人教精通版四下Unit 5 What will you do this weekend -Lesson 25-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:00b04).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_四年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 What will you do this weekend _Lesson 25_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_县级优课_(编号:00b04)
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Unit5 What will you do this weekend? 人教新版 四年级下册 Lesson 25 Warm-up Free talk What day is today? Hows the weather today? What shall we do? Presentation Shall we go to the park? picnic Presentation Shall we have a picnic? Presentation Look, I have so many things for our picnic! Do you know them? Presentation bread Id like a sausage. What would you like? cake sausage Presentation What would you like? Id like a _. cake Presentation What would you like? Id like some _. bread Presentation What would you like? Id like a _. hamburger Presentation Look and say What are they talking about? Lets learn Presentation Mum, its Sunday today. Shall we have a picnic? 1 Yes. Lets go and ask your dad. 2 Lets learn Presentation Id like a hamburger and a Coke, please. How about you, Mum and Dad? 5 Id like some bread and sausages. 6 Wow! We have so many things for our picnic! 3 What would you like, Lisa? 4 Id like some cake and chicken. 7 Practice Read it by groups for one minute . 小组读对话组读对话 一分钟钟。 Learning tip : 两人一组,比赛读句子, 看谁能在一分钟内读完, 并且读得准确、流利! 10 20 30 50 40 60 30 20 10 Practice Role-play 分角色朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调。 小组合作,试着表演出来吧。 Practice Lets paste Lets have a picnic. What would you like? Id like 1.I like a cake. 2.Id like bread. 3.Id like some .(香肠) 4.How about you?(翻译句子) 5.Shall we have a picnic today? (划线 部分翻译) would some sausages 你呢? 去野餐 Summary 本课学到的重点单词: What would you like? 如何询问某人想要什么? picnic bread cake sausage Id like Homework Close 1. Read the dialogue at least 3 times at home. 2. Copy the English words five times and the Chinese words twice. 3. 预习Lesson 26。 Thank you ! Unit5 Lesson25 Teaching objectives: 1.Knowledge objectives: 能够听懂、会说并认读词汇 picnic,sausage。 能够正确听、说、读、写单词 bread,cake。 能在语言情境中理解文本内容,熟练朗读并表演对话。 2.Ability objectives: 能在实际情境中运用所学功能句型 What would you like? 表达想要吃的食物。 在唱一唱、说一说、演一演的活动中提高语言综合运用能力。 3.Moral objectives: 培养学生大胆开口,主动表达、主动参与课堂的热情。 能够在真实语境中表达个人意愿以及陈述将要做的事情。 Teaching key point and difficulties 1.teaching focus:words and sentences 2.difficult point of teaching: would like 的用法; Teaching aids: PPT,books, pictures Teaching materials: PPT Analysis of the students: 学生之前已经学过了与课程、星期有关的单词,孩子们也可以说出喜欢的课程和今天是 星期几,这样会对我们今天所学的课程打下一定的基础,但是本课出现了 would like 的句 型,对部分学生来说有一点困难,需要反复耐心的教学。让孩子最终做到真正意义的理解 和应用本科对话内容。 Teaching method: situational teaching method, communicational method. Teaching procedures 初次备课二次备课 Step1.课前 三分钟思想 政治教育课 “生命“一个多么鲜活的词语。“安全”一个多么古老的 话题。每个人的生命只有一次。生命至上,安全为天。 