人教PEP版三年级下册英语Unit 6 How many -A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:90329).zip

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Unit 6 How many? Lets talk From : Amy 来自 Amy to: Li to 李 We will have a trip today. Will you come? 我们今天要去郊游,一起来吗? My friend, Amy kites Is it beautiful? wow, so beautiful! wow,so beautiful! I see _.eleven How many yellow flowers do you see? Look at the flowers ! I see _.twelve How many trees do you see? Guess? No! My kite flies away! 我的风筝飞走 了! Lets go and find it. Whats on the tree? 树上是什么 ? How many monkeys do you see? I see two. Is there a kite? 看到风筝 了吗? No! I see _. twelve ducks How many do you see? Ask and answer 问答 Is there a kite? 看到风筝 了吗? I see _. ten dogsHow many do you see? Is there a kite? 看到风筝 了吗? I see _. five cats _ do you see? How many Ask and answer 问答 Is there a kite? 看到风筝 了吗? _. _?How many birds do you see I see five Is there a kite? 看到风筝 了吗? Yes, the kite is there! Im so happy! Lets sing! Hello, my friends! Hello, my friends! How many flowers do you see? I see ten, I see ten! Hello,my friends! Hello, my friends! How many trees do you see? I see eleven, I see eleven! Hello, my friends! Hello, my friends! How many ducks do you see? I see twelve, I see twelve! Hello,my friends! Hello,my friends! How many birds do you see? I see twelve, I see twelve. Hello, my friends! Hello, my friends! How many flowers do you see? I see ten, I see ten! Hello,my friends! Hello, my friends! How many trees do you see? I see eleven, I see eleven! Hello, my friends! Hello, my friends! How many ducks do you see? I see twelve, I see twelve! Hello,my friends! Hello,my friends! How many birds do you see? I see twelve, I see twelve. Lets have a rest ! 我们休息一 下吧 OK! Im Hungry! How many pears do you see? I see_. No! The _ one is a _. fourteen yellow lemon How many apples do you see? I see_. No! The _ one is a _. ten red tomato wow, whats that? oh, a kite! Look at the kites! How many kites do they see? Eleven.The black one is a bird. pair work 分角色朗读 让风 筝飞 每一桌同学将风筝传下去,鼓声停 下, 拿到风筝的一桌同学,选择 一个数 字, 并且根据数字对应 的图片进行问 答。 How many.? I see. No! The _ one is a 1 2 4 3 How many.? I see. No.The _ is a _. How many.? I see. No.The _ is a _. How many.? I see. No.The _ is a _. How many.? I see. No.The _ is a _. 教师教师 姓名姓名 单单 位位上课年级上课年级课题名称课题名称 李妮 三年级 Unit 6 How many Part A Lets talk 教学 材料 分析 本节课中,教材设计了本书的两个人物 Amy 和张鹏在讨论风筝的个数,目的 在于通过这一语境,让学生学会运用相关句式讨论事物的数量,并且能够在掌 握课文语境的情况下,也能对其他的事物,如动物等事物进行问答。 教学 设计 说明 挖掘课文中隐藏的语境,在此情境中,通过听、唱、问答练习等多种形式, 引导学生在具体语境中熟练运用重点句子。 教学 内容 确定 1.数字 11,12 的英文。 2.句式“How manydo you see?” “ I see” “No! Theone is a ” 教学 目标 定位 1. 学生能够熟练地数英文数字 1 到 12。 2.能够熟练掌握“How many.” “I see.” “ No! The_ one is a _” 的句式,并在特定情境中自然应用重点句式询问、回复事物 的数量。 3.根据对话内容分角色朗读 教学 重点 难点 教学重点: 能够熟练掌握掌握 “ How many.” “ I see.” 句式。 教学难点: 运用重点句式就拓展情境进行对话 板书 设计 Unit 6 How many How many kites do you see? I see eleven. twelve. No! The _ one is a_ . 教学设计教学设计 教学 步骤 教师活动学生活动建议说明 Step 1 warming up 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls! Im Miss Li. T: How are you? T: Hello, boy. Nice to meet you T: Whats your name? T: How old are you? 2. Warming up PPT:出现短信的声音:叮 咚 T:Oh, I got a message. ( open the mailbox) Its from my friend Amy. Look! Hello, Miss Li. Fine. Thank you. Nice to meet you. My name is . Im eleven/ten/nine. PPT:the message reads: We will have a trip today 今 天我们要去郊游. Do you want to come?) Wow, a trip. Must be fun. Lets go, ok? And I will bring this!