人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 1 Visiting Canada-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:10ffd).zip

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Unit 3 Where did you go? B Lets talk 教材分析教材分析: 1. 本案例是本案例是”Lets talk”,学生在前面已学过,学生在前面已学过 where, what 及及 when、how、whowho 等特殊疑问句,因此,等特殊疑问句,因此, 这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,利用这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,利用 和拓展所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。和拓展所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。 2. 本课的本课的 教学内容主要是围绕教学内容主要是围绕“假日三亚旅行假日三亚旅行”这个话题展开,这个话题展开, 让学生通过练习说话方式用英语来描述旅途趣闻让学生通过练习说话方式用英语来描述旅途趣闻 2. 学情分析:学情分析: (1( 本班大部分学生基础扎实,学习英语的积极性高,学本班大部分学生基础扎实,学习英语的积极性高,学 习习惯好,女生表现的更为突出,仅有两位男生学习自习习惯好,女生表现的更为突出,仅有两位男生学习自 觉性、主动性差,比较懒惰,学习成绩和效果不太理想,觉性、主动性差,比较懒惰,学习成绩和效果不太理想, 如何调动他们学习的积极性和主动性是本节课教学策略如何调动他们学习的积极性和主动性是本节课教学策略 研究的重点。研究的重点。 (2( 学生通过五年级上册学生通过五年级上册 Unit 3 及本册书前两个单元的及本册书前两个单元的 学习,对学习,对 where, what 及及 when, how, who 四个疑四个疑 问词引导的特殊疑问句的问与答有较好的掌握,这为本问词引导的特殊疑问句的问与答有较好的掌握,这为本 单元的教学提供了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容是单元的教学提供了有利的基础。本单元的教学内容是 “假日旅行假日旅行” ,这些内容源自学生的生活实际。在教学时,这些内容源自学生的生活实际。在教学时, 通过创设情景,运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教通过创设情景,运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教 学活动,适时引导学生合作学习,探究学习等学习方法,学活动,适时引导学生合作学习,探究学习等学习方法, 将新旧知识有机结合,并对本单元知识加以强化,从而将新旧知识有机结合,并对本单元知识加以强化,从而 让学生更好地掌握和拓展让学生更好地掌握和拓展“假日旅行假日旅行”这一知识点,实现这一知识点,实现 有效的课堂延伸。有效的课堂延伸。 3.教学目标:教学目标: (1).知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: a. 学习用一般过去时的句型询问对方的旅行情况学习用一般过去时的句型询问对方的旅行情况. 例如:例如: WhereWhere diddid youyou gogo overover thethe winterwinter holiday?holiday? HowHow diddid youyou gogo there?there? WhatWhat diddid youyou dodo therethere ? ? b. 能听懂、会说能听懂、会说 B Lets talk 中呈现的对话并能在实中呈现的对话并能在实 际中得以运用。际中得以运用。 (2).情感态度目标:情感态度目标: 通过讲述旅游趣闻,培养学生合理安排生活和学习的通过讲述旅游趣闻,培养学生合理安排生活和学习的 能力,激发学生热爱大自然,热爱家乡的美好情感,培养能力,激发学生热爱大自然,热爱家乡的美好情感,培养 学生乐于与他人交往的性格。学生乐于与他人交往的性格。 4学习目标学习目标: (1)能听懂)能听懂 Lets try 部分的对话并完成目标练习。部分的对话并完成目标练习。 (2)能理解)能理解 Lets talk 内容并能听说读写下列句子:内容并能听说读写下列句子: How did you go there? We went there by plane. Sounds great! Where did you go over the winter holiday? How did you go there? What did you do there? (3). 能听说认读、理解单词能听说认读、理解单词 beach, over, sometime , sounds. (4).重难点重难点: a.理解理解 Lets talk 部分的内容并能听说认读学习目标中的句部分的内容并能听说认读学习目标中的句 子。子。 b.能正确使用特殊疑问词。能正确使用特殊疑问词。 c.用所学句型简单描写自己的用所学句型简单描写自己的 trip. 5. 教学准备:多媒体课件,旅游卡片教学准备:多媒体课件,旅游卡片 教学设计:教学设计: Step 1.Warm-up. 1. Free talk. 2. Say a chant. 3. Catch the plane and go over the phrases: ate fresh food, went swimming (设计意图:通过(设计意图:通过“free talk, say a chant , catch the plane”不仅复习与本节课学习内容有关的旧知识,为学习不仅复习与本节课学习内容有关的旧知识,为学习 新内容做准备,进一步激发学生的学习热情,引出题目:新内容做准备,进一步激发学生的学习热情,引出题目: A beautiful trip to Hainan!) (1( Interview: (设计意图:感知句型,(设计意图:感知句型,Where did you go ? How did you go? What did you do? How was your holiday? 为学为学 习新内容做铺垫。习新内容做铺垫。 ) Step2. Presentation 1. Learn “ lets try”: Listen twice: (1).Think: Where did Sarah go? What did she do there? (2).Circle the right answers on the book. (设计意图:为学习对话做铺垫,以便引出设计意图:为学习对话做铺垫,以便引出 Amys trip to Hainan。) 