人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit 2 My family-A-教案、教学设计-部级优课-(配套课件编号:c094c).docx

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1、Teaching Plan Title: My family Grade: G3 in primary school Teacher: WanYan Hongrui, from Shuhong Primary School Teaching content: B2 Unit 2 My family PartALets talk Teaching period: 40 minutes Teaching objectives: Knowledge objectives: 1, Students are able to understand the meaning of the word: man,

2、 woman, father, mother. 2, Students are able grasp the sentence patterns: “Whos that man/woman?”, “Hes/Shes my father/mother.” to inquiry and talk about family members. Ability objectives: 1, Improve studentsabilities, especially listening and speaking ability. 2, Develop students ability of communi

3、cation by learning the sentence patterns. Emotional objective: Raise studentsawareness of loving our family and respect parents. Key point: Students are able to use the sentence patterns to inquiry and talk about family members. Difficult points: 1, Use the personal pronoun “he” and “she” correctly.

4、 2, Shift the character from first person to third person. Teaching materials: multimedia, head-wear, books Teaching steps: T for teacher, Ss for students, S for individual student StepsTeachers activities Students activities Purpose Greeting & Warm-up 1, Greeting to Ss and sing an English song “My

5、family” together. 2, Show 6 cartoons familyphotoand lead Ss to recognize the character, guide Sstosay“This is .s family.” 1, Sing an English song“Myfamily” together. 2,Talkabout6 characters family. 1,与学生课前打 招呼,拉近师生距 离。唱与主题相关 的歌曲,契合课程 学习主题。 2,通过识别学生 喜爱的卡通人物, 向学生输入主题 词 “family” 的概 念。 Presentation 1, P

6、oint to George andaskSsthe question:“Whos that boy?”. Guide Ss to answer “ Hes George.”Then chant with students. Chant: Boy,boy,whosthat 1, Try to answer Ts questionandchant together. 1 , 通 过 展 示 George 的图 片引 导学生回答对应 问题,利用 chant 的形式带领学生 初步感知句型。 boy? George,George,hes George. 2, Point to Peppas mothe

7、randask studentsthe question:“Who that boy?”. Guide Sstocorrectthe sentenceinto “Whosthat woman?”.Teach thenewword “woman”, “mother” andthesentence pattern “ Shes my mother.” 3, Chant with Ss and show some Ss mothers photo, ask studentsthe question:“Whos that woman?” and guide Ss to answer: “Shesmy

8、mother.”or “ Shes .s mother.” 4,Point to Peppas fatherandask studentsthe question:“Who thatwoman?”. Guide Ss to correct thesentenceinto “ Whos that man?” Teach the new word “man”, “father” and the sentence “ Hes my father.” 2,Correctthe questionandlearn thenewword “woman”,“mother” andthesentence “Sh

9、es my mother.” 3, Chant with T and answer Ts question 4,Correctthe questionandlearn the new word “man”, “father”andthe sentence“Hes my father.” 2,展示 Peppas 妈 妈的图片,利用错 误的提问语句引 导学生生成正确 的提问语句,利用 旧知引出新知,在 句中学习新单词 woman, mother 和 新句型 : Shes my mother. 3,利用 chant 这种 生动活泼的形式 机械操练句型,通 过展示学生妈妈 的照片引导学生 在真实的情境

10、中 操练句子。 4,展示 Peppas 爸 爸的图片,利用错 误的提问语句引 导学生生成正确 的提问语句,利用 旧知引出新知,在 句中学习新单词 man, father 与 新 句 型 :Hesmy father. 5 , Chant with Ss and show some Ss fathers photo, ask studentsthe question:“Whos thatman?”and guide Ss to answer: “ Hes my father.”or “ Hes .s father.” 6 , Chant with Ss and divide roles to ch

