人教版(新起点)五年级下册Unit 4 Last Weekend-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:116b5).zip

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兰州市城关区和政路小学 庞鑫 What did you do last weekend/ Saturday/Sunday/Saturday morning? I last weekend/ Saturday/Sunday/S aturday morning. What did they do? What does Bob usually do on the weekend? Monday,May 11th On the weekend, I usually stay at home on Saturday morning and go to an English class on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, I sometimes visit my grandparents and sometimes play with my friends. But last weekend was special. On Saturday, I visited my friend Ann because it was her birthday. We danced and watched cartoons all morning. In the afternoon, we climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park. On Sunday, I watched a football match with my dad in the morning. My favourite team won the match. I was very happy. In the afternoon, I had a football match with my friends. My team won the game. I was so excited. I really enjoyed last weekend. Monday,May 11th On the weekend, I usually stay at home on Saturday morning and go to an English class on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, I sometimes visit my grandparents and sometimes play with my friends. But last weekend was special. On Saturday, I visited my friend Ann because it was her birthday. We danced and watched cartoons all morning. In the afternoon, we climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park. On Sunday, I watched a football match with my dad in the morning. My favourite team won the match. I was very happy. In the afternoon, I had a football match with my friends. My team won the game. I was so excited. I really enjoyed last weekend. How was his weekend? 快读,快速 找出关键句 。 What did Bob do last weekend? Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday morning Sunday afternoon Monday,May 11th On the weekend, I usually stay at home on Saturday morning and go to an English class on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, I sometimes visit my grandparents and sometimes play with my friends. But last weekend was special. On Saturday, I visited my friend Ann because it was her birthday. We danced and watched cartoons all morning. In the afternoon, we climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park. On Sunday, I watched a football match with my dad in the morning. My favourite team won the match. I was very happy. In the afternoon, I had a football match with my friends. My team won the game. I was so excited. I really enjoyed last weekend. 细读,仔细找出 周末的活动。 What did Bob do last weekend? Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday morning Sunday afternoon visited his friend Ann; danced and watched cartoons climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park watched a football match with his dad had a football match with his friends Monday,May 11th On the weekend, I usually stay at home on Saturday morning and go to an English class on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, I sometimes visit my grandparents and sometimes play with my friends. But last weekend was special. On Saturday, I visited my friend Ann because it was her birthday. We danced and watched cartoons all morning. In the afternoon, we climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park. On Sunday, I watched a football match with my dad in the morning. My favourite team won the match. I was very happy. In the afternoon, I had a football match with my friends. My team won the game. I was so excited. I really enjoyed last weekend. What does “won” mean? What does “won” mean? won 是 win 的过去式。