人教精通版六年级下册Unit 2 There is a park near my home.-Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:10024).zip

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  • 人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)_六年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 There is a park near my home._Lesson 7_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:10024)
    • There is a park near my home ..pptx--点击预览
    • Where is Mr Monkey .flv
    • 听力一.mp3
    • 听力二.mp3
    • 教案10024.doc--点击预览
    • 配乐朗读.mp3


English Class Rules Listen carefully . Speak fluently . Read exactly . Write correctly . Listen and sing : Think and answer : Where is Mr Monkey ? next tobesidenear in under on in front ofbetween. and behind AB Listen and answer : T :Whats near Susans home ? S : Is there a . near her home ? Listen and answer : T :Whats near Susans home ? S : Is there a . near her home ? Susans community Any questions? Look ,ask and answer : River Read and circle : My name is Susan . Look at this picture of my community . There are many tall buildings in it . I live in one of the buildings . There is a park near my home and there is a river behind the park . There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park . Its beautiful . On the main street is a bank. Beside the bank is a hospital . Across the road , there is a big supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop . My mum and I often buy fruit , vegetables and other healthy food there . Look ! Whats in the centre of the community ? There is a school ! It is my school ! I can see everything on my way to school . I like my community . Its a busy , clean and nice place ! Read and answer : Whats near Susans home ? Whats in the park ? There is a park near her home . (Her home is near the bank .). Whats behind the park ? Read and answer : There is a river behind the park . ( A river is behind the park .) River Whats on the main street ? Read and answer : On the main street is a bank . (There is a bank on the main street .) Whats beside the bank? Read and answer : Beside the bank is a hospital . (There is a hospital beside the bank .) Actross the road ,There is a big supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop. Whats across the road? Read and answer : What do Susan and her mother do in the spermarket ? Read and answer : Whats in the centre of the community ? What can she see on her way to school ? How about you ? There is a school in the centre of the community . (In the centre of the community is a school .) Read,think and answer : Which place is the most important in Susans community ? Why ? I think there should be . in this community . Whats Susans community like ? Its a busy , clean and nice place ! What do you think of the ideal community ? Read,think and answer : I think the community should be green , clean and warm . Read the poem : Look at this picture of my community . There are many tall buildings in it . I live in one of the buildings . There is a park near my home and there is a river behind the park . There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park . Its beautiful . On the main street is a bank. Beside the bank is a hospital . Across the road , there is a big supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop . My mum and I often buy fruit , vegetables and other healthy food there . Look ! Whats in the centre of the community ? There is a school ! It is my school ! I can see everything on my way to school . I like my community . Its a busy,clean and nice place ! My community Susan goodgreatsuper pronunciation intonation voice fluency My name is Susan. Look at this picture _ my community. _ many tall buildings in it. I live in one of the