人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 15-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1be9).doc

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人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 15-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1be9).doc_第1页
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人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 15-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1be9).doc_第2页
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人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 15-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1be9).doc_第3页
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人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 15-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1be9).doc_第4页
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人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 3 We should obey the rules.-Lesson 15-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:e1be9).doc_第5页
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1、人教版五年级下人教版五年级下 Unit3We should obey the rulesLesson 15 教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析教材分析 本单元在教材编排上依次呈现遵守 class rules, home rules, social rules。体现了语言学习 由易到难,循序渐进的规律。本课教学内容是小学英语 (精通版)五年级下册 Unit 3 Lesson 15,该课围绕介绍 Peter 在家的一些不良习惯, 他妈妈为他制定了一些家庭规则这 个话题展开,是一节会话课,同时又是一节承上启下的中间课。 二、学情分析学情分析 本课授课对象是五年级学生。 五年级学生已初步具备了一定的英语学

2、习经验和与他人合 作的意识。且该话题贴近学生生活,学生已有一定的知识储备,易于深入和拓展。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 (一)单元教学目标 1、知识目标 (1) 、 能听说认读 ,并在真实情景中初步运用以下词语: keep your room clean, read in bed, go home late, help old people, keep off the grass, take good care of young children, play on the street, pick flowers, litter;以及以下句型:Listen to the teacher care

3、fully, Dont be late for class/school. You should go to bed early. You shouldnt read in bed. You must wait for the green light. You mustnt cross the street when the light is red. Ask and answer questions actively. Be quiet. Dont make noise. Dont eat in class. (2)、 能听说读写, 并在真实情景以及现实生活中灵活运用以下单词和短语: ask

4、, answer, eat, make, think,late, class, school, wait, take, young, child, children, people, go home, do housework, get up, go to bed. 2、能力目标 (1) 、能用所学知识,使用不同口吻和语气表述规则,命令他人或规劝他人。 (2)、能够在真实情景以及现实生活中灵活运用所学的单词、句型,进行日常交流活动。 3、情感目标 (1) 、能在课堂学习与小组活动中积极参与,体验,遵守各种规则,提高道德素养。 (2) 、能够积极主动地参与课堂活动,在情景对话中大胆开口,主动模仿

5、,学生的自信心 和求知欲得到增强。 4、教学重难点 重点: (1) 、能够听说认读本单元第 13,第 15 和第 17 课的会话,能够按角色进行简单的对话交 流,并结合学生生活实际进行真实表达与交流。 (2) 、能够自觉遵守各种规则,如:学校规则,家庭规则,社会规则,提高自身的道德素 养。 (3) 、初步掌握字母 i 和字母组合 ir 的发音规律。 难点: (1) 、能够认读理解本单元的趣味小故事,重点复习所学的单词和句型,在此基础上能初 步进行故事表演。 (2) 、把表命令,规劝的句子结合学生生活实际进行真实表达与交流。 (二)本课教学目标 1、知识与技能目标 (1) 、 能听说认读三会词组

6、:read in bed, go home late; 能听、说、读、写四会单词和词组: late, do housework, go home ,get up, go to bed 并能在真实的语境中灵活运用。 (2) 、引导学生学习 You should 和 You shouldnt .句子,并在真实的语境中进行交流。 2、过程与方法目标 (1) 、通过询问和图片对比等方式使学生掌握 read in bed, go home late, do housework, go home ,get up, go to bed。 (2) 、通过听说,体验使学生掌握本课句式的用法。 (3) 、通过小组

7、合作和情景设置,使学生将所学运用到生活中。 3、情感与态度目标 (1) 、 通过不同的活动, 发散学生的思维, 激发学生的学习兴趣。 (2) 、在活动中使学生学会合作并善于合作。 (3) 、在活动中,劝诫学生养成良好的卫生习惯和生活习惯。 4、 教学重难点 重点: (1) 、听说读写 四会单词 late, do housework,get up, go to bed 并能在真实的语 境中灵活运用。 (2) 、能理解,应用功能句 You should 和 You shouldnt . 并通过听、说、读, 表达自己的情绪。 难点:拓展文本,把表命令,规劝的句子运用于实际生活中。 四、教法与学法 英

