人教精通版六年级下册Unit 3 We are going to travel.-Lesson 13-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:91edd).doc

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人教精通版六年级下册Unit 3 We are going to travel.-Lesson 13-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:91edd).doc_第1页
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1、人教版精通英语六年级下册第 13 课 教学设计 教材分析:本课选自人教精通小学英语六年级下册第三单元, 是以“旅行”为主题 ,本课 是一位外国小朋友 Lily 与大家分享她的家庭旅行计划。 教学目标: 1. 知识目标: 词语是:travel ,know , hear , lake,terracota 词组:travel around China 句子是:We are going to Hangzhou by plane.” We are going to visit the West Lake there. 2.能力目标:把所学的语言材料运用到实际的情景中,处理问题、解决问题。 3.情感态度:

2、 强化两个典型表达爱好的句式,扩展有关兴趣爱好的内容,增强学生之间的团队合作。 教学工具: Travel plan cards;ppt ;视频;图片(北京、哈尔滨、西安、杭州、三亚) 教学实录: (课前由班上的学生领读课文,上课前是有课代表说:very good, lets close your book and get ready for class , together) Step one:Warm up(热身) 1.Have a greeting T: Hello! Boys and girls,Are you happy , Today? Ss: Yes. T: Ok. Now ple

3、ase show me a hand and say hello to teachers.(手放在耳朵边上, 做努力听清楚学 生回答的样子,让学生明白应该响亮回答) T:Good! Now lets begin our class.(Class begins) 2、Today lets talk about travel. I like travel.Do you like travel?(今天我们来聊一聊旅行,出示 图片,复习单词) Where are you going ? Lets sing and think my questions.(通过一首英文歌曲,导入将来时态) 3. Look

4、, read and find the provinces and cities on the map. review the words: Beijing ,Harbin, Xian , Shanghai ,Hangzhou and Sanya. 设计意图:通过教师出示省份(黑龙江、浙江、海南、陕西)及城市(北京、上海、杭州、 哈尔滨、西安、三亚)的单词卡片,让学生读出单词后,以小组合作的形式找出地图中的这 些省份或城市。帮助学生在找地点的活动中理解文本中的重难点句型。 T: I have some beautiful pictures. Do you know where is it? T

5、: Yes, you did a good job. Its right. Now, I will play the computer. Step two: Presentation 1. I know the summer holiday is coming. (Summer vacation is coming,) we go on a trip together! Do you know how to make a travel plan? This is my new friend lily, she wants to travel to China, we take a look a

6、t how she did travel plans. T:Lets listen and read after it. Understand? Ss: yes. (利用 ppt 播放 lily 的介绍,并进行模仿,模仿原音,对于学生的听说有很大的帮助,排除教 师的口音影响。) 2.Listen and think:-teacher takes out some questions. T: Very good .lets listen again and think my questions. 然后让学生们领读听到的句子 Part1: 1.who is traveling with lily?

7、 2.where are they going? 3.when are they going to travel? 4.How long are they going to stay there? Ss: answer Lilys family travel plan for summer holidays. Travel around china Part 2: T:Very good. 1.What are they going to do in the first week? Why? 2.What are they going to do in the first week? Why?

8、 3. Read and talk about Lilys travel plans. 借助中国地图和相关的图片, 鼓励学生尝试以第三人称描述 Lily 的家庭旅行计划 If youre lily, please, say your travel plan. Lily is an American girl .Heres her familys travel plan .They are going to travel during the summmer holidays. They are going to stay infor.They are going to visit. I kno

9、wis in theof China. Its inprovince. Its famous for.The most famous place there is,. Step4 ,巩固提升 Can you tell me something more about Harbin , Sanya and other places? Lets follow me to visit these places. 1.Were going to visit Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China .然后地图会出示北京的名胜 the Great Wall, I k

10、now the Great Wall is in Beijing . Its the longest wall in the world. 2.Were going to visit Harbin.然后地图会出示哈尔滨的冰雕 Ice sculpture, I know Ice sculpture is in Harbin . Its a very nice place in winter. 3. Were going to visit Xian.然后地图会出示西安的兵马俑 Terracotta army, I know the Terracotta army is in Xian.Its an

11、 old city . 4. Were going to visit Shanghai.然后地图会出示上海, I know the oriental pear tower is in Shanghai. Its a very busy and beautiful city. 5. Were going to visit Hangzhou.然后地图会出示杭州的西湖 west lake, I know the west lake is in Hangzhou . Its a very beautiful lake. 6.Were going to visit Sanya.然后地图会出示三亚, I