buildings. _ a park _ my home and there is a river _ the park. There are a lot of trees and flowers _ the park. Its beautiful. Read, choose and write: Words There is There are behind of near in Look, choose and write: Words between is bank across beside On the main street is a _ . _ the bank is a hospital. _ the road, there _ a big supermarket _ a hotel and a bookshop. My mum and I often buy fruit, vegetables and other healthy food there. bankBeside Across is between Listen, choose and say: Words Look! Whats _ the community? _ a school! It is my school. I can see everything _ school. I like my community. Its a busy, clean and nice place! in the centre of There is on my way to There is in the centre of on my way to Read and understand: Wheres Peters home ? Hello , everyone ! Im Santa Claus . Chrismas Day is coming .I will send some presents to a good boy called Peter . I hear he lives in a community.There is a park near his home . There is a river behind the park .There is a bank in front of the park . Beside the bank is a hospital . His home is behind a cake shop . Across the road , there is a big supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop . The hotel is on the right . The bookshop is on the left . He loves his community .Would you like to help me to find Peters home ? park river cake shop supermarkethotel Peters home bookshop bankhospital Homework 1 Read the poem My Community fluently 2 合理运用There be句型及方位词写一写自己的小区(不少于5句) 3 近日,新闻报道鹤岗房价暴跌,作为一名鹤岗人, 请你用本课所得的奖励贴及简笔画制作一张理想的社区海报,说明 设计理念,并用英语介绍。 一、教材分析: 本课选自人教(精通)三年起始六年级下册第二单元第一课时,本单元主要借是助图片,学习在适当的情景中运用Th ere be句型,祈使句及情态动词can等来描述方位和方向,用英文完成就有关居住城市或小区,问路与指路话题的讨论和 交流。本课主要是通过Susan介绍自己居住小区场景的创设,引出要学习的目标语言There be句型;通过师生、生生之间的阅读与讨论,学生自主感知、模仿、理解和体验,学会运用Whats in the centre of the community ?On the main road is a bank . I can see everything on my way to school .等表示询问、描述的功能语句、从而在真实语境中进行交际运用。由于学生之前学过on,in等简单的方位词及表示地 点的单词,因此可以课前让学生查找一下其它方位词和地点名词,以便于课堂上灵活交际使用。 基于阅读教材的特点,本课我注重前后知识的有效衔接,在设计和实施本课时我设计了以下三个环节,第一部分 读前,以一首Where is Mr Monkey?方位单词歌曲导入,并且通过提问,激活学生的英语思维,奖励含有地点单词的图片,为语篇学习做了良 好的铺垫;第二部分读中,引导学生运用已有知识经验,创设情境,设置问题,引导学生预测课题,并且对语篇中的 图片进行谈论,然后通过整体视听、细节听、轮读,略读、寻读、泛读、精读的过程感受和理解语言,并且实际运用 语言;第三部分读后,将语篇配音朗读,有利于学生朗读过程中的意群,语音、语调及节奏的培养;通过读、看及听 等方式让学生巩固本课的语篇教学,通过让学生观看思维导图的板书复述课文并找到正确的位置,设置了帮助Santa Claus找到Peter家的阅读短文理解,注重对学生英语核心素养的养成。 根据单元整体设计的思路,在学习本课语言知识的基础上,我还渗透了类似于On the main street is a bank.的另一种表达方法There is a bank on the main street .体现了句子的灵活运用表达。 二、学情分析: 本课授课对象是六年级的学生,通过三年的学习,有了一定的知识储备和积累,已经能灵活表达一些地点名词及类似 于on,in,behind等方位词,所以要充分挖掘学生已有的知识水平,来进一步学习本课内容。六年级的学生爱玩,爱 唱,喜欢竞猜,求知欲强,爱表现自我,好胜心强,结合这些特点,运用多种教学手段,充分调动学生学习的积极性 ,主动参与到课堂上来。 3、教学目标 单元教学目标: 1、能够借助图片和所学的单词与句型,在适当的情景中运用There be句型,祈使句及情态动词can等来描述方位和方向,用英文完成就有关居住城市或小区,问路与指路话题的讨论和 交流。 2、能够在相关语境中,正确听、说、认读三会内容:bookshop,clothes shop,supermarket ,post office ,in front of ,behind ,across the road ,by subway ,on foot ,go down the street ,cross the street ,turn right at the traffic lights 等单词、短语以及There is a bank in front of my home . How can I get to the City Library ?You can get there by bus .等句子。 3、能过在真实的语境中正确听、说、读、写四会内容:river,near,beside,between,healthy,vegetable,str eet,turn right,on the left/right ,minute,half an hour ,by bus ,city 等单词,短语及There is a park near my home .Where is the bookshop.The bookshop is on the left .等句子。 4、能够通过本单元的学习,让学生掌握如何指路、问路及注意汉语与英语表达方位、方向的不同语序和习惯,从而 更深刻地感悟英语的学习。 5、通过本话题的学习,培养学生热爱家乡和自己居住的社区的积极情感,以及热情、礼貌待人,乐于助人的态度。 本课教学目标: 知识目标:1.学生能够借助图片听懂语篇内容,并正确朗读本课内容。 2.能够在相关语境中,正确听、说、认读下列单词:hospital,bank,hotel,supermarket,behind ,across等单词及短语on the main street,across the road,句子There is . There are a lot of .以及Whats in the centre of the community ? On the main road is a bank . I can see everything on my way to school.等表示询问、描述的功能语句。 3.