作为小学生,我们与家长外出游玩时,一定要紧跟爸爸妈妈, 防止走失。再去有湖边的地方,不去湖边玩耍,不攀爬,不做 危险游戏,不购买有伤害性的玩具。 当然,在做好安全的情况下,也要注意文明卫生:不乱丢 弃废物,如在没有垃圾桶的情况下,每人自备一个塑料袋,把 个人垃圾暂时装在塑料袋中。离开休息地时,要搞好卫生。在 为哈密创建文明城市中每个人都责无旁贷。 外出游玩 的安全教 育及做好 文明外出 小游客。 Step2 Warm- up/Revision Greeting and free talk 上课一开始,教师亲切的和学生们打招呼并自由交谈,拉近师 生间的距离,为后面的沟通学习打下良好基础。 Ss: Good afternoon, Miss E! T: Good afternoon, boys and girls. You all look good today! T: Now its English time. Before the class, I will ask you three questions. Q1:What day is today? 通过三个 问题直接 引入本节 新课 Q2:Hows the weather today? Q3:What shall we do? Step3Prese ntation) 1) 出示 PPT 图片,师生交流,引出 picnic 单词 T: Oh, today is sunny day.(指向图片)Shall we go to the park and have a picnic? Who can tell me this sentence Chinese meaning? 学生做出回答之后,老师在黑板上板书 picnic 这个单词。 2)出示野餐图片的 PPT 引出单词 bread and cake. T: Look, I have so many things for our picnic. Do you know them? S:watermelon, apple, orange, milk and so on. T: Wow, It looks so good. Now, Lets have a picnic. 出示 PPT,学习 bread,cake and sausage 教师板书并强调字母占格,运用音标记忆单词。 bread bbb /b/ /b/ /b/ ea/e/ /e/ /e/ d /d/ /d/ /d/ game1:老师可以手拿单词卡片让学生快速拍打,边拍打边读 出所拍打的单词。读对了给与奖励。 game2:大小声游戏。教师手拿卡片,运用手拿卡片的高低让 学生以此来反应说单词的大小声。 同样的方式教学 cake and sausage. 3)learn and practice the key sentence T:Everyone, please look here,(PPT 单词的图片) Which one do you like? S: I like T:Id like a sausage. What would you like? 这时老师顺势教学重点句型并且板书在黑板上,最后老师问”我 想要点面包和香肠怎么说?”引出句子 Id like some bread and a sausage. 教师在此处讲解语法点。Id =I would would like 想要 T: Look, there are many foods. What would you like? S:Id like some bread. T: What would you like? S:Id like a hamburger. T:Now, I will give you two minutes, pair works and make a dialogue. Students practice the sentence with their deskmate at first and then they can make a new dialogue with these two groups of sentence. 4) Learn the dialogue Step1:Look at the picture and guess what are they talking about? Step2: Read the dialogue one sentence by one sentence and then translate into Chinese. Step3: Read the dialogue after the recorder and read it by themselves. 学单词的 时候运用 卡片并利 用游戏环 节使学生 快速记忆 单词,通 过轻松欢 快的气氛 教学,激 发学生学 习英语的 积极性。 让音标贯 穿到每个 单词教学 里。使学 生通过语 音记忆单 词,并锻 炼学生的 语感。 通过音频、 角色扮演 等方式让 学生学会 组内合作, 相互学习 的好习惯。 Step4: Role-play the dialogue with different roles in the group. Step3practi ce 结合本课重点内容,在 PPT 上出示图片进行自主对话。 Lets paste Step4.Home work 1.Read the dialogue at least 3 times at home. 2.Copy the English words five times and the Chinese words twice. Blackboard writing Lesson 27 have a picnic /piknik/ What would you like? Id like some bread and a sausage sausage bread cake 课后反思亮点:本课通过单词活动的方面,让孩子们在开心愉快的基础 上掌握了本科所学的内容,在课程的衔接上也比较紧凑,很好 的应用上课时间让孩子消化所学内容。 不足:在书写板书的时候有字母书写不规范,课程居于本课内 容,没有更好的扩展延伸,在上课的过程中有出现口语错误, 如:look here 说成 look at here. 改进:在细节中培养自己和学生,多注意书写的笔画,在平时 的课堂用语上要多加做准备与练习。课程扩展方面多延伸,让 学生更好的接受本课内容,学会真正的举一反三。
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