12、know Its a very warm place all the year. I like it very much . 提示:中国的南海是我们不可分割的一部分,捍卫我们的领土完整。 Then put the pictures on the map. 设计意图: 利用让学生把正确的风景贴到地图上的活动, 检测学生是否真正听懂了文本大意。 Step 5. Make a dialogue Interviewer / interviewee/ Audience T: summer holiday is coming ,I have a travel plan .What do you think

13、 of travel plan? 小组活动,让学习制定自己的旅行计划 这个环节主要是让学生吧本课所学的语言用用于实际生活之中,提升学生的语言表达能力, 培养创造精神和合作能力。 Plan for a trip in groups. T: Would you please share your travel plan with us? Group work. Show us their talk show. Say your travel plan:(利用自己手中的卡片来制作一份旅行计划书) Summer holiday is coming , Hello ,my name is . I wan

14、t to travel with.We are going to travel around China for two week. In the first week, Were going to visit . I know . is in . . Its the/a. In the secondweek, Were going to visit . I know . is in . . Its the/a. Step 6.文化意识培养 在旅行的过程中要做到,文明出行,用于和不文明现象说 no 课外延伸 ask and answer: Beijing is in the north of

15、China. Where is Sanya ? 解释三亚属于海南, Sanya is in south of china. Its in Hainan province. Step 7.Assessment T: Youre excellent interviewer and interviewee. Great job. Homework: Must Read the text fluently. Choice Try to introduce other cities of China in English, to your classmates, or your teachers and

16、 parents. Finish their travel plan. Blackboard: L Lessonesson 1313 V Visitisittraveltravel WeWerere goinggoing toto traveltravel aroundaround ChinaChina duringduring thethe summersummer holidays.holidays. WeWe areare goinggoing toto visitvisit 教学反思: 课文后的练习 Were going to stay in china for two week. I

17、n the first week,Were going to visit Beijing. Its the longest wall in the world. Can you tell me something more about .? There are many interesting places to visit. StepStep 1 1 Warming-upWarming-up 1、Talk about travelling and some famous places of China with students. 导语:Do you like travelling ? Do

18、 you know how many cities are there in our country? Which city do you know? Look at some beautiful pictures, tell me where it is. (设计意图:学生热身,导入本课话题,渐渐进入语境,做好对 本课学习的准备。通过与教师交谈,学生可将课前研究学到的内容, 汇报给同学和老师。) StepStep 2 2 PresentationPresentation 1、导语:hey ,boys and girls, look at these pictures, try to find

19、 some famous places what you know. Introduce them to us. Lily, the girl comes from America, She likes China very much. She and her family want to travel around China. Open the English book, and then read the text of lesson 13 by yourself. And try to underline and answer these questions. a.a. WhatWha

20、ts s LilyLily talkingtalking about?about? b.b. HowHow longlong areare theythey goinggoing toto staystay inin China?China? c.c. WhereWhere areare theythey goinggoing toto visitvisit inin thethe firstfirst week?week? DoDo youyou knowknow whatwhat famousfamous placeplace ofof BeijingBeijing ? ? d.d. Wh

21、ereWhere areare theythey goinggoing toto visitvisit inin thethe secondsecond week?week? DoDo youyou knowknow whatwhat famousfamous placeplace ofof HangzhouHangzhou ? ? (设计意图: 通过观看祖国大好河山的风景图片, 教师导语引出本课 内容的学习,学生自读课文,研读文本,小组交流,解决教师提出 的问题。通过学习研究的过程,达成知识目标。) 2、Can you tell me something more about Harbin

22、,Xian,Sanya, and other places? 3、talk about these questions in groups, and show their answer. (设计意图: 通过小组交流汇报,让学生尝试用所学知识解决现有 问题,达成能力目标。培养他们自主学习,解决问题的能力,体验成 功,达成心育目标。 ) StepStep 3 3 PracticePractice 引导学生复述课文故事,并完成填空练习 (设计意图:训练反馈) StepsSteps 4 4 拓展拓展 LanguageLanguage useuse (语言运用)(语言运用) Let the studen

23、ts finish their travel plan. (设计意图:学生训练提升,拓展创新,编写自己的或家人的旅行计 划,并在课上交流展示,实现综合三维目标的达成) StepsSteps 5 5 AssessmentAssessment 以组为单位进行评价,奖励形式为明信片,后面附有温馨话语。以组为单位进行评价,奖励形式为明信片,后面附有温馨话语。 (设计意图:不是为了单纯的评价而评价,学生拿着印有祖国美(设计意图:不是为了单纯的评价而评价,学生拿着印有祖国美 景的明信片景的明信片,感悟爱国情怀感悟爱国情怀,了解祖国大好河山了解祖国大好河山,教师激情点拨教师激情点拨, 进而达成德育目标进而达成德育目标。 ) StepsSteps 6 6 HomeworkHomework


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