2. Learn “ Lets talk”: (1). Read and take some questions about the dialogue: Where did Amy go? When did she go? How did she go? What did she do there? How was the beach? (设计意图:培养学生自主学习的能力。(设计意图:培养学生自主学习的能力。 ) (2). Listen and learn more about the dialogue. The first time: Underline the key sentences. The second time: Try to find out the difficult words. (设计意图:运用课件,把新知识呈现给学生,进一步巩(设计意图:运用课件,把新知识呈现给学生,进一步巩 固对话学习。固对话学习。 ) (3).Watch the video of the dialogue, imitate and read the dialogue . (通过观看视频来调动学生的视觉,听觉和记忆力来参与(通过观看视频来调动学生的视觉,听觉和记忆力来参与 语言活动,让学生可以根据视频更生动地进行模仿。语言活动,让学生可以根据视频更生动地进行模仿。 ) Step 3.Consolidation and extension. (1).Role- play. (设计意图:培养学生的合作探究意识,促进学生的语(设计意图:培养学生的合作探究意识,促进学生的语 言实践能力,开启了学生的创新能力,展示了学生英语言实践能力,开启了学生的创新能力,展示了学生英语 口语交际的风采,真正达到了学以致用。口语交际的风采,真正达到了学以致用。 ) (2).Practice: Short trip in Zhanjiang: use the information below, make the dialogue. (设计意图:通过湛江美景的呈现,让学生和伙伴创编(设计意图:通过湛江美景的呈现,让学生和伙伴创编 对话,激发学生热爱大自然,热爱家乡的情感,培养对话,激发学生热爱大自然,热爱家乡的情感,培养 学生乐于与他人分享快乐,与他人交往的性格。学生乐于与他人分享快乐,与他人交往的性格。 ) (3).Complete the task. Write down your long trip on the card , and send it to the friend. (4).Choose the popular children. (设计意图:让学生在轻松愉悦的环境中利用所学知识(设计意图:让学生在轻松愉悦的环境中利用所学知识 由说拓展到简单填写旅游过程,再通过接收同学的卡片由说拓展到简单填写旅游过程,再通过接收同学的卡片 及推选的人气儿活动,让学生在活跃的氛围中记录及分及推选的人气儿活动,让学生在活跃的氛围中记录及分 享别人的旅游经历。享别人的旅游经历。 ) Step4、Homework. 1. Read the dialogue 3 times. 2. Make a dialogue. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 3 Where did you go? Part B Lets talk 教学评价:教学评价: 1、教师语言标准,能给学生起示范作用。英语基本功 扎实,教态亲切自然。 2、该教师在教学过程中牢牢地抓住了学生的注意力, 不失时机地精心制造教学的亮点,把课堂教学推向了高潮, 使学生达到情绪高涨、智力振奋的积极状态。 3、教师在实施本节课教学中,教学目的明确、重难点 did trip Where How What A ! beautiful go? go? do? 突出,教法灵活科学,讲课时思路清晰,善于调动学生学 习的积极性,课堂驾驭能力强。 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课重点学习以 Where、How、What 引导的问句及 答语,并能用本课所学的核心句型进行口头描述过去时间 发生的事情。我首先是通过玩游戏进行热身,复习有关本 节课的一些词汇,然后利用自己暑假去海南的几张照片进 行教学,引出本节课的核心句型,再过度到 Amys winter holiday 。在巩固拓展环节,也是围绕主句型,利用湛江的美 景,要求学生依据对话创编“湛江之旅” ,再利用卡片填写 自己的长途旅游经历。不足的地方:学生观看视频进行角 色扮演时,没能真正地进入情景中去,导致表演不够精彩。 授课者: 湖光中心小学 鹿渚校区 周桂凤 How was your holiday? How was your holiday? It was fun. It was fun . Where did you go? Where did you go? I went to the park. I went to the park. What did you do? What did you do? I rode a bike . I took pictures. I went fishing. I went camping. Game : Catch the plane Where did you go? rode a horseate fresh food bought gifts took pictures hurt my foot Hainan went camping went swimming went fishing rode a bike Unit 3 Where did you go? Part B 中小学精品资源库 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L 中小学精品资源库 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L A beautiful trip to Hainan ! Miss Zhous trip : Interview (采访): Try to be a small reporter, interview( 采访)Miss Zhou: Hes on the race. Hes running with a cheetah. 中小学精品资源库 绿色圃中学资源网http:/ cz.L Lets try 1.Read the dialogue by yourself . 2. Discuss with your partner. 3. Take questions about the dialogue(针对对话内容,提出 问题). 1.Where did Amy go ? 2.When did she go? Over the winter holiday. 3.How did Amy go there? 4.What did Amy do there? 5.How was the beach? She went to Sanya with her family. She went there by plane. take-took lots of = many It was beautiful. Lets talk She took lots of pictures and went swimming. Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu: Really? Did you like it? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? Amy: We went there by plane. Wu: How was the beach? What did you do there? Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Amy: Sure. listen and underline the key sentences(重点 句)and the difficult words(难理解词): 中小学精品资源库 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu: Really? Did you like it? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? Amy: We went there by plane. Wu: How was the beach? What did you do there? Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Amy: Sure. Lets talk Which “over” is the same meaning with the one in the dialogue (对话)? A.Class is over. B.There are six lights over the desks. C.Look! My cat is over there. D.I went to HongKong over my winter holiday. in/during my winter holiday. Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu: Really? Did you like it? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? Amy: We went there by plane. Wu: How was the beach? What did you do there? Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Amy: Sure. Lets talk 1.That song sounds great! 听起来 2.You can swim well. 3.You look happy. sometime(有时间,不确定的时间) sometimes(有时) 1.Id like to visit Alice sometime. 2.Sometimes I watch TV in the evening. 中小学精品资源库 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu: Really? Did you like it? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? Amy: We went there by plane. Wu: How was the beach? What did you do there? Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Amy: Sure. Lets talk A. each B. peach c. beach Enjoy the video of the dialogue Sarah: Where did you go over the winter holiday? Amy: My family and I went to Sanya. Wu: Really? Did you like it? Amy: Yes, it was so warm. Sarah: Hainan is far from here. How did you go there? Amy: We went there by plane. Wu: How was the beach? What did you do there? Amy: It was beautiful. I took lots of pictures, and I also went swimming. Sarah: Sounds great! Can I see your pictures sometime? Amy: Sure. Lets talk ? Role play ( 角色扮演: our city The first beach of China Huguangyan Maar Lake Hai bin Park View of the sea promenade Chun jin Park Pair work: Imitate the dialogue, use the information below to make the dialogue with your partner. A: Where did you go_? B:I went to _. A: How did go there? B: I went there_. A: What did you do there? B: I _ . A: Who did you go there with? B: I went there with_. 1.Fill in your long trip on the card. 2.Send it to your friend in the classroom. An example: Dear _ , I went to _ with _. last _. I went there _ .I_and_ there. It was very fun. Yours, _ classmates Hainan my friends summer holiday by ship took pictures went swimming Miss Zhou 1.Choose the popular child. (人气儿) 2.The popular child share the card with us.(分享收到的卡片) The most beautiful scenery is on the way. The most beautiful you are in the distance. 最美得风景在路上, 最美的你在远方! 1.Read the dialogue 3 times. 2.Make a dialogue. Thank you! 中小学精品资源库 绿色圃中学资源网http:/ cz.L
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