能够在真实的语境中正确听、说、读、写四会内容:river,near,beside,between.and.,healt hy,vegetable,street,正确理解表示方位的介词:near,behind ,beside,across .等等。 能力目标:1.运用表示询问、描述的功能语句,在真实的语境中交际。 2. 运用自主、合作、探究的学习方式,引导学生自读主语,达到在真实的语境中交际的效果,并且运用 所得到的地点图片或简笔画设计自己理想的社区。 3. 利用思维导图复述课文。 情感目标:通过本话题的学习,培养学生热爱家乡和自己居住的社区的积极情感,以及热情、礼貌待人,乐于助人的 态度。 4、教学重难点: 能听懂并简单的用There be+方位介词的形式准确地表达地点的位置为重点,难点是运用自己学到的目标语言描绘自己理想的社区样子。 五、教学准备:多媒体课件,地点名词奖励图片 六、教学过程: Step 1.Warm up and lead in Free talk T:Hello,boys and girls . Ss:Hello,Miss Wang . T:Nice to see you again . Ss:Nice to see you ,too . T:Whats the weather like today ? S1:Its . . T:The weather is . How are you feeling today ? S2: I feel . (通过教师与学生之间的自由谈话,把学生迅速带入到英语学习课的氛围中,激活了学生的语言思维。) Lead in T :Then do you want to sing a song ? Ss: Yes . T:Lets sing a song and then answer questions . If your answer is right .I will reward you a place picture .You can use them to decorate your ideal community . (学生看视频演唱歌曲Where is Mr Monkey ?,通过歌曲的演唱,对本课所涉及的方位介词有了初步感知。) T:Wow , wonderful !(教师鼓掌) You sing very well .Lets try to answer the questions . Look at Picture 1 ,Where is Mr Monkey ? S1:Its next to the box . T:Is it right ? Lets check .(ppt展示next to 短语) Good job !Heres a place picture for you !(教师奖励学生地点图片卡) Whats this? S:Its . T:What can you do in the . ? S: I can . . T:Look at picture 2 ,who wants to ask and answer ?(教师找两名同学问答) S1: Where is Mr Monkey ? S2:Its beside the box . T:Yes or no ? Lets check . Congratulations ! You are right .Heres a place picture for you . Whats this? S:Its . T:What can you do in the . ? S: I can . . T:From Picture 3 to Picture 9 . You can choose one picture you like . and then practise it with your classmate .Then lets share it . (图片三到图片九学生自主选择练习,并且展示。通过英文歌曲演唱,并且让学生根据歌曲中的内容回答问题,培养 了学生的理解运用能力,并且通过师生示范图一和生生示范图二,让后让学生自主问答,打破了以往的教师一直问, 学生一直答的枯燥教学模式,培养了学生的语言思维,语言能力及学习能力,利用地点奖励贴,激发了学生学习英语 的兴趣。) 2.Presentation T:Look,this is Susan ,(黑板粘贴Susan人物头饰,)and this is Susans community .(ppt展示Susans community .)Do you have any questions ? Whats near Susans home ? S1:Is there a . near her home ? (学生预测) T:Now lets listen and check (学生听课文,并且回答问题)Whats near Susans home ? S:There is a park near her home .What can you see in the community ? T:You see a park ? What can you see in the park ?(教师放大图片,让学生表达) S:I see a park ,river , a bank,a hospital, a bookshop ,a supermarket,a hotel and a school. (教师依次粘贴板书单词卡片) T:Well done !Lets have a look ! You are such a careful student ! T:Good ,if I am Susan I will say There is a park near my home .If you are Susan ,what will you say ?(教师和学生分别拿着Susan 的头饰说句子,创设了真实的语境,体验式表演说句子。) Where are these places ? Lets read the passage and circle the answer .If you dont understand the words .You can ask me or your classmate for help. (学生自由读课文回答问题,并且圈出不认识的单词,问老师或同学,让学生掌握学习能力。) Now lets read the passage one by one .Pay attention to your pronunciation , intonation ,voice and fluency .(学生朗读课文,并且根据朗读评价标准,让学生们自主选出最佳朗读者,教师给与奖励。) T:Who reads the best ? S:I think . reads the best . T:Whats near Susans home ? S:There is a park near Susans home T:We can also say Her home is near the park .Whats near your home ? (学生回答There is a . near my home . ) T: Whats in the park ? S:There are a lot of flowers and trees in it . (教师粘贴小花和小树图片) T:Good! Whats behind the river ? S:There is a park behind the river . T:Great!What can we also say ? S:A park is near the river . T:Who is behind you ? (任意指着学生说) S:.is behind me.(学生回答) T:Yes or No? Ss:Yes . T:Guess who is behind you now ?(教师故意把学生的位置调换,让学生竞猜,增强了趣味性。) T:Perfect girl/boy !Whats on the main street ? S:On the main street is a bank . T: What can we also say ? S: There is a bank on the main street . T:Wonderful!What can we do in the bank ? S:We can get money from the bank . T:Whats beside the bank ? S:Beside the bank is a hospital . T:We can also say : S:There is a hospital beside the bank . T:Terrific!What can we do in the hospital ? S:If we are sick ,we can go to see the hospital . T:Good job !Whats across the road ? S:Across the road , there is a supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop . T:Wonderful!Look !SB is between SA and SC .How about you ? S:I am between . and .