人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 4 Free Time-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:500b0).zip

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人教新起点 六年级级下册 Unit 4 Free TimeUnit 4 Free Time Lesson 3 Warm-up Warm-up Lead-in 1. How was your last weekend? 2. What did you do last weekend? Presentation A. Listen and match Tony Sherry Bill Presentation Its Monday today. Bill and his classmates are talking with Miss Jackson about the weekend. Its Monday today. Bill and his classmates are talking with Miss Jackson about the weekend. talk with sb. about sth. 和某人谈论某事 Tony Sherry Bill Presentation B. Lets talk How was your weekend? It was great. I went to a park with my friends. Practice B. Lets talk 1. How was your weekend? 2. What did you do? 3. Did you have a special weekend? C. Lets read Presentation C. Lets read Presentation Monday, May 23 I had a wonderful weekend. On Friday evening, Ted showed me his stamps. He has stamps from all over the world. Im going to ask my mother to send him some Chinese stamps. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 全世界 C. Lets read Presentation On Saturday morning, we did chores. I cleaned the living room. Ted took out the rubbish and watered the plants. Tina cleaned her room. After that, Ted,Tina and I went to the City Gallery. We saw Uncle Bobs paintings there. They were very beautiful. In the afternoon, I read some books. 那之后 C. Lets read Presentation On Sundy I visited Teds grandparents with Teds family. In the evening I watched a nature show about Canadian animals- beavers, raccoons and moose. Next weekend, we are going fishing. There are so many interesting things to do here. knedn adj.加拿大的(加拿大人) moose beaver raccoon Presentation C. Lets read rkun biv mus Practice SundaySaturday morning Sunday eveningSaturday morning Friday evening Write the time for each activity. Practice D. Lets write My Weekend Now write about your weekend. Last weekend, I was great. On Saturday morning, I did some chores.I played football with my friends in the afternoon. On Sunday, I went to the park with my parents. We are all happy. Last weekend, I was great. On Saturday morning, I did some chores.I played football with my friends in the afternoon. On Sunday, I went to the park with my parents. We are all happy. Summary 如何询问对方上周末做了什么? What did you do last weekend? 如何描述自己上周末做了什么? 例如:I watched TV. I visited my grandparents. I did chores. 1. Read the passage aloud. 2. Write about your weekend. 3. Talk with classmates about your weekend . Homework Unit 4 Free Time Lesson3 This is the third lesson in this Unit4. 来源:学.科.网 【知识目标】 1. Be able to listen and read the words and dialogues: visit ones grandparents,go to a drawing club, always, evening, house.How was your weekend? It was good,thank you./ What did you do? I stayed at home with your grandma. 2. Be able to ask and answer questions. 【能力目标】 1. Be able to talk. 2. Enhance students ability of practical applications. 【情感目标】 Learn to respect others when we talk with others. Learn to introduce your dream homes to your friends in the right way. 