11、ant. 7,Createthe circumstanceof gingtoChenJies home, guide Ss to watch the video and answerthe question: “ Whos that man”? 5, Chant with T and answer Ts question 6, Chant together and divide roles to chant. 7, Watch the video andanswerTs question. 5,利用 chant 这种 生动活泼的形式 机械操练句型,通 过展示学生爸爸 的照片引导学生 在真实的情

12、境中 操练句子。 6,总体利用 chant 的形式进行本课 句型的操练与巩 固。 7,通过回归课本情 景,让学生带着问 题看视频,再次巩 固对句型的理解。 Practice 1, Guide students to listen and read after the tape. 2, Group reading : GA are Amy, GB are Chenjie, T is dad. 3, Role-play in 3 Sss group. 1, Listenand read after the tape. 2, Read in group. 3, Role-play in their

13、group. 1,引导学生听、读 课本的对话, 注 重对学生原音的 输入。 2,通过大组的角色 扮演朗读,培养听 读能力。 3,通过角色扮演 的形式,在语境中 操练本课句型。 Consolidation 1,Broadcasta videoof demonstration. 2,Group work: Let Ss to show their familyphotoand talkabouttheir family.Provide 1, Watch a video of demonstration. 2,Group work: Talkabouttheir family in group. 1

14、,提供小组活动的 视频作为范例,为 后面的小组活动 做师范。 2,每组学生在重 点句型的提示下 展示全家福,并询 问对方的家庭成 员与谈论自己的 someuseful sentences. 家庭成员。 Emotional education ShowSsfamily photoandSs photosofdoing housework.Teach students to love our family in different ways. Look the photo on the screen and think about different ways to love their fami

15、ly. 情感教育寓于教 学当中,引导孩子 通过不同的方式 去爱自己的家庭。 Homework 1,Listen and read the conversation. 2, Talk about your familywithyour friends. 分层布置作业,巩 固所学单词及目 标语言。 Blackboard design: Unit 2 My family Whos that woman? - Shes my mother. Whos that man? - Hes my father. Teaching reflection: PEP 三年级英语下册 Unit 2 My family

16、! Part A Lets talk 是一节会 话课。 我以拜访朋友的家为主线带领学生们去认识 Peppa Pig 的家人, 通过 “Introduce my family” 等活动升华爱的主题。运用情景教学的 方法,增强了课堂的趣味性。总体教学环节顺畅,但也有很多地方需 要改进: 、 1,课堂出现提出问题无学生呼应的现象: 当我问 “Do you like English songs?” 以及 “Whats his name” 时, 学生没有与我相呼应, 反映出了我在日常教学中没有注重课堂常规管 理的问题, 学生还是没有与我形成应有的默契。 在日后的课堂教学中, 我将强化学生英语学习的常规教

17、育, 让学生明白上课时我到底在说什 么。 2,评价用语单一,且没有做到关注全体学生 在课堂学生回答完问题后,我没有及时跟上评价语言,或者评价语 言仅限于: good, excellent, perfect. 简答的评价语言不足以支撑起学生 希望通过举手回答问题获得的满足感, 在日后我将丰富自己的课堂评 价语言,做到有针对性。在学生回答完问题发爱心卡片时,我只是走 到孩子面前给他,没有给予赞扬,显得很生硬。应该在这个过程中更 加注重孩子内心的情感。 在带孩子做 role-play 时, 应该引导所有学生 参与,不能只是台上的学生 role-play, 下面的学生看着他们,应该引 导学生认真观看并给出评价:good/very good/wonderful. 3,课堂中关注自己的教学进程较多,没有真正的融入课堂,倾听学 生 在引入小猪佩奇的弟弟乔治进行机械操操练时, 我只是带学生们通 过肢体动作练习了 chant,没有关注到孩子在 chant 中把答句说成了 “George, George, he is a George.”对学生在课堂上出现的错误没有及 时纠正,导致学生不知道自己说出了错误的语句。在日后的教学中, 我应该时刻关注学生上课的反应,认真听孩子给出的语句,遇到错误 做到及时纠正,并给予强化练习。


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