(横向表达) S:I am between. and . (纵向表达) T:You are in front of . and You are behind. .What do Susan and her mother do in the supermarket ? S:They often buy fruit,vegetables and other healthy food there . T:Very good !Whats in the centre of the community ? S:There is a school in the centre of the community . T:Whose school is it ? S:It is Susans school. T:Good! What can he see on her way to school? S:She can see everything on her way to school . T:Yes. I can see a bank on my way to school .How about you ? S:I can see . on my way to school . (通过看图利用方位词表达地点,并且拓展另一种表达方法,理解运用,培养了学生的英语思维。) T:There is a park,a bank,a hospital,a hotel,a supermarket,a bookshop and a school in Susans community . Which one is the most important ?Why? S:I think . is important . Because. T:Perfect !I think there should be a police station and an express company in this community .What do you think ? S:I think there should be a . in this community . T: Good idea !Whats Susans community like ? What do you think of your ideal community ? S:Its a busy ,clean and nice place . I think my community is green , clean and warm . 3.Practise T:Now , look ,here is a poem .The title is My community ,and the writer is .(学生说Susan) Who can read it ,pay attention to the your pronunciation , intonation ,voice and fluency (学生根据评价方式读诗) T:You did a wonderful job ! Lets do some exercises . 1)Read,choose and write 2)Look ,choose and write 3)Listen,choose and write T:Look,whos this? S:Its Santa Claus . T:He wants to give some presents to Peter , but he doesnt know his home . Would you like to help him ? Now lets read and understand,then finish the community.(学生做题) (设置圣诞老人给Peter送礼物,但不知道Peter家,请同学帮忙找到Peter家,培养了学生热心,乐于助人的品质。 ) 4.Sum up and homework T:Look at the blackboard,this is Susans community .Who can retell and stick the right place .If did well ,I will send this picture to you . (学生利用黑板上的思维导图复述课文并且把相应的地点单词贴在正确的地方,检测了学生的对本节课的掌握情况, 培养了学生的语用能力,同时也培养了学生思维品质的形成。) 2.Homework 1)Read the poem My community fluently 2)合理运用There be 句型及方位词写一写自己住的小区(不少于5句话) 3)今日头条:近日,新闻报道鹤岗房价暴跌,作为一名鹤岗人,请你用本课所得到的奖励贴及简笔画制作一张理想 的社区海报,说明设计理念,并用There be 句型及方位词英语介绍。 (基于本课的特点,我设计了读,写,以及根据当前鹤岗房价暴跌的问题,让学生设计社区海报,体现了小学英语综 合运用能力及用用于解决问题的能力,同时也培养了学生热爱自己的家乡。) 板书设计: Unit 2 There is a park near my home . Lesson 7 Susans community What places park Where is it river bank hospital hotel near behind on the main street beside across the road There is There are 教学反思: 本课选自人教(精通)三年起始六年级下册第二单元第一课时,本单元主要借是助图片,学习在适当的情景中运用Th ere be句型,祈使句及情态动词can等来描述方位和方向,用英文完成就有关居住城市或小区,问路与指路话题的讨论和 交流。本课主要是通过Susan介绍自己居住小区场景的创设,引出要学习的目标语言There be句型;通过师生、生生之间的阅读与讨论,学生自主感知、模仿、理解和体验,学会运用Whats in the centre of the community ?On the main road is a bank . I can see everything on my way to school .等表示询问、描述的功能语句、从而在真实语境中进行交际运用。由于学生之前学过on,in等简单的方位词及表示地 点的单词,因此可以课前让学生查找一下其它方位词和地点名词,以便于课堂上灵活交际使用。 基于阅读教材的特点,本课我注重前后知识的有效衔接,在设计和实施本课时我设计了以下三个环节,第一部分 读前,以一首Where is Mr Monkey?方位单词歌曲导入,并且通过提问,激活学生的英语思维,奖励含有地点单词的图片,为语篇学习做了良 好的铺垫;第二部分读中,引导学生运用已有知识经验,创设情境,设置问题,引导学生预测课题,并且对语篇中的 图片进行谈论,然后通过整体视听、细节听、轮读,略读、寻读、泛读、精读的过程感受和理解语言,并且实际运用 语言;第三部分读后,将语篇配音朗读,有利于学生朗读过程中的意群,语音、语调及节奏的培养;通过读、看及听 等方式让学生巩固本课的语篇教学,通过让学生观看思维导图的板书复述课文并找到正确的位置,设置了帮助Santa Claus找到Peter家的阅读短文理解,注重对学生英语核心素养的养成。 根据单元整体设计的思路,在学习本课语言知识的基础上,我还渗透了类似于On the main street is a bank.的另一种表达方法There is a bank on the main street .体现了句子的灵活运用表达。 supermarket bookshop school between . and In the centre of
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