教学目标教学目标 教学重难点教学重难点 教材分析教材分析 【教学重点】 1. The relevant words and dialogues: often/always ,What did you do?.来源:Zxxk.Com 2. Be able to talk about your weekend. 【教学难点】 The relevant words 、the simple past tense and dialogues. Tape recorder, Multimedia. PPT 来源:学.科.网来源:Z_xx_k.Com A. Listen and match. 1Free talk:How was your last weekend? What did you do last weekend? 并引出本课话题 last weekend。 2. 听前做好准备 首先,通过以下问题引导学生结对讨论图片内容,明确每一幅图所在的位置, 以便在听的过程中迅速找到目标图片: Read the sentences in Part A. What day is it? (Its Monday.) What are Bill and his classmates talking about? (They are talking about their weekends.) 课前准备课前准备 教学过程教学过程 Now, look at the pictures. What do you see? 3. 听中完成任务 播放三遍录音,要求学生第一遍整体了解听力内容;第二遍边听边将活动与做 该活动的人相连;第三遍边听边查漏补缺,检查和修正答案。 Tip: 在播放录音的过程中,教师要观察学生作答神情,预测难点。必要时可轻 步巡视全班,对学生的问题做到心中有数。 4. 听后核对答案 教师分别运用以下功能句引导学生逐一核对答案:Where did Tony/Bill/Sherry go last weekend? What did he/she do there? Tip: 在学生回答过程中,教师可关注动词过去式的使用情况,并把学生用到的 动词过去式写在黑板上,为后面的活动做准备。 B. Let s talk. 1. 说前复习、示范 (1) 承上启下中国教#育%&出版网 引导学生依据 A 项听力内容和图片连线的 Tip: 教师在学生回答过程中,继续将学生用到的动词过去式写在黑板上。 (2) 游戏复习 教师用 B 项第二组问题中的:What did you do last weekend? 提问,请学生 用完整的句子抢答,以此复习有关周末活动的动词过 去式。要求学生回答的内 容不可重复;正确抢答次数最多的小组为胜。w*ww.z#zstep.c%om Tip: 在学生回答过程中,教师继续将学生用到的动词过去式写在黑板上。之后, 请学生对教师在三个环节中写在黑板上的所有动词过去式分类:不规则变化; 规则变化中直接+ed 的;辅音+y 的变 y 为 i,再+ed 的,元音字母+yi 接+ed 的等,借此复习、巩固动词过去式,为后面的口语、阅读和写作打好基础。 对于第二组的问题中的另外两个问题,可用同样的形式操练。 (3) 示范对话 教师和一个学生示范围绕第二组问题开展对话,可在此基础上拓展。 2 说中监控 要求学生根据自己的实际情况,围绕第二组的三个问题结对问答。 教师要巡视全班,确保每个学生都认真对话。此外,可鼓励学有余力的学生输 出更多话轮,并帮助学习有困难的学生完成对话。 3. 说后展评 请不同层次的学生分别展示对话,引导优秀、中等生说得更多、更好;鼓励学 困生开口说,并及时表扬他们的进步。w*ww.z% C. Let s read. 1. 读前:介绍文体,预测内容 首先请学生看看文章左上角的日期,告诉学生将要读到的文本是日记体裁的。 然后,用以下问题引导学生看图预测阅读内容:Look! Who are in the pictures? What are they doing in the pictures? Can you guess what the diary is about?来源:中*&国%教育出版网 2. 读中:完成阅读任务 (1) 第一遍阅读的任务:通读全文,了解大意,划出日记的主旨句,也即全文围 绕着来写的核心句。 Tip:学生划出第一句话作为主旨句后,让学生关注主题句所在位置:文章开头。 可提醒学生,文章的主题句往往在文章的开头或结尾。 (2) 第二遍阅读的任务:给图片配上日期。可先在文中划出与答案有关的文字, 再在图下写出答案。 Tip: 可请学生在写时间的同时,写下相应时态的动词词组,为复述做铺垫;同 时强化学生对一般过去时的理解。 (3) 第三遍阅读的任务:给图片排序。引导学生观察写作的时间顺序。为 D 项 写作做铺垫。 Tips: 1. 在处理第二排第一幅图时,可引学生回看原文:In the evening I watched a nature show about Canadian animals-beavers, raccoons and moose. 并问学生:What are beavers, raccoons and moose? Are they people or animals? 在引导学生根据上下文猜测词义后,可给学生看相应动物的图片。 2. 提醒学生注意,破折号在行文中有举例或解释前文的功能;在今后的阅读中 要有意识地通过相关标志推测生词的意义。 3.读后:总结回顾 (1) 教师带领学生核对答案。 (2) 请学生首先尝试自己朗读文段一遍;然后跟录音修正和提高自己的朗读技巧。 (3) 学生把文章所配图片排序后,根据图片提示,复述日记内容。可小组合作或 两人合作复述。来源:#* D. Lets write.ww*w.zz#st% 1. 写前中国教育*出&%#版网 组织学生结对活动,就 D 项的问题进行问答。提醒学生用完整句回答问题,为 写作做准备。 2. 写中 请学生根据问题的引导写出自己上周末的活动和感受。要求学生至少写出五至 六句话;并鼓励学生表达自己的真情实感。来源:z%zstep.&co*m 可提醒学生参考 C 项文章的内容和写法。在学生写作过程中,教师巡视全班, 发现问题及时解决,帮助不同层次的学生取得进步。 3. 写后 (1) 引导学生用下表进行自我评价。 评价内容 GreatBetterGood 书写规范 句义连贯 内容丰富 (2) 请学生相互阅读对方作品,相互学习,并写出简单的评语。 (3) 教师引导全班分享几份不同层次的作品,指出优点,提出改进建议。 Tip: 教多个班级的教师,可以把此写作活动改成写信的形式:写信叙述自己上 周末的活动,并询问对方的情况。把一个班的学生修改后的信件,带给另一个 班的学生,请他们写回信。这样可以加强写作交际的真实性,同时也能激发学 生的写作热情。 Step 7. Homework 1. Finish off the exercises in the textbook. 2. Talk about your weekend.
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