs. Sound 2: horse To teach the new word. Write the word on the blackboard. (short-horse) Get the students ask and answer. Like this : What are these in English? Theyre horses. (Pay attention to the pronunci

8、ation of the letter “s”.) Sound 3: cow Using the same way to teach this word of cow. wow-cow Practice Task 3: Lets guess. 1. Get the students read the sentences and then ask a question. S1: What are these in English? S2: Theyre . Ducks: They are lovely. They are yellow. They can swim. They have flat

9、 mouths. Elephants: They are strong. They are smart. They have big ears and long noses. Monkeys: They are clever. They are brown. They have big mouths and long tails. They like bananas. T: We helped Luoluo. (You all have a good job! Please follow me to find her friends. Animals are your best friend,

10、 You should be friendly to them. You should protect them.) So Luoluo is very happy. Look!Her friends are coming to the farm! 2. Point to the picture and say “Wow, what a big farm!”(help the students say the sentence.) T: These animals are very lovey. Look!Miss Liu and her students are on the farm, t

11、oo. Lets listen to their dialogue. 3. Practise the text in groups. 4. Lets do role-play. 5. Make up new dialogues in groups. Places:zoofarmaquarium For example: Heres a . What a .! What are these in English? How many .? Do you like .? Homework: 1. Finish the mind map. 2.Draw a picture of a farm and talk about these animals with your friends after class. aqu zoo camels pandas


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