人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit 4 Where is my car -C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:a08c0).zip

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Unit 4 Where is my car ? Part C Story time Row,row, row a boat. Bounce, bounce, bounce a ball. Drive, drive, drive a car. Put, put, put on a cap. Read, read, read a map. onon WhereWhere is is thethe ballball ? ? It Its s _the_the deskdesk . . WhereWhere is is thethe ball?ball? It Its s onon thethe table. WhereWhere is is thethe ballball ? ? Its on the bed. ? Where are you? I cant find you. Where is Zip? She is behind Zoom. Where are you? Under the table? Under the bed? In the toy box? Where are you? I cant find you. Haha ! I am behind you. Lets play hide and seek. Great ! 1,2,3.10. Are you ready? Yes. A. Zip: Lets play hide and seek. Zoom: Great! B. Zoom:1,2,3,10.Are you ready? Zip:Yes! C. Zoom: Where are you? Under the table? D. Zoom: Under the bed? E.Zoom: In the box? F.Zoom: Where are you ? I cant find you! Zip:Haha! Im behind you! Role-play: role-play with your partner(与你的同伴进行 角色扮演) Homework: 1.听录音,跟读story time. 2.与自己的小伙伴进行角色扮演。 Unit 4 Where is my car Part C 教学设计教学设计m 课时目标课时目标 1进一步巩固单词:underin,behind,table 等。 2能借助图片读懂 Story time,并进行角色扮演。 教学重难点教学重难点 1重点:了解故事大意。中*国教育出%版#网 2难点:能借助图片读懂 Story time 中的故事并角色扮演。 教学过程教学过程 一、热身(一、热身(Warm-up) 1教师播放 Lets do 的歌谣,师生一起有节奏地边说边做动作。 Row a boat. Bounce a ball. Drive a car. Put on a cap. Read a map. 2.复习表示方位的介词 on/in/under 和物品单词 chair/desk 等词 二、新课呈现(二、新课呈现(Presentation)来来源源:中国中国%教育教育&*出版网出版网 1教学单词 table 师准备小球,并将小球放在课桌的不同位置,进行提问:Where is the ball? 生: Its on/in/under the desk, But where are they now?教师在黑板上画出 table 图并将小球放 在 table 的不同位置 The ball is on the table. 出示 table 图,让学生进行跟读和比较。比较的 方式是出示课桌和圆桌图片,让学生看着图说:This is a desk and this is a table. 2教学单词 bed中国教育出版*网%#来源:中#国教育出版*&网 教师出示 bed 图片,然后将小球放置在 bed 的不同位置,师生再次进行问答练习。 如:将小球放在床上,教师自问自答:Where is the ball? Its on the bed然后教学 bed. 3教学 C 部分来源:中&*教网 a. 播放 story time, 师问:Zip 和 Zoom 在干什么?并教授 hide and seek. b. 再次播放 story time, 师问:Where is Zip? c. 再次播放 story time, 学生跟读。 三、巩固与拓展(三、巩固与拓展(Consolidation and extension) 学生在小组内进行角色扮演并进行展示。 四、家庭作业(四、家庭作业(Homework) 听 Story time 录音,进一步理解故事意思。 五、板书设计五、板书设计 Unit4 Where is my car? Where is .? Its on / in / under .
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