(出示风 筝)Whats this? Yes, is it beautiful? Its a beautiful kite. I got many kites.(ppt 出示,s 标 红色)板贴单词 kites Lets count them. So how many kites do you see? (板贴) Yes, I see nine.(板书 I see.) Do you want a kite? Ill draw one for boys and one for girls. OK! A kite! Yes. Wow. Step 2 Presenta t-ion and Practice So now how many kites do you see? 板贴 twelve, 领读。 Lets go now! PPT:(出现公园的景色) T: Is it beautiful? T:(出示板贴)Wow, so beautiful! T:Look at the flowers! Are they beautiful? T: So how many flowers do you see?指名回答 出示板贴 eleven 领读: How many flowers One, two.nine. nine Yes. Twelve. 开火车读。 Yes! 跟读:Wow, so beautiful! Wow, so beautiful! do you see? I see eleven. T:Look at the trees! How many trees do you see? Can you guess? T: Maybe. (形状擦出动画) Lets count them, ok? T: How many trees do you see? PPT 出示: Amy: Lets fly the kite! Zhang Peng: OK! Amy:Oh,no, my kite flies away! Zhang Peng: Lets go and find it! Amy: Look! Whats on the tree? (ppt 切换:little monkeys are counting bananas) I see eleven. 开火车读。 跟读 猜: Nine/ten/eleven. 数:one, two. 指名回答:I see twelve Amy: Wow, monkeys! (播放歌曲:counting bananas) T: Lets sing together! T: How many monkeys do you see? T: Is there a kite? (PPT 切换:出现鸭子的叫 声) T:whats that? T: (出现鸭子)Yes, so many ducks. Look at the ducks! How many ducks do you see? T:Is there a kite? . (ppt 切换:草坪,出现猫 的叫声) T: whats that? T:( 出现猫)wow, so many cats.(强调 ts 发音) (PPT:_ cats do you see?I see_.) Monkeys! 第一遍跟唱,第二 遍自己唱。 回答:I see two. 回答:No. 回答:duck 回答:I see twelve. Who can ask? Who can answer? T: Is there a kite? (PPT 切换:草坪,出现狗 的叫声) PPT:_ _? _ _. T: Now who can ask? Who can answer? T: Is there a kite? PPT 切换:出现小鸟的叫 声,天空中有小鸟出现。 Amy: Look at the sky! Zhang Peng: Wow, _? Amy:_. Zhang Peng: No! The black one is your kite! Amy: Oh, yes! Amy found her kite. No. 回答:cat 跟读 学生练习问句 No! Dogs! Amy:Im so happy. Lets sing, OK! 出示歌词,鼓声 Hello, my friends! Hello, my friends! How many monkeys do you see? I see two, I see two. Hello, my friends! Hello,my friends! How many ducks do you see? I see twelve, I see twelve! Hello,my friends! Hello,my friends! How many birds do you see? I see twelve, I see twelve . No! No!No! The black one is my kite! Amy: Im so tired. Lets eat some fruits. Zhangpeng:Wow, so many fruits! Amy: How many apples do you see? Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: one, two. I see No! 学生练习问答。 学生跟着鼓点说唱。 第一遍跟着教师唱, 第二遍拍手自己唱。 _. T: Nine? (请一个学生到黑板前来 数) T: How many apples do you see? T: Whats this?(指着一个西 红柿) T: Oh! Thats a tomato)出示 板贴: The_ one is a _. Amy: How many pears do you see? Mike? Zhang Peng: One two. I see_. T: help him!(让学生回答) Zhang Peng: But I see twelve. T: I see twelve, too. Zhnag Peng: Oh, yes, thank you. (一只风筝落在了他们的身 指名回答:I see nine. 边) Amy: Wow, another kite! Zhang Peng: Look at the kites!(出现风筝) T:How many kites do they see? Listen. (播放课文录音) 播放课文视频。 Amy: Now Lets play game 让风筝飞 解释游戏规则: 每一桌同学将风筝传下去,鼓 声停下,拿到风筝的一桌同学, 选择一个数字,并且根据数字 对应的图片进行问答。 应用 “How many. do you see?” “I see.” “No!The. one is a .” 进行问答。 第一幅图:长得很相似的猫和 狗。 第二幅图:长得很相似的小鸡 小鸭。 第三幅图:小鱼。 其他学生回答:No! 回答:I see eight. 回答:Its a tomato. 跟读 回答:I see eleven. 回答:The yellow one is a lemon. Step 3 consolid ation 第四幅图:长得很相似的风筝 和鸟。 运用“How many.” “I see.” 问一问生活中事物的数量。 跟读,反复练习 kite 的发音。 听录音,回答问题。 跟读,并且练习分 角色朗读。上台表 演课文对话。 Step 4 homewo rk 听规则,并且根据 图片进行问答。
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