人教精通版四下Unit 3 What subject do you like best -Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e0e5b).zip

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ListenListen andand answeranswer questions.questions. 2. How many lessons do they have in the morning? _ 3. What are they? _ Letsets makemake a a newnew timetable(timetable(课程表课程表) ) andand dodo a a survey.survey. What subject do you like best? Lesson 13 Liu Tai Primary School Li Dan I am a reporter. maths Its M. Whats 2+2? Its 4. Lets have an interview. Its P. I like running best. PE Lets have an interview. Physical Education PE PE If you work hard, you will be successful sooner or later. 只要肯努力,就会有出头的一天。 Its E. I like Aa, Bb, Ccbest. English Lets have an interview. PE Because of work hard, there will be no regrets. 因为努力了,所以问心无愧。 Its C. I like a, o, ebest. Chinese Lets have an interview. Lets chant. English lesson, English lesson. We have an English lesson in the morning. Chinese lesson, Chinese lesson. We have Chinese lessons in the morning. what afternoon morningin the in the Time lessons 8:10-8:50 9:00-9:40 10:20-11:00 11:10-11:50 1:10-1:50 2:00-2:40 3:10-3:50 what How many lessons do you have in the morning? What are they? We have four. They are music art Time lessons 8:10-8:50 Chinese 9:00-9:40 English 10:20-11:00 maths 11:10-11:50 PE 1:10-1:50 music 2:00-2:40 art 3:10-3:50 Ask and answer in pairs. (两人问答练习) morning 1. How many lessons do they have today? They have six. 2. How many lessons do they have in the morning? 1. How many lessons do they have today? 3. What are they? They have six. 2. How many lessons do they have in the morning? 1. How many lessons do they have today? 3. What are they? They have six. They have four. They are maths, Chinese, English and PE. How many lessons do you have today? How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have six. We have four. What are they? Theyre maths, Chinese, English and PE. Super Mary:表演我最棒 棒! 小组合作: 1.三人一小组 2.根据剧本分角色练习 3.适当加上一些动作辅助表演 Practice How many lessons do you have today? How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have six. We have four. What are they? Theyre maths, Chinese, English and PE. Show Time Lets do a survey. Time lessons 8:10-8:50 9:00-9:40 10:20-11:00 11:10-11:50 1:10-1:50 2:00-2:40 3:10-3:50 English A:Hello!/Good morning! B:Hello!/Good morning! A:How many lessons do they have today/in the morning? B:We have A:Do you like? B:Yes, I do./No, I dont. Summary 2. 本课的重点句型: 1. 本课的重点单词: mathsPE (Physical Education) How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have They are English Chinese Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的灵感,百分之九十九的汗水。 -Einstein(爱因斯坦) Homework 1.登录一起作业,跟读课文Just talk部 分的录音,注意语音、语调。 2.在四线三格中正确抄写本课单词和句 子各一遍。 3.完成lesson13练习册,预习Lesson 14 。 人教版精通英语四年级下册人教版精通英语四年级下册 lesson13lesson13 一、教学目标 1.知识目标:能够听说读写本课的重点单词 Chinese, English, maths and PE. 使学生对教学科目有了进一步了解。能够听 说读本课的重点句型:How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have four. They are Chinese, English, maths and PE. 2.能力目标:通过学习本课,培养学生能灵活运用英语表达 自己的能力,能表达出各种不同的科目的能力。能在实际 生活中,运用句型表达自己。 3.情感目标:学生学会对不同科目进行描述,进而对各种不 同的科目有喜爱之情。学生能够建立英语学习的自信心和 成就感。培养学生勤奋、努力的优秀品质。 二、学情分析 授课班级为四年级学生,他们具备了一定的语言基础, 大多数学生有着极强的求知欲强和表现欲。尽管本课是单 元的第一课,但 How many 句型在前一单元中学生已经学会, 并且 Chinese, English 两个单词,学生也在三年级时接触过, 所以本课的学习要引导学生,运用学过的旧知带新知,充 分调动学生的学习兴趣,为他们自主学习、灵活运用拓展 词句,并给学生布置不同层次的任务,让他们感知、体验 和学习英语。 三、重点难点 1.教学重点:学会正确询问和回答表示一日课程安排的句型, 即 How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have four. They are maths,Chinese, English, and PE.学生听、说、认 读新的表示课程的单词 maths, PE; 听、说、读并在四线格 规范书写单词 Chinese, English. 2.教学难点:在适当的情境中运用学到的新知,进行语言交 流,并能够不断创新。 