8、语是一门功能性与实用性相结合的学科,英语学习是不断培养学生语感与英语意识的 过程,学生学习不仅是语言的获得,更重要的是语言的输出,语言的运用。基于本节课 的特点,我着重采用情景教学法 ,任务型教学法, 全身反应法及游戏教学法。在教学 的过程中,遵循着学生的主体地位的原则,在教学中,不断指导学生运用自主学习,探究 学习及合作学习的学习方法。 五、教具准备 ppt 课件, 教学光盘,激励卡片。 六、教学过程 (一(一) 、Warm-up T: Today, We will learn L15 We should obey the rules. Now lets visit our friend P

9、eter . Look, this is his room. 【设计意图】通过拜访 Peter,引出 Peter 房间的图片,并简单描述房间的情景。 (二(二) 、Presentation Step1: Brainstorm 谈论课文主题图(Peter 房间) ,呈现本课情景。 T: Do you like it? S: No! What a mess! T:Too mess.What should peter do? S: Peter should put the clothes, school bag, toys away. T: Very good. He should put them

10、 away. He should do housework . Read after me . Show me your finger! Spell together.I will give you a chant. House, house, house, this is my house! Work,work , work.I should work! Housework, housework, housework, Lets do housework! Follow me, Lets chant together , once again. T: To do housework can

11、keep your room clean. T:Hello , xx.Do you like to do housework? S:Yes. T:You are a good boy/ girl. T: Hello , xx. S:No. T: Im sorry to hear that. T:Tell me, What do you like ? S:I Like . T:Good, . T: Do you Watching TV? S: Yes. I like Watching TV. You like Watching TV,Peter likes watching TV too . (

12、图)And he watches TV too often. 【设计意图】 通过 Brainstorm 这个活动设置信息差,激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。 并且在这个活动过程中突破四会词组 “do housework” 和本课的功能句 You should。同时引出 本课重点内容 watches TV。此外这个活动也为本课的句型 He goes home late, He gets up late 做语言上的铺垫。 Step Two: Set the scenery Look! What time is it? S:It is ten oclock . T: It is ten ocloc

13、k at night.It is too late. What should Peter do? (T 表演睡觉的动作,启发学生) S: He should go to sleep! T: Great, Its time to go to bed.Read after me: go to bed Show me your finger, Spell together. Now , one student one word ! begin! Read together. T: Look, Whats wrong with Peter? S: He is late for school. T: L

14、ets ask him why? Peter, Peter, why are you late? Peter says. “Sorry, I get up late this morning” get up ,get up. Show me your finger! Spell together.Boys read;girls together T:Lets act. I say you do . I say“get up” you do this. T: I say “go to bed” you do this. Understand? S: Yes T: Who wants to ord

15、er? You order, we do together. S:Act Boys and girls we should go to bed early and get up early. It is good for our health. 【设计意图】 通过创设 Peter 上学迟到的情景,引出本课 get up late,go to bed late。应用功 能句 You shouldnt .同时劝诫学生要早睡早起,养成良好的卫生习惯和生活习惯。 Step3:Present the text Task1: T: But What happened to Peter? Where is

16、Peter reading? S: Peter is reading in bed. Read in bed T: Up to now, we know Peter _( is or isnt) a good boy at home? T: Peter isnt a good boy at home. So, Peters mother is worried about him. Task2: Watch the video and answer What should Peters mother do? A. Beat him ( 揍他). B. Dont give him food. C.

17、 She writes some home rules for Peter. Which one do you choose? Good!Read after the video. Again! Lets read with expression(有感情地读,读出规劝,责备的语气) T: Im proud of you. 【设计意图】 通过设问,引导学生回归课本,观看光盘使学生整体感知语言,对本课对话整 体把握的同时,再反复进行模仿朗读, 加深对文本的理解与记忆。通过有感情地读,读出规劝, 责备的语气这项活动来激发学生的学习兴趣,巩固所学内容。 (三(三) 、Practice Task1: G

18、roup work T: Now, Lets help Peters mother to make home rules. Ill give you 3 minutes. Talk and complete the form in your learning guide(导学案).Begin! T: Which group wants to try? S:We think Peter should help to do housework and keep his room clean. He shouldnt get up late. T:Anyone else? S: We think h