表示赢,胜利 ! Monday,May 11th On the weekend, I usually stay at home on Saturday morning and go to an English class on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, I sometimes visit my grandparents and sometimes play with my friends. But last weekend was special. On Saturday, I visited my friend Ann because it was her birthday. We danced and watched cartoons all morning. In the afternoon, we climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park. On Sunday, I watched a football match with my dad in the morning. My favourite team won the match. I was very happy. In the afternoon, I had a football match with my friends. My team won the game. I was so excited. I really enjoyed last weekend. Monday,May 11th On the weekend, I usually stay at home on Saturday morning and go to an English class on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday, I sometimes visit my grandparents and sometimes play with my friends. But last weekend was special. On Saturday, I visited my friend Ann because it was her birthday. We danced and watched cartoons all morning. In the afternoon, we climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park. On Sunday, I watched a football match with my dad in the morning. My favourite team won the match. I was very happy. In the afternoon, I had a football match with my friends. My team won the game. I was so excited. I really enjoyed last weekend. (Tones and Intonation) 注意语音语调 How was Bobs weekend? What did Bob do last Saturday afternoon? Bobs weekend was special. He climbed a hill and rowed a boat in the park. Make a mind map of last weekend. Write about your last weekend. It was. I. Teaching Plan SL 5B Unit 4 Last weekend Lesson 3 Unit 4 Last weekend Lesson 3 一、教学内容 Unit 4 Last weekend Lesson 3 二二、教学目标 1.技能目标:能够读懂与过去周末活动安排有关的日 记,完成相应的练习,并能模仿录音较为流利地朗读日记。 2.知识目标:能仿照阅读文本,用几句连贯的话介绍 自己上周末的活动,并能按提示和要求书写几个意义连贯 的句子,介绍他人的周末活动。 3.情感态度:能够积极参与课堂上的各种活动,并能 与同伴合作完成活动。能够在活动中认真倾听同伴发言, 并尝试表达自己的观点。 三、教学重点和难点 1.教学重点 能够就自己上周末的活动与他人展开对话交流。 2.教学难点 能仿照阅读文本,并按相应提示或要求独立书写几个 意义连贯的句子。 四、教学准备 PPT 课件、多媒体教学光盘等 五、教学过程 Step 1 Preparation 1.师生互致问候。 2.学生齐读小诗。 【设计意图】通过师生间相互问候,利用课件呈现本单 元的小诗,学生有节奏的齐读小诗。营造了轻松、和谐的 课堂氛围,激发了学生英语学习的兴趣。 义务教育英语课 程标准(2011 年版) 指 出:“教师应调动所有学生的积 极性,使他们保持学习英语的信心,体验学习英语的乐趣。 ” 3.师生问答,生生问答。What did you do last weekend/last Saturday/last Sunday? 并利用 PPT 呈现第一 张思维导图。 【设计意图】:教师与学生对话,生生相互对话。让学 生在轻松的交谈中自然进入英语学习状态,为本节课的学 习做好准备。同时初步感知 last weekendtimelast Saturday/ last Sundaylast Saturday morning/ last Saturday afternoon/ last Sunday morning/ last Sunday afternoon/. Step 2 Presentation 1.利用 PPT 看图使学生初步感知 Bob 上周末的活动。 2.听音回答问题。What does Bob usually do on the weekend? 【设计意图】先看图再听的形式对短文进行呈现,并设 计了简单的问题,帮助学生初步感知文章,使学生在学习 中找到乐趣。符合英语课程标准 (2011 版)二级目标听 的技能中“能听懂简单的配图小故事” 。问题的设计为上周 末活动不同于平常周末活动进行铺垫。 3.第二遍快读,回答问题,快速找出关键句并利用 PPT 呈现第二张思维导图。 T: How was his weekend? 【设计意图】:潜心的快读能够让学生边读边思考,这 是培养学生思维能力的有效途径之一。学生通过自主阅读 找出关键句,体现了学生的主体地位。同时利用思维导图 形象的呈现 last weekend feelings special/. 4.细读,在文章中仔细找出周末的活动。完成书上的图 表。 Saturday morning Saturday afternoon Sunday morning Sunday afternoon 5. 小组讨论,完成句子。呈现第三幅思维导图。last weekend activities rowed a boat. 【设计意图】写是语言学习的四项基本技能之一。此 环节,教师通过安排学生展示、自主修改等活动,有效检 测学生对关键内容的拼写情况,培养学生自主学习和评价 的能力。有效锻炼了学生输出整体语段的能力。重在检测 学生对短文学习的情况,培养学生的总结和归纳能力。 6. 猜测文章中“won”的含义。 【设计意图】根据上下文的联系,猜测新单词的含义。 Step 3 Practice 1. 听音重复并齐读短文。 【设计意图】 英语课程标准 (2011 版)二级目标读 的技能中指出“能正确朗读所学故事或短文” 。以此进一步 加深学生对文本的理解,为之后的写作奠定基础,也是设 计齐读短文这一环节的初衷。 2. 完成 Lets write。 【设计意图】本部分是建立在前两个环节基础之上的一 个书面表达练习。在这个环节着眼于培养学生“写”的能 力。 英语课程标准 (2011)二级目标中写的技能中提出: 学生能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简单的语句。 在小学的高年级,写作是必须训练的一项技能。 3. 头脑风暴。 【设计意图】思维导图归纳总结 last weekend 涉及的 主要内容。 Step 4 Production 总结并完成板书。 【设计意图】利用图片总结本课的重点,并完成板书。 Step 5 Homework. 1. Make a mind map of last weekend. 2.Write about your last weekend. It was. I. 【设计意图】作业的布置体现了英语作业布置层次性、 针对性和实践性。 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版) 指出“教师应面向全体学生,关注语言学习者的不同特点 和个体差异。 ”这一设计使得程度好的学生“小坡度,不余 力” ;中间的学生“挖潜能,上台阶” ;后面的学生“吃得 饱,不掉队” ,真正做到了面向全体学生。尊重学生的个体 差异,最大限度地满足个体不同层次的需求,使其获得学 习的成就感,增强学习动力。 Blackboard design: Unit 4 Last Weekend Lesson 3 last weekend last Saturday last Sunday morning/ afternoon special. rowed a boat .
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