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1.greetings T: Good morning, class. Ss: Good morning,Miss Li. 2.教师表明今天的身份,Today I am a reporter, I want to go to Liu Tai Primary School to have an interview. 3.Free talk.师生进行简单的对话交流,通过读课题和自主交 流,展示学习主题 Lessons. 【设计意图】通过创设去学校采访的情境和 free talk 使学生 迅速融入到英语的学习中,激发学习本课的兴趣,并顺利 引出本课内容。 Step 2 Presentation 1.学习新词 maths 和 PE。 (1)利用 interview 和 guessing 的方式引出新词 maths。教师 引出问题 Its M. Whats 2+2? Its 4.学生进行猜测 Its maths. 教师顺势板书 maths。并指导学生的发音。随后提问 Do you like maths? Do you know who he is?学生回答 He is 华罗庚。 教师引导学生关注其名言,Smart lies in hard work, talents is gained by accumulation. (2) 利用 interview 和 guessing 的方式引出新词 PE。教师引 出问题 Its P. I like running best. 学生进行猜测 Its PE. 教师 顺势板书 PE。并指导学生的发音。PE is short for Physical Education.随后提问 Do you like PE? Who is your favourite PE player? Do you know who he is?学生回答 He is 武大靖。教 师引导学生关注其名言,If you work hard, you will be successful sooner or later. 【设计意图】利用采访和猜谜的游戏学习新词,并在多样 的操练方式下记住 maths 和 PE,并且初步了解数学家华罗 庚和运动员武大靖,初步感受 work hard。 2.学习新词 English 和 Chinese。 (1)利用 interview 和 guessing 的方式引出新词 English。教师 引出问题 Its E. I like Aa, Bb, Ccbest.学生进行猜测 Its English.教师顺势和学生一起拼写板书 English。并指导学生 的发音。学生自己书写 2 遍。随后提问 Do you like English? Do you know who he is?学生回答 He is 王源。教师引导学生 关注王源的英语学习情况以及其名言,Because of word hard, there will be no regrets. (2)利用 interview 和 guessing 的方式引出新词 Chinese。教师 引出问题 Its C. I like a, o, ebest.学生进行猜测 Its Chinese.教师顺势和学生一起拼写板书 Chinese。并指导学生 的发音。学生自己书写 2 遍。随后提问 Do you like Chinese? 利用一首 chant 分小组、集体操练 Chinese. English lesson, English lesson. We have an English lesson in the morning. Chinese lesson, Chinese lesson. We have Chinese lessons in the morning. 【设计意图】利用采访和猜谜的游戏学习新词,并在多样 的操练方式下记住 English 和 Chinese,并且初步了解孩子们 喜欢的明星王源,初步感受 work hard,并对孩子们进行正 向引导。利用朗朗上口的 chant 操练使学生易于记忆并提高 兴趣。 3.学习 in the morning 和 in the afternoon。 利用一张课程表给学生解释上午的四节课及时间可以 表达为 in the morning,下午的课程及时间可以表达为 in the afternoon。并且讲解定冠词 the 的不同发音。 【设计意图】用直观的时间及课程让学生明白 in the morning 和 in the afternoon 的含义,并且感知、了解定冠词 的不同发音。 4.学习句子 How many lessons do you have in the morning? 利用课表对学生进行提问 How many lessons do you have in the morning?学生回答 We have four.继续追问 What are they?学生回答 They are Chinese, English, maths and PE.在此 过程中教师顺势板书并指导语音。随后学生进行小组合作 练习问答。 【设计意图】用学生自己的课表让学生学会并操练本课的 句子 How many lessons do you have in the morning?理解句子 的含义并且学会使用。 5.初步感知课文情境并学习。 (1)变换情景,有记者来到 Lisa 的学校进行采访,让我们 听一听他们的对话并回答问题 How many lessons do they have today?学生随即回答 They have four.注意引导学生注意 主语的变化。 【设计意图】学生在情境中带着问题初步听取本课课文, 认真听为接下来的学习打好基础。 (2)观看本课动画并在练习纸上书写、回答问题 How many lessons do they have in the morning?和 What are they?检 测学生对于课文的理解和对于单词学习的掌握情况。 【设计意图】用学生易于接受的动画进行视觉的刺激,学 生看后迅速提取两个问题的答案,并进行书写,保证了对 于课文的理解,并检测了掌握程度。 (3)打开书跟读本课的课文,注意模仿语音语调。 Step 3 Practice 1.三人一组进行本科课文的表演练习。并为不同层次的学生 提供不同的要求,即可朗读表演也可以脱稿表演。小组练 习中给予指导并为后面的 show time 做好铺垫。 【设计意图】学生在充分理解了课文内容的基础上进行表 演,并为不同能力的学生提供不同的表演方式,做到因材 施教,让每个学生有不同的学习策略,感受学习英语的成 功和乐趣。 2. Make your own timetable and do a survey. 学生自己书写制作课表,并在老师给的语言框架的帮 助下小组内进行交流。随后展示自己的课表并展示创编的 对话。 【设计意图】学生已经充分掌握所学的知识,动手自己制 作英语课表,并在这一情境下学会恰当的使用本课所学的 知识,突破了本课的重难点。 Step 4 Summary 1.和学生共同总结 1. 本课的重点单词:maths PE (Physical Education) English Chinese 2. 本课的重点句型:How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have They are 【设计意图】学生在课堂即将结束时回忆本课所学内容, 巩固记忆,梳理知识。 2.回顾我们本课所接触的几位人物,他们的共同特点为 work hard 。展示爱因斯坦的名言 Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.天才是百分之一 的灵感,百分之九十九的汗水。对学生再一次进行德育目 标的渗透。 【设计意图】用榜样的力量对学生再一次进行德育目标的 渗透,希望学生在以后的学习中做到勤奋、刻苦、努力。 Step 5 Homework 1. 登录一起作业,跟读课文 Just talk 部分的录音,注意 语音、语调。 2. 在四线三格中正确抄写本课单词和句子各一遍。 3. 完成 lesson13 练习册,预习 Lesson 14。 Step 6 板书设计 Lesson 13 How many lessons do you have in the morning? We have They are maths Chinese English and PE
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