19、e should go to bed early. He shouldnt watch TV too often. T:Any more? S: We think Peter shouldnt read in bed, too. T: lets watch the video and think:How many home rules should Peter obey? S: Six. T: Brilliant! Open your book! To see Peters mother give what home rules for him? Read after the recorder

20、. 【设计意图】 通过 Group work 来突出 Home rules :He shouldnt 句型以及它的回答,使在真 实的情境之中运用语言。 Task2:Play a game Boys shouldGirls shouldnt T: Go!Think more about home rules? Who wants to share with us? S: I should help to do washing . S: I shouldnt eat in bed. S: I should keep my desk clean. You all obey the home rule

21、s. You are all good children. Now,Lets play a game! Should or shouldnt If you think it is right, you say should and do this. If you think it is wrong, you say shouldnt and do this. Lets go! Who is the fastest? Clap for him. Others go back to your seats. You are teacher now. You can choose five child

22、ren to come to the front.To play with us. 【设计意图】 通过趣味表演给学生更多的发挥空间,使学生在玩玩演演中学习新知识,体验 到英语教学的趣味。 (四(四) 、Production Task1: Group Work Finish this short passage in your learning guide(导学案). Everybody should be a child. To be a good child, we should obey school rules and home rules. We should1and2actively

23、. We shouldnt3or4noise in class. At home, we should help to5. We should6and7 early. We shouldnt8very late. Can you obey school rules and home rules? What else should we obey? 参考答案:askanswereatmakedo houseworkgo to bedget upgo home Task2: Read with expression 【设计意图】通过该环节,把 L14, L15,两节的内容有机融合在一起。引导学生对

24、学会归纳整 理的学习方法,最终达到对知识能够融会贯通。让学生合作探究文本脉络,体会 如何英语中使用不同的口吻和语气表达规则,命令他人或规劝他人表达。最后 一句为学习下一课 Social rules 做了铺垫。 (五(五) 、 Todays homework: 1. Make your own home rules. 2. Help your mother to do housework. 【设计意图】采用了分层作业,培养学生说道做到的优良品质。 附:板书设计( 小房子的造型) Unit3We should obey the rulesLesson 15 You should do housew

25、ork . You shouldnt go to bed late. get up late. 教学反思:教学反思: 在英语课堂教学活动中,教师应该力求创设尽量真实的情景,才会使学生更有效地学习。 所以, 针对本课的教学内容, 我设计了学生感兴趣并贴近学生生活的 Peter 的生活情景为主线, 通过真实的场景,加深学生对家庭规则语句的学习和记忆。课上我设计主要的学生活动从新 知呈现,操练语言,到语言运用,每个活动都紧紧围绕这条主线。这些活动的设计,力求符 合学生的认知特点和语言学习规律,逐渐达到本课的教学目标的实现。 回过头来再看这节课,存在的更多的是遗憾。比如:如何照顾到每个学生,使每个学生

26、在这 节课上都有不同程度的发展?教学需要艺术,需要机智,需要创新,基于教材又不拘泥于教 材,只有这样,才能促进全体学生的发展。 附:导学案 Unit3 Lesson15 导学案导学案 天津市宁河区潘庄镇西塘坨小学天津市宁河区潘庄镇西塘坨小学于洋于洋 学习目标: 1、知识目标: (1) 、 能听说认读三会词组:read in bed, go home late; 能听、说、读、写四会单词和词组: late, do housework, go home ,get up, go to bed 并能在真实的语境中灵活运用。 (2) 、学生学会 You should 和 You shouldnt .句子

27、,并在真实的语境中进行交流。 2、能力目标:能够并在真实情景以及现实生活中灵活运用所学的单词、句型,进行日常交流 活动。 3、情感目标:能在课堂学习与小组活动中积极参与,体验,遵守各种规则,提高道德素养。 学习过程:预习导学 1、Leading 小组根据课文写出妈妈应该列出的家庭的规则: 2. Group work 小组讨论我们在家应该遵守什么规则: _ _ _ 课堂练习: 完成短文 Everybody should be a good boy/girl. To be a good boy/girl, we should obey school rules and home rules. We should1and2actively. We shouldnt3or4noise in class.At home, we should help to5. We should6and7 early. We shouldnt8very late. Can you obey these